Nickers5405 Member


  • I track everything except one meal a week. As long as that cheat meal doesn't turn into a cheat day and so on then it's not going to hurt your long term goals.
  • If the calorie consumption is accurate then there's lots of days where you're going over your daily limit. There's also days where you're under so it's probably more or less balancing itself out and that might be why you're not seeing the scale move.
  • I bought an expensive Fitbit (200$+) and I was super dissapointed in the product. It was wildly inaccurate and over estimated steps so easily. I even returned it for another model hoping it was defective but they all seem to be that way. I took the bus for 10 minutes and the fit bit counted it like I was running.
  • 2.5 hours in the gym 5 days a week would be considered highly active I think. It also depends how many calories you're burning while you're there? You could easily be burning over 500-600 calories during each workout. You're probably so hungry since your body wants fuel after those super long workouts. You can up your…
  • It's probably just a habit? It'll take awhile to actually stop so you can eat something sweet like other people said, or trying kicking the habit.
  • [/quote] What? You don't think cell repair is important? Being overweight does mean you have more natural muscle because your bw acts as resistance, preserving as much LBM in defecit does involve resistance work alongside adequate protein Also 99% ...totally made up And I think you'll find that people on here will Buck the…
  • My mouth is watering reading your post. I think my worst was probably an XL pizza, a bag of brownies, a tub of ice cream and about 18 beers or drinks on the town. This is over the course of one day...those drinks sure pack a punch calorie wise haha. Don't worry about it. Just try and have a couple less binges next week,…
  • Personally I'm not a fan of the juicing, but some people prefer to judge and nit pick what people say rather then have a positive conversation. 99% of people gain their weight back. Stop using that as an argument to discredit a certain "diet". I don't think the lack of protein is a huge problem. Most people think If they…
  • I think you mean protein? It doesn't recommend that you go out and buy a creatine supplement? It'll help increase muscle strength and size but some people retain a lot of water when they're on creatine leading to a puffy look.
  • Hi Nicole, Was it from Presnisone and are you still on it? I'm on it currently (now only 5mg a day) but I know it's a pain in terms of hunger / weight gain. Any questions you have feel free to message me!
  • Whenever I hit a plateau I try planning my next couple days of food and try to eat the exact same thing during those days. Once I've done a couple days of the same thing I have a good idea of my weight fluctuation and then I start modifying certain aspects of my diet (eat my biggest meal for breakfast, drink more water,…
  • Depends how high of a dose you're put on. I had a kidney transplant and am on 5mg for life but I don't notice any side effects. If you're on anything over 10-15 mg a day I'd say you might notice side effects but being on it for only a month it won't really matter.
  • 12 hours later and the same people are still having the same argument. No one else is keeping track of this thread since they'd have to go back and read 10 pages of "Prove it. Prove it. Prove it." I think it's safe to say this "empty calories" subjects has been beaten to death and both sides provided great arguments. It's…
  • One thing to take into account as well is some of those women are dieting and cutting down leading up to when you see them on stage. They may look different in between shows or during their off season. Like male body builders and physique competitors, when they look They're best on stage they're usually at their weakest
  • What does an average day of eating look like? If you want to eat clean and gain weight then you simply have to eat more. Add in an extra 100 calories per meal (if you're doing 6 meals a day) and see if you notice a change after a week or two. If not then double that!
  • Doing it for 2 weeks isn't going to kill you. You'll definitely lose some weight but probably won't keep it off once the 2 weeks are up. Goodluck eating only chicken and broccoli for 2 weeks. To put it into perspective you would need to eat roughly 7 lbs of broccoli a day to get 1200 calories or 2 lbs of baked chicken a…
  • If you want it badly enough you'll do it. If you don't, you won't. If you seriously want to lose weight then you have to seriously want it. No one's going to set your alarm and wake you up to go running at 5 am before work. No one's going to cook your healthy meals for you at 11:00 pm on a Sunday night and no one's gonna…
  • I think this would have been a good idea 10 years ago before the Internet and social media boom. I typed in 10 minute meals into google and there was (without exaggerating) 1 000 000 links.
  • Most people have way less muscle mass then they think. So you could think you lost a lot of muscle but maybe you didn't have that much to begin with. Sprints are a good way of burning fat but not breaking down muscles as much as running or longer cardio activities.
  • I make a shake that keeps me full for such a long time. You can cut the recipe in half or a third depending how much you want. 1 scoop low carb chocolate protein powder 1 banana 2 tablespoons of Organic peanut butter 1 Handful of almonds (or any kind of nut) 1 cup of milk (or water) 2 cups of ice. Throw it all in the…
  • If you don't know of any pills - don't bother commenting. She doesn't need people telling her it's not the healthy way of losing weight yada yada. Everyone on here is old enough to make their own decisions. Yes there are pills that work. No their not good for you.
  • You're going to be scrawny forever unless you buck up and start stuffing your face. Sure you'll have an upset stomach, but at least you won't be the size of a 12 year old boy....or girl? Make your diary public. I'm sure everyone's dying to see how many calories you're actually taking in daily.
  • Check out the JM Blakely diet. You'll be all set. Add me
  • To be honest you're eating exactly the same amount of food a 9 st 4 lbs would eat. If you were eating more then that you'd be bigger. Check out the JM Blakely diet. That'll solve your problem.
  • It might be the kind of food as opposed to the amount of calories. Your body will adjust to anything after long enough so switching your type of workouts and maybe the kind of diet you're on could help get the ball rolling again. A good way to switch things up is try a Keto diet - low to no carbs - high fats high protein.…
  • You sometimes fast 3 days a week?
  • They said in the article it CAN backfire. Which is true. Calm down people it's just Fox News. If every single person in this thread knows better then there's nothing to worry about.
  • You all need to look up the JM Blakely diet.
  • You could be holding 6 lbs of water weight for all you know lol
  • Other factors can influence your weight and cause you to retain extra water etc. If you wanna add me I can try and help you out.