Stuck at 162.8... Help!



  • Shayzeepoo
    Shayzeepoo Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I'm new at this whole living healthy thing :-P

    I have been measuring.. It has moved, I know it's working.. I guess I just set my expectations to high.. I know it doesn't happen over night, sure wish it did tho.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I'm new at this whole living healthy thing :-P

    I have been measuring.. It has moved, I know it's working.. I guess I just set my expectations to high.. I know it doesn't happen over night, sure wish it did tho.

    We all want it to happen overnight, but it just doesn't work that way. And when it does it's not sustainable. You called "healthy living", that tells me you are on the right path. It will happen, just remind yourself you are more than a number on the scale. My weight has actually gone up, but my measurements are still going down, and my new size 2 shorts are loose. So I say to hell with that scale! There are many other ways to gauge success, and the scale is the least important way! Congrats, you are well on your way to success!!!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I was stuck at 162- 160 for months, I finally got it through my head to eat all my calories a day and I started running every other day consistantly. THe scale just started moving this week. Hang it there. THere is no magic calorie or exercise number for everyone its all about trial and error. You can experiment with calories, diff foods, exercises and see what works. Try not to focus on crossing the finish line and being done more on being able to run forever with this life style.
  • RickMckc
    RickMckc Posts: 38
    Try not to focus on crossing the finish line and being done more on being able to run forever with this life style.

    Exactly - focus on "being able to run forever with this life style." For most of the people on this site, we're talking YEARS at least, as it took YEARS to get into the place where we need it. I started MFP a year ago. I thought I would lose 50lbs in one year. I didn't. But in 18 months I will. Or maybe 24 months. It really doesn't matter. I'm going to average 1600 calories a day for as long as it takes. And it's really not that hard.

    Going forward, I can't imagine not tracking what I eat. Ever.