30 Day shred and TIRED.

Ok. So i have read several 30DS postings and everyone keeps talking about new found energy.....WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? I on the other hand, currently on day 9-level 1, am constantly tired. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me?


  • MrsMichel
    MrsMichel Posts: 58 Member
    hahahaha. I'm right with you!!! lol. I've been sleeping so much more than I normally would, just because I feel so beat up!! lol. I'm on Day 9 too.Im really scared about level 2 on Sunday!! I still can't do level 1 at 100%.
  • jessthib09
    jessthib09 Posts: 32 Member
    hahahaha. I'm right with you!!! lol. I've been sleeping so much more than I normally would, just because I feel so beat up!! lol. I'm on Day 9 too.Im really scared about level 2 on Sunday!! I still can't do level 1 at 100%.

    I did 30DS for the month of June. If you don't feel ready to move one then don't :). Everyone progresses at their own time. No matter what you will be doing the exercise and that is the part that matters right? :flowerforyou:

    You are doing great! Just keeping pushing.

    Oh, I did have more energy but I am sure everyones body reacts differently to different amounts of energy. More sleep helps with weight loss anyways. (To an extent)

    Good luck! You will have that DVD beat before you know it! :drinker:
  • fIuffy2fit
    fIuffy2fit Posts: 19 Member
    Check your calories
    calories = energy drink water and your body will adapt
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    I just started level 2 today. While I'm tire right after the work out I feel fine by a half hour later after a good shower. Are you eating back your workout calories? Maybe you're tired because you're not getting enough fuel to make up for the work out.

    Water is also key to reaping the benefits of your work out.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I'm starting on Sunday... do you generally do 9 days at one level or how does that work?
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    PS I also wouldn't move up to level 2 until you can complete level 1 without stopping. Even if it takes longer than 10 days. Level 2 feels easy when it starts. I kept thinking "wow, what's all the fuss about?" Then the plank exercises started. Even modified I had to stop a few times. Just do as much as you can and make sure that every day you improve. That's how I made it through level 1. I asked a little more of myself every day.

    You can do it! keep up the good work :)
  • steadybutsure
    steadybutsure Posts: 153 Member
    Check your calories
    calories = energy drink water and your body will adapt

    i'm still trying to decide if i should eat back my exercise calories. i have been reading threads on it and it seems to work for some and the opposite for others so am torn. will figure something out though. am thinking eating more raw foods as well.......all depends on the budget. fruits aint cheap:)
  • steadybutsure
    steadybutsure Posts: 153 Member
    I'm starting on Sunday... do you generally do 9 days at one level or how does that work?

    Well, i did all 10days(level 1) withought a rest day(proud of myself). since i use the youtube video, i'm unsure what jillian recommends. Knowing what i know about exercising, you should give your muscles a day of rest(to heal & grow) but several people have done all 30days consecutively and are fine. I figured, I've been doing it my way for so long and haven't been successful so why not try it their way. But pay attention to your body....if you need a rest day, take it...just don't let it become a 'rest week' :)
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I'm starting on Sunday... do you generally do 9 days at one level or how does that work?

    Well, i did all 10days(level 1) withought a rest day(proud of myself). since i use the youtube video, i'm unsure what jillian recommends. Knowing what i know about exercising, you should give your muscles a day of rest(to heal & grow) but several people have done all 30days consecutively and are fine. I figured, I've been doing it my way for so long and haven't been successful so why not try it their way. But pay attention to your body....if you need a rest day, take it...just don't let it become a 'rest week' :)

    I did my first day of 30DS four days ago and my quads burned and ached so bad it hurt to walk, I did cardio the next day but nothing since. My legs finally don't hurt today but IDK what I did wrong. I can do Ultimate Tae Bo for 1 hour but this one tore me up!
  • jenmarqueiro
    jenmarqueiro Posts: 61 Member
    Ive started the 30DS as well, I don't have the proper dvd either, following Youtube, I didnt realise you were supposed to do each Level for a certain amount of time! I'm on Level 2 now, and have been for a couple of weeks =/ How long are you supposed to stay at Level 2 for please? To be honest I still struggle with it slightly, the Chair squat V Raises kill me every time! thanks!
  • jenmarqueiro
    jenmarqueiro Posts: 61 Member
    I'm starting on Sunday... do you generally do 9 days at one level or how does that work?

    Well, i did all 10days(level 1) withought a rest day(proud of myself). since i use the youtube video, i'm unsure what jillian recommends. Knowing what i know about exercising, you should give your muscles a day of rest(to heal & grow) but several people have done all 30days consecutively and are fine. I figured, I've been doing it my way for so long and haven't been successful so why not try it their way. But pay attention to your body....if you need a rest day, take it...just don't let it become a 'rest week' :)

    I did my first day of 30DS four days ago and my quads burned and ached so bad it hurt to walk, I did cardio the next day but nothing since. My legs finally don't hurt today but IDK what I did wrong. I can do Ultimate Tae Bo for 1 hour but this one tore me up!

    Could just be the sheer amount of different exercises and the pace - and there is a lot of leg work, squats can be a right killer!
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Check your calories
    calories = energy drink water and your body will adapt

    i'm still trying to decide if i should eat back my exercise calories. i have been reading threads on it and it seems to work for some and the opposite for others so am torn. will figure something out though. am thinking eating more raw foods as well.......all depends on the budget. fruits aint cheap:)

    here's what I've decided to do. I went to scooby's calculator and added in 3-5 days of exercise with moderate exercise. So, I'm not adding my exercise into MFP because it's already added in for my daily allowance.
  • fitmommy75
    fitmommy75 Posts: 50 Member
    The first time I did the 30DS I was exhausted the first 2 weeks. I kept eating right and increased my protein intake and fruits. That seemed to help me alot with my energy.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    i'm still trying to decide if i should eat back my exercise calories. i have been reading threads on it and it seems to work for some and the opposite for others so am torn. will figure something out though. am thinking eating more raw foods as well.......all depends on the budget. fruits aint cheap:)

    I advise eating some back. I don't eat all my calories back because I worry that my calorie counting is a bit off, so I generally leave enough of a calorie deficit to account for a possible miscalculation on my part.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I did my first day of 30DS four days ago and my quads burned and ached so bad it hurt to walk, I did cardio the next day but nothing since. My legs finally don't hurt today but IDK what I did wrong. I can do Ultimate Tae Bo for 1 hour but this one tore me up!

    Same for me. 30DS works a lot of muscles that won't be targeted in Tae Bo (or, in my case, I do a lot of cardio but not much strength training).

    So the first day I did it, I couldn't even get through the entire workout, and woke up the next say SO SORE that I couldn't even walk. I had to stay couch-bound for two days. I'm not even kidding. After two days, I got up, and started Level 1 over again and didn't count my first day. Those first few days hurt. They really did. But I kept going.

    I finish the 30 Day Shred tomorrow, and I've never felt better. I'm the fittest I've ever been.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Make sure you have something to eat after doing the shred, and if you're on around 1200 cals, eat at least some of them back!
    Lots of water too.
    When I was really unfit I would need a nap in the afternoon just from going to WORK for 4 hours a day. You will get stronger and able to deal with it better, just give it time, make sure you get enough sleep and water.
  • tstokes1786
    tstokes1786 Posts: 16 Member
    JUST finished my LAST and FINAL 30 Day Shred Workout.... it felt so good. In the very beginning I felt really tired but after about Day 5 I felt waaay more energetic.... I've lost 8 lbs and a total of 16 inches! :) Definitely going to be doing it again in the near future.
  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    I read somewhere that you're supposed to do each level for ten days before moving on to the next level.

    Edit: Sorry, this was in answer to a couple of people who asked and I forgot to do the "quote" in my reply.,