myallforjcbill Member


  • Good Morning I am sure you will find the right piece of wood for your Mother’s urn. I got my walk in yesterday, just a mile. I will walk again today. I am taking it slow. I will try to walk in the morning and again in the afternoon if possible. We don’t do corned beef and cabbage. Cabbage is a hard no and the corned beef…
  • Good Morning I am sure the urn will be a beautiful expression of love for your Mom, Dave. It isn’t about being practical. This is your first big wood working project since surgery which somehow seems right that it is for your Mom. My 1 week post surgery appointment with the surgeon went well. The problem with these back…
  • Welcome Miguel. I am up in the Bay Area. Where abouts are you?
  • Good Morning Bob, I am glad to hear your DDIL is bouncing back so quickly. Dave, how wonderful that you are able to make the urn. It seems so right. Yesterday I reduced my Percocet usage from 4 pills to 3 without only a little additional discomfort. I have my one week follow up today and I feel like I am doing fairly well…
  • Good Morning Those were some impressive hail stones Connie posted pictures of on FB. Pain levels have reduced. I am able to sleep much better now and am thus feeling better. This morning I was going to back off some of the percocet by reducing one pill, but found that I wasn’t ready yet so I will wait till my follow up on…
  • Dave Deepest condolences on the passing of your dear mother. Praying for peace and comfort for you and the family. I slept quite a bit yesterday which made sleeping last night quite difficult and now I am very very tired and feeling nerve pain again. It is like a cruel joke. So more resting today and trying to avoid…
  • Good Morning Steve, I am glad you got some actual accounting done. It seems that the move went fairly well, so well done. I made the trip up the stairs to our bedroom yesterday finally and slept in our bed. Its only been a few days so I have a long ways to go. Getting up to use the bathroom in the night wakes me up due to…
  • Good Morning I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a while and I am feeling it. Another exciting day of not doing too much again today. Mostly I am trying to remember to get up and walk around. Sam, is there a plan for your knee yet?
  • Good Morning Steve, congratulations on your and Connie agreeing on a retirement date. It is a big step. Let the countdown begin! I called my surgeons after hours number where the voice mail wasn’t functioning. A couple hours later he saw someone had called it and was able to retrieve the number and called and went over the…
  • Good Morning Steve it is wonderful to hear positive results and a positive tone given the stress and pressures at work. Keep it going! The surgery was a bit of an adventure. The initial paperwork was incorrect and had to be redone. 75 minutes after it was supposed to start I was asked if I had ever gotten an EKG, a point…
  • Good Morning There is a lot going on isn't there? Steve, that must have been a fun conversation. "Oh Steve, it would be great if we could move tomorrow rather than wait till Monday. Do we have year end financials yet?" I love being retired! I finally got a call at 7:30 last night from the Surgery Center, to review prep for…
  • Good Morning Suprise rainfall last night has things a bit soggy out there. Heather and I are off to the movies to see Dune 2 at the local Pub Cinema and lunch which we are looking forward to. My Friday surgery is up in the air now after a phone call from the practice who did the pre op that my cardiologist will call to…
  • Good Morning Sam, I remember the nerve test I had back in 2015. Seemed like something out of a Frankenstein movie. Enjoy! I do hope the MRI discovers the cause of the balky knee and points at a solution. Yesterday was a tough day for me pain wise. Dr stuff seems to have gone well. He wants my Cardiologist to sign off on…
  • Good Morning I would imagine moving a working factory would be a challenge to the team dynamic of any organization. It sounds like you might have a pretty good group to work with Steve. Final hurdle is todays pre op mini physical this morning. All the tests have been run so I don’t expect any glitches. I don’t think my gut…
  • Good Morning I am sorry, Lee, that you are watching your wonderful practice being run so poorly. It sounds like once again you are at that point of deciding if it is worth it to hang in there. I am going back on to more restricted eating based on the paperwork I received during my radiation treatments. I have lost ground…
  • Good Morning Glad to hear DS is recovering now Mike. Yesterday was cold and wet so we stayed in and ended up doing nothing. So I told Heather we needed to get up and out of the house today and not just lay around all day. So today we are off to a nearby Museum and then for a walk, indoors if necessary. Then home for…
  • Good Morning Steve, congratulations on your progress! Mike, there is nothing in emergency medicine that connotes any sense or awareness of emergency. 12 hours is a long time to hang in there for your son without being seen. There prioritization remains a mystery. I assume Emergency Medicine doesn’t generate enough profit…
  • Good Morning Dave the extended restrictions post surgery are my only concern with my procedure next Friday. 10 lbs isn’t much and 3 months “or so” seems like an eternity. Hang in there! I go off Celecoxib, my anti-inflammatory and asprin today. Just as cold wet weather rolls into town for a stretch. I imagine my arthritis…
  • Good Morning Apple Crisp sounds good. Thankfully my recipe book for that one is packed away in storage. A warm apple crisp with a bit of vanilla ice cream is a joy. Best to keep moving past that one. Rain is moving in today for the weekend. Heather is under the weather, so I stayed in most of the day except for a grocery…
  • Good Morning Nicely down to those who are making progress weight-wise. I am making progress again down 1.2 this past week and somehow holding level while on our trip. We got out for a good walk yesterday at a wooded park down the road in Livermore that comes out by the olive groves of Olivina, a local olive oil producer. I…
  • Good Morning Happy Birthday Connie! My insurance complaints lessened considerably once I got on Medicare with the exception of prescription drugs. Same supplemental plan, same medication has gone from $400/yr to $200/yr in 2 years. No justification beyond the profit motive. All my meds have gone up. I used to pay very…
  • Good Morning Mike, it sounds like a wonderful outing for those kids. A quiet day yesterday. I got out for a walk, but rested hoping it would help the gut issues settle down more, which they did till evening and then kept me up till 1:30am. I am still working on how to make this work until it goes away. Today I need to…
  • Good Morning Sam, I am sorry this wonky knee thing continues. Have they come up with any solution? We will miss the Bob & Dave’s stormy weather passing to the North which is OK with me. I didn’t get out yesterday as my stomach went south on me as the day went on. I presume it is from the trip. So I rested, ate carefully,…
  • Good Morning We should hit 70 today, good walking weather. I didn’t walk yesterday. My gut was churning and got worse as the day went on and then my back joined in so I just took it easy. I need to reread my gut management stuff. Coffee will have to wait. I am feeling a little better this morning so we will walk when…
  • Good Morning Glad to hear Rita’s appointment went well. I hope she can tolerate the meds and get relief. We will be around 64 today which works for me. We enjoyed our final day in Florence with more walking before heading over to Eugene to check some furniture stores and fly home. A couple of accidents on the freeway and…
  • Good Morning Weather is clearing up here after a wet week. But we didn’t let that stop us, or anyone else around here either. We head home tonight after what has been a wonderful and productive mini vacation which is how we celebrated Valentine's Day. One or two more walks along water today before we head over to Eugene…
  • Good Morning Steve, hang in there. You will get it done. It sounds like the new weight loss plan is working. A 3 day plateau isn't really a plateau. Its a long term process. Lee that is a pretty good report from the Dr. I am happy for you. More rain today, but it should still allow us to get out for a beach walk or two…
  • Good Morning Yesterday was quite successful. We enjoyed meeting our realtor in person and talking it all through at our favorite coffee place. One house was perfect and we would have put in an offer if we are at that time in the process. The other two were disasters not apparent in the photos. We learned a bit about home…
  • Good Morning I miss snowshoeing. Yosemite was a totally different park in the winter. Serene and beautiful. But I am reminded that I need to list our snowshoes for sale. Sadly lots of used snowshoes are available so they won’t bring much. It is a great activity. Heck of a workout if you have to break a new trail after a…
  • Good Morning We fly out this morning to Eugene and the drive over to Florence. We are very excited for the trip and getting some energy back into our move this summer. We meet with the realtor 9am tomorrow to see 3 houses. Yesterday, besides laundry, cleaning and packing, I managed to finish getting our front door ready…