Really need some encouraging words :-(

So, I am very discouraged and feel pretty defeated in the weight loss/get healthy arena. My trainer weighed me last night and according to their scale I haven't lost a pound, but I don't actually mind that because it was at the end of the day and I had just eaten supper. What does bother me is that according to the body fat thingy, I have only lost .4% body fat :-( After all that working out and watching what I eat, .4%!!! WTF!!!!!! I felt like crying, I almost did cry right in front of my trainer which is huge since I never cry. He could tell I was upset. He explained that all that time I was not eating enough calories (I was unintentinally doing that for about 2 months), my body was storing all that food as fat and not allowing me to build any muscle. Waaaaaahhhhh! I am trying to be in better spirits today, but it's very disheartening. I was totally bummed out. So, now I'm thinking that I might actually cut back on my workout times because I'm having a hard time eating all my calories for the day. I don't get to the gym until 7:00-7:30 at night, so it's at least 9:30 by the time I get home. So, how am I suppose to eat 750 calories before going to bed? I could try to eat more during the day, but it's not like I'm NOT eating enough during the day, I don't let myself go hungry. Sigh. Losing weight is so much harder now that I'm older. It used to drop off me like crazy when I was younger. And here I was thinking that I was doing it the right way this time and all proud of myself for really getting into the working out, only to be slapped in the face. I need some verbal hugs please.


  • brutalrage
    brutalrage Posts: 34 Member
    This happens a lot with working out late. I don’t get to my evening workout till 7:00-7:30pm and usually don’t get out of the gym till about 10:00pm and all I want to do is go to sleep since like most people I have to get up in the morning for work. What you could do is break down you meals during the day to 5 meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner and have snacks in between and in your gym bag carry something to eat after your workout. I usually use a scoop of protein powder and a fibre 1 bar as an after workout meal and then head to the showers.

    You could also try balance your calories intake by eating a little more on the day you don’t work out and keep eating what you do on the days you do. As long as you after your calorie goal in the week that also works.

    I know loosing weight is not easy especially if you’re just starting out. It took me 4-5 years to get to were I am now and it was insanely hard to begin with. But you can do it you just have to get a little bit more creative on your calorie intake and remember its okay to go over your limit some days specially if your going to burn those extra calories off the next day during your workout.

    Don’t get discourage, you can do it if you just stick to it.
  • sarahg140
    sarahg140 Posts: 4
    I know it feels lousy when things aren't going well but stick with it! You will reach your goals!!
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you both for the supportive words :-) I will try to increase my calories during the day before my workouts.
  • good morning sooze-

    first... congrats on the .4% loss!!! a loss is a loss and it is that much closer to your goal. you should be very proud of that.

    second... keep in mind, your body is trying to figure out what the heck you are doing. you are confusing the hell out of it right now and that's good! and after a workout, it is begging for some nutrients... especially if it is a really hard workout. protein usually does the drink and maybe some potassium. i don't know about trying to get 400+ calories in that late at night... your body wouldn't have much time to do anything with that meal before you are in sleep mode. i am in your shoes... i don't usually get to the gym until 8pm... i kill it... then i'm tired and want to go to sleep. i usually have a 25g protein shake after my workout and then maybe a piece of toast or a banana... then shower and go to sleep.

    third... keep your head up. any work is more than not working... you will figure out your body and it will figure out you... all in due time :)

  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you Michael!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Progress might be slow, but it is still progress! Try not to worry so much and be glad for the success even though small. These things arent over night and the best thing you can do is be persistant. Best of luck!
  • babesintow
    babesintow Posts: 59
    Body fat is sooooo incredibly hard to measure! The last time I had them check mine it went up...yes I said UP! By like 2% ouch!! However it is only one method of many that you should using. Take photos (for you to see) wear the same thing if you can...use a tape measure, measure everything!!!! you will see changes in the strangest of places (neck, wrists, ankles...knees) and on a night like last night any change would have helped right?! Use the same scale and track will see it go up and down through the month...because you are female... and lastly measure your body fat.
    My last measurements were right before my monthly (oops) I had lost 7lbs. and several inches...have only increased the weights I can lift... so there is no way I gained body way just the way it was measured, who measured me and my time of the month.

    I am certain you were looking forward to your upcoming measurements because you were feeling better and felt that you looked better...don't forget first and foremost you have already changed you are making progress and we have all been there. Check your other measurements I am sure there are changes there you can see!

    Keep working with your trainer, if you can afford a heart rate monitor ask around for recommendations if you need to see it in print (like me! I want to see everyday how I did) If it has been a really long time since you were active you may have a lot of muscle that you need to regain before you see the dramatic shift that you are hearing so much about.

    If you are stressing about this it could also be causing you to hold onto your weight as well...but really...I lost 7 pounds and supposedly gained 2.0% body fat...not possible! If it was a device that measured does so by sending a current through you body...not accurate... if someone used calipers, well they are human so not accurate. That is why you should be using all forms of measurements... I am sure the changes are there!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I used to have the same problem with eating my calories, too. I learned to eat a bigger breakfast. Yes, it goes against all of the "old" diet rules, so you just have to go along with out with the old and in with the new! Listen to your trainer! If you've ever watched THE BIGGEST LOSER that is what they keep trying to drum into everyone's head: EAT YOUR CALORIES! You can do it! Just make the change and you'll see better results next time!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Like someone else I suggest a protein shake with maybe some peanut butter and a banana mixed in. That, if made with milk will add about 400 calories in just a drink and help with muscle repair after your workouts. Fit in a slice of toast too and you are sorted. Don'tddespair, just remember the main thing is that you are changing to a healthier lifestyle. Just work on calorie and nutrient dense foods to fuel it.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. - John Galt
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    People are so nice on this site, I am glad I sent my post. Thank you all for the encouraging words, I really do appreciate it! I feel my funk lifting :happy:
  • Hello,

    Weight loss is a challenge for anyone young and older. You are on the right track! Being healthy is a way of life and if you start to look at it that way then maybe the pressure will go away! I was ready to quit myself a month into working out with a personal trainer and eating all this healthy crap. It finally clicked! I am the one making this hard. I gradually adjusted my food intake, which is different for everyone, and I started to do more strength training then cardio and the weight dropped off, well in time. I have lost 26 pounds but it took me about 6 months to really get on the ball. Eating right and exercising are new things to your body and it needs time to process. We all struggle at one point in time. Don't give up. You are on the right path dear keep up the great work!
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you Casandra!
  • babesintow
    babesintow Posts: 59

    Weight loss is a challenge for anyone young and older. You are on the right track! Being healthy is a way of life and if you start to look at it that way then maybe the pressure will go away! I was ready to quit myself a month into working out with a personal trainer and eating all this healthy crap. It finally clicked! I am the one making this hard. I gradually adjusted my food intake, which is different for everyone, and I started to do more strength training then cardio and the weight dropped off, well in time. I have lost 26 pounds but it took me about 6 months to really get on the ball. Eating right and exercising are new things to your body and it needs time to process. We all struggle at one point in time. Don't give up. You are on the right path dear keep up the great work!

    Congratulations on your weight loss! It is difficult to do what we are told to do...we act like children at are right we are the only one standing in our way! We all get there one step at a time...but some people tend to run! Keep going you are proof it works!
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Glad you were brave enough to post a topic....Let the kind words of other on MFP encourage you....don't give up and listen to what all these good people are saying :)
  • lisanorman6
    lisanorman6 Posts: 47 Member
    Oh girlfriend, I can totally relate! I did, however, cry in front of my trainer and his little 21 year old brain almost self-combusted. He said "I didn't know soccer Mom's actually cried." *eye roll*

    Here is a lesson I have had to learn as of late and honestly, it was kind of a doozy. I had to stop turning to the scale and the handy-dandy fat measurer to gauge my "success." Yes, weekly weigh-ins and such are fine, but the minute the scale or the fat thing didn't offer up the number I was hoping for, I wanted to stomp my feet like a 2 year old. Take a look at your non-scale victories. For me, 2 months ago I couldn't transfer my disabled child to his wheelchair without feeling like I was in cardiac arrest. I have more energy and that energy is consistent. My boobs are smaller and no longer get trapped under my armpits. Instead of reaching for a cookie, now I reach for an apple. I actually look forward to working out. And my FAVORITE victory...."Wow, Lisa! You're really dropping the weight. You look amazing!"

    Our victories aren't all about numbers.

    I also struggled with the "when" of eating since I generally workout late in the evening. I shifted things around, bulked up my breakfast and added a snack in the late morning. Reading other people's food diaries really helped me too. My life is so busy that I find it difficult to get creative with eating. One can only eat so many salads and grilled chicken. :)

    Don't give up. Remember, sweat is your fat crying. Hang in there. In another month, you'll be writing the same encouragement to someone else who needs it and your experience will be invaluable!
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Days like this suck!! Hang in there! There's a lot of good advice here, especially looking at your other victories!! I almost lost it today when I saw I'd gained back 1.5 lbs, but I chose to focus on the fact that my inches are still steadily shrinking AND that I kicked Week 2 of C25K in the butt!! I never could have done that back when I started regular exercise a month and a half ago! You have victories, you are strong, you can do it!! It's slow going, but you really will take two steps back if you give up, so just keep on keepin' on. ;) It'll all be worth it soon!!
  • babesintow
    babesintow Posts: 59
    Oh girlfriend, I can totally relate! I did, however, cry in front of my trainer and his little 21 year old brain almost self-combusted. He said "I didn't know soccer Mom's actually cried." *eye roll*

    Here is a lesson I have had to learn as of late and honestly, it was kind of a doozy. I had to stop turning to the scale and the handy-dandy fat measurer to gauge my "success." Yes, weekly weigh-ins and such are fine, but the minute the scale or the fat thing didn't offer up the number I was hoping for, I wanted to stomp my feet like a 2 year old. Take a look at your non-scale victories. For me, 2 months ago I couldn't transfer my disabled child to his wheelchair without feeling like I was in cardiac arrest. I have more energy and that energy is consistent. My boobs are smaller and no longer get trapped under my armpits. Instead of reaching for a cookie, now I reach for an apple. I actually look forward to working out. And my FAVORITE victory...."Wow, Lisa! You're really dropping the weight. You look amazing!"

    Our victories aren't all about numbers.

    I also struggled with the "when" of eating since I generally workout late in the evening. I shifted things around, bulked up my breakfast and added a snack in the late morning. Reading other people's food diaries really helped me too. My life is so busy that I find it difficult to get creative with eating. One can only eat so many salads and grilled chicken. :)

    Don't give up. Remember, sweat is your fat crying. Hang in there. In another month, you'll be writing the same encouragement to someone else who needs it and your experience will be invaluable!

    Yes we cry! We just prefer to do that in private!
    Too many women especially think in order to lose weight you need to eat is a myth. We need much more than salad and many of them have more calories than a cheeseburger (if you are eating out ) This is about a change in lifestyle and once you lose the weight you will pack it back on because you won't even want to look at another salad! I eat/order salad when it sounds good...not because I want to lose weight. It makes it too difficult to make my calories and nutrients I need to reach my goal. It is great your seeing changes and feeling better! Hats off!!!
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    I guess I have had some non scale victories that I have been ignoring because of the numbers. For example, when I first joined the gym I wasn't able to do even 5 minutes on the elliptical at level 5; now I am up to 45 minutes on level 10! Also, recently I need to use a heavier ball in bowling. I have had a few people tell me I look smaller, so that's another plus. Thanks for poitning these things out!! :smile: