Horrid person at the gym

I've only just started at the gym - been going about 6 weeks now and love it. I was very unfit when I started so slowly building up what I do.

Well today was the first time I managed to run 4 mins without stopping which is a fantastic goal especially as i ended up with shin splints a few week in and had to start slowly.

Well the woman got onto the treadmill next to me and looked at my speed - 7.5 kn and promptly turned around and said well I run at 9 and tried to make a big deal about it. I know she probably does not mean to come across as nasty (last week she asked for help as I was busy running and plainly out of breath) but she upset me.

I'm not bothered about her speed - each to their own and to me running at 7.5 is a great goal for me but the fact that she had to comment and make it sound like she is better than me!!


  • juliefrog6
    juliefrog6 Posts: 11
    I guess her mom didn't teach her, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." One-uppers seriously annoy me.
  • nelsoji
    nelsoji Posts: 79 Member
    Don't worry about people like that - karma returns the favor by making their life completely miserable - which is why she said something in the first place!!

    Next time she looks at your speed - point in front of her and say "look out" - and hope that she trips! :-)
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    Do NOT listen to that woman at the gym. You shold be very proud of yourself. Way to go!

    Just remember, she didn't start out running at that speed or that long. We all have to start somewhere. Good for you for starting!!!!!
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    She is evidently someone who is desperate for a way to feel good about herself, and the only way she can do that is to make snide comments about/toward other people. Hers is a miserable existence.
  • jenniflower75
    jenniflower75 Posts: 23 Member
    I give u sooooo much credit for going to the gym, for doing so well, and for not letting her simple mind determine your progress! !!! I wish I was that string!!! I had a memnership at the y when I weighed about 170 and I was so proud of myself cuz I could do the treadmill walking 4.5 miles an hr on 10 inclined ... UNTIL that fateful day that I fell and tore up my neck on the still moving treadmill. It would figure of all days for this to happen thete would be a kid in his early twenties there built like a model who instead of offering assistance decided to laugh at the fat girl who fell and got hurt. I left crying with a bruised ego and cut up neck. I never went back so kuddos to u for sticking with it!!!" Don't let her snide remarks get u down, let them fuel the flame!!!! Hugs and congrats!!!!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Thank you everyone. I'm not going to let her get too me. I have a feeling she is more not up on gym etiquette and trying to be friendly but went about it the wrong way.