Does it get easier? I have been doing this for a week. I am doing great on staying under the calories but seem to struggle when it comes to staying under the fats and carb counts. I'm getting a little frustrated! Does anyone have suggestions that might help?




  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    What are you eating? That makes a huge difference. For carb intake I stick mainly to fruits and vegies and try to avoid bread as best as possible. I have maybe 2-4 pieces of bread a week, in a lean meat sandwich or turkey burger.

    What kind of fats are you eating? Healthy or bad?

    Over all yes it does get easier. A LOT easier. It takes time.
  • ipock
    ipock Posts: 33 Member
    It definitely gets easier, mostly because over time you re-educate yourself about what is healthy and what is enough (mostly what is actually worth eating). Hang in there. The first few weeks are the hardest. Track as much as you possibly can, and you'll get long lasting results.
  • colawoman
    colawoman Posts: 43 Member
    I don't have any suggestions but I will be following this to get some - great question!
  • bairborne
    bairborne Posts: 23 Member
    Oh Lisa, it does get easier, but it will take some time. After hitting it hard for 4 months, my legs still get sore after running sometimes. But your body will finally give in if you stay with it. Keep your eye on the prize :)
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    The suggestions are usually straight forward, swap the carbs for protein, plan a menu in advance that shifts the grams to the right foods, etc. Carbs=sugars, which the body takes longer to break down than protein. Do not be discouraged it is only one week, but remember, remaining under your calories is not the cure all. Your body is smarter than that. It knows a carb from a protein.

    Seek out a few online friends, enable diary sharing as you will gain ideas and motivation in shifting the calories away from the starch. Beauty of this site is none of knows each other but are willing to share and be open and critical if it helps one another.

    Best of Luck.
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I still try to focus on protein: it keeps you full longer (easier) and it's better to go over on protein than carbs. Try eggs or egg whites for breakfast, and keep nuts or jerky (I use vegan Stonewall's Jerquee) to snack on when veggies just aren't cutting it. I loooooooove carbs, but the more you focus on eating non-carbs, the easier it gets. If I'm having something like pasta, I try and have at least the same volume of pasta in veggies and protein, sometimes 2x as much volume of veggies
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 220 Member
    Indeed as Duc says, look at what you are eating. Calorie numbers aren't the be all and end all. 1500 calories of "good food" is better than 1500 calories of chocolate or crisps, for example. Find some friends that will help you with your food choices.
  • bairborne
    bairborne Posts: 23 Member
    I have been eating salads and soup for two meals a day. Lots of vege's and rice chex for breakfast. Started eating tuna fish at night a couple of times a week. Lunch and supper ( salad/soup/small piece of white fish) plain ice tea....Oh, 3 boiled eggs no yoke and a green apple for morning snack. Puts me around 800 cal perday and almost no fat
  • ThomasFMendiola
    ThomasFMendiola Posts: 38 Member
    Don't forget that beans, nuts, and several veggies can give you sufficient amounts of protein without the fat that meats contain. It gets easier but you will always have weaknesses for favorite foods, the challenge is to control the consumption. Hang in there and you'll be very proud of yourself!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It does get easier. Just make gradual changes to your diet. Choose carb sources that have fiber and protein included like brown rice, oats, whole grain breads and pastas. These digest slower and will keep you full longer. Eat as many vegetables as you can. Don't be afraid of fat. It is higher in calories, but your body needs fat. Try to make sure your fat comes from healthy sources like olive or other vegetable oils, nuts, nut butters, seeds, avacado and fish.

    As you add these things to your diet you'll find healthy foods and recipes that you enjoy and look forward to. That's when it really gets easy.
  • :smile: I think I have done pretty well but I do realize that I have to eat at home for now and not eat out. I am simply not strong enough yet to eat out. I would like to find a nut that I enjoy that isn't a lot of fat. I am eating cashews, pepitos, sunflower seeds, almonds, and some pecans.
    As far as meats, I am eating all natural meats (turkey, chicken breasts, and beef). I am not eating pastas and when I eat bread, I make sure they are whole wheat. I did eat oatmeal this morning and it was pretty high in carbs.

    Thank you all for your words of help and encouragement. I am not giving up! I have a wedding dress to fit into :smile:
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    oh no! i am on day 3, a vegeterian... didnt even watch my carbs, i've done very well at keeping within my calories but didnt even think about my carbs... feel so uneducated :-(
  • jul42
    jul42 Posts: 2
    HI Lisa

    I'm a vegan and also have a problem with high carbs intake, I try to watch out for potatoes, rice, pasta and bread, bananas can be quite high as well. I try to plan my meals in advance which can be helpful.
  • Day # 10, ugh. I've been miserable, but this tool myfitnesspal has been immeasurably helpful. I know I'm only at the beginning of this "new lifestyle", but I also am struggling with whether it's worth it. I know in my brain it will be, but I'm just not a young chicken anymore, and because it's just hubby and me in the house - I tend to have no accountability, other than being 100% honest with me!
    Thanks for this topic and everyone's great responses.
  • It does, indeed, get easier.

    Try swapping breakfast out for a protein shake. I find that the protein keeps me full until lunch, and helps me from over-eating at lunch time. The more protein and less sugar I have in my diet, the easier it becomes.

    Good luck!
  • FitRican
    FitRican Posts: 98 Member I have been doing this for a week. I am doing great on staying under the calories but seem to struggle when it comes to staying under the fats and carb counts. I'm getting a little frustrated! Does anyone have suggestions that might help?



    Hi Lisa, you are doing great! Staying under the calories allowance for the day is the hardest part, so yes it gets easier. As long as you are under your daily calorie requirements you are doing very well. From now on be a bit more selective on food choices. Try eating one gram of protein per pound of desired weight, if you want to weight 130# then try to eat 130 gms of protein, after that eat what you like without exceeding your daily limits. Try to work out with weights or resistance bands 3 times a week and do as much aerobics as you like.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Yes, it will absolutely get easier! Don't give up!

    You'll learn to swap foods that mess with your macros for ones that fit better, but it takes time and trial and error.

    Keep an eye on your diary and see if you can pick out which foods send you "over the edge" for the day and then see if 1) there's something else you can substitute for it and 2) if it's something you're willing to substitute. If you're not willing to substitute it, then your other choice is to decrease your portions of that particular food, but still enjoy a small amount of it.

    You'll get the hang of it! Good luck!
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 449 Member
    I try to plan my food lists the night before. Drinking all your water and watching your sugar helps with weight loss. There is a fit n trim yogurt that is diabetic friendly and low in carb and sugar. i have 1 of those a day as a fillin cause it is low. good luck. There is so much support on this website.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I use the K I S S method. Keep It Simple Stupid.

    You are here a week. Just start with counting calories. As time goes on, then start worrying about carbs, protiens and all the other crap.