myallforjcbill Member


  • Good Morning Yesterday was a day of relaxing. I spent most of the morning reading, reflecting and planning. The afternoon was just us relaxing and streaming some concerts and shows til dinner time. Heather was under the weather. But today it is warming up again and we decided we need to get out for a walk somewhere. I am…
  • Good Morning That water looks cold!!! We will likely ignore the eclipse. Heather is a substitute at the pre-school next week so she will be there and the children will be likely be inside. If I get curious I will do the pin hole viewer approach. Our eclipse glasses are long gone. I am not aware of any plans for the day. I…
  • Good Morning Cold rainy day yesterday made my joints ache, but no NSAID meds for another 2 weeks at least. We did get out to the Pub Cinema for the new Ghostbusters film which was a lot of fun. Today I make a big push on taxes. I am pretty organized I just need to input it all and take a day or two to review before…
  • Good Morning Sam, have they still not figured out your knee? Temps dropping a bit as a couple of days of light rain roll through as our rainy season dwindles away. Thankfully our snowpack is in great shape. We will head off to the Pub Cinema today for a bit of a date and see Ghostbusters and then home to get going on…
  • Good Morning Dave heading off on a hike to a lake, seems like old times. Sam we hope to move by the end of summer. It really depends on when the surgeon frees me up to do more which is a minimum of 3 months (2 to go) but could be longer. The wildcard would be the cancer but even if there was evidence of its return we could…
  • Good Morning Glad to hear the good biopsy report Dave. I grew up just outside NY and most of our school trips were into the city for the museums or Bronx Zoo. We did family trips too. So many memories. A trip to the American Museum of Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium were a joy. Steve, my last few months I…
  • Good Morning Our Easter dinner was quite late so I overate quite a bit. Still fighting a head cold and stomach issues today but at least I got some sleep. Nothing planned today but rest.
  • A Blessed Easter to each of you and your loved ones! I am sick again with a head cold. Heather has also expressed concern about my up and down health and energy lately. I think it is just a rough patch with a lower than normal immune system right now. I will likely not be cooking which is OK based on yesterdays…
  • Good Morning I don’t know if I would have made the effort for overcrowded take out fried fish. My first day without any pain meds beyond Tylenol ER was tougher than hoped for but hopefully it will ease over the next couple days. This morning we are heading to the Farmers Market at my wife’s request. The rest of the day…
  • Good Morning Mike, the Afib is a bit concerning. Hopefully the Drs will chime in. Sam, I always found crutches a mix blending, help in one area but usually stresses another. I hope you can find some balance Digestive system continues to be unhappy. Combined with a unhappy arthritis day, not much happened yesterday beyond…
  • Good Morning We had a nice day out and about yesterday in Berkeley and Oakland. I am just running some Easter errands after I drop Heather off at work. They asked if she could come in today as well as tomorrow. I will get out for another walk later if it isn’t too wet. I have some chores that are always waiting on me to…
  • Good Morning I have a hard time listening to a billionaire counsel us on how long we should keep working. I will leave it there. Lee, it must be hard to see a couple struggle early in there marriage, though it is very common. Sometimes they have to rediscover in the midst of the disagreements and emotional turmoil whether…
  • Good Morning Dave, it is great to hear you being able to get out for a hike today. I hope you find a log somewhere in the middle and have a seat to drink it in anew. Pushed myself out the door for my walk yesterday afternoon despite feeling so stiff. Didn’t quite make a mile but the goal is just to keep getting out there.…
  • Good Morning I never regretted retiring except it was 2 years earlier than planned due to health. I never enjoyed my career and didn’t miss it one minute. I never understood questions about adjusting to retirement. Only problem I had was learning to slow down my pace of life. Still figuring out this don’t do anything…
  • Good Morning Congratulations Dave on your restored freedom. I hope you can start building up some hikes soon. Steve, well done on healthy eating. I hope the roofing and insurance all go smoothly today and work can commence. Heather and I got out for our coffee date in the afternoon after playing peek-a-boo with the light…
  • Good Morning Bob, my biggest concern with the radiation was my ability to survive the table time. My pain Dr developed a couple strategies. Thankfully the treatments are much shorter than the initial setup. Dave, how did the surgeon check in go? Any progress? My son made dinner in our large cast iron skillet. I cleaned it…
  • Good Morning Dave, I hope the surgeon follow up goes well and he/she is able to develop a game plan that allows you to be more active. Sam, it is good here you are off restrictions, Congrats, but prayers continue for healing on the left side. I seem to be on the mend flu wise after a rough night. Friday, Patrick does the…
  • Good Morning Well it turns out my lethargy and growly stomach is a good old case of flu rather that side effects of medications and conditions. I slept on and off a good chunk of yesterday. More rest and some OTC flu meds at half dose due to the pain med I am easing off. But an exciting day of trying to rest and be…
  • Good Morning That’s quite a list Sam! How long will it take to resolve all that? I felt like crap yesterday with some sort of bug. Treated with rest and added in the little bit of tylenol I am allowed. But I slept better and feel pretty good right now. Reduced my Percocet another notch today. Trying to resist the urge to…
  • Good Morning Steve, congratulations on setting the retirement date. When it is time, it is time, if you can make the $$ work. Just think of all the projects Connie can come up with for you to do! I might have picked up a bug somewhere. I began to feel pretty run down yesterday afternoon especially when I went for my walk.…
  • Good Morning Prayers for a straight forward oral surgery this morning Dave. Black Bean soup use to be a favorite of mine. I long ago lost my recipe and never found another I liked as much. Continue to improve from the surgery. Today I reduce the Percocet a bit more following the Drs half dose at a time idea. I think it…
  • Good Morning I am sure you will find the right piece of wood for your Mother’s urn. I got my walk in yesterday, just a mile. I will walk again today. I am taking it slow. I will try to walk in the morning and again in the afternoon if possible. We don’t do corned beef and cabbage. Cabbage is a hard no and the corned beef…
  • Good Morning I am sure the urn will be a beautiful expression of love for your Mom, Dave. It isn’t about being practical. This is your first big wood working project since surgery which somehow seems right that it is for your Mom. My 1 week post surgery appointment with the surgeon went well. The problem with these back…
  • Welcome Miguel. I am up in the Bay Area. Where abouts are you?
  • Good Morning Bob, I am glad to hear your DDIL is bouncing back so quickly. Dave, how wonderful that you are able to make the urn. It seems so right. Yesterday I reduced my Percocet usage from 4 pills to 3 without only a little additional discomfort. I have my one week follow up today and I feel like I am doing fairly well…
  • Good Morning Those were some impressive hail stones Connie posted pictures of on FB. Pain levels have reduced. I am able to sleep much better now and am thus feeling better. This morning I was going to back off some of the percocet by reducing one pill, but found that I wasn’t ready yet so I will wait till my follow up on…
  • Dave Deepest condolences on the passing of your dear mother. Praying for peace and comfort for you and the family. I slept quite a bit yesterday which made sleeping last night quite difficult and now I am very very tired and feeling nerve pain again. It is like a cruel joke. So more resting today and trying to avoid…
  • Good Morning Steve, I am glad you got some actual accounting done. It seems that the move went fairly well, so well done. I made the trip up the stairs to our bedroom yesterday finally and slept in our bed. Its only been a few days so I have a long ways to go. Getting up to use the bathroom in the night wakes me up due to…
  • Good Morning I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a while and I am feeling it. Another exciting day of not doing too much again today. Mostly I am trying to remember to get up and walk around. Sam, is there a plan for your knee yet?
  • Good Morning Steve, congratulations on your and Connie agreeing on a retirement date. It is a big step. Let the countdown begin! I called my surgeons after hours number where the voice mail wasn’t functioning. A couple hours later he saw someone had called it and was able to retrieve the number and called and went over the…