BunnyBomb Member


  • Didn't even know who that was. Having now Googled, let's say ignorance was bliss lol.
  • Sometimes it's the simplest task that leads to an epiphany. Well done for signing up and taking the first step. I've found that being accountable to others, even on the Internet, helps a lot! Real life family and friends often don't give you the honest truth, because they want to save your feelings...or they perhaps have…
  • I started eating clean as a side effect of having to follow a regimented diet regime to get my Rheumatoid Arthritus under control after it took over my body. I did it because my Rheumatologist said I either tried the diet method or nasty dangerous drugs that would harm my liver. No brainer decision! So I promptly gave up…
  • I buy all these regularly in the UK and use them almost daily, so have worked out the cheapest / best options for them: Flaxseed = Holland and Barrett or Amazon (latter option is cheaper) Buckwheat & chia = Tesco or Sainsbury's if you are buying a small amount, but for buying bulk again Amazon is best (it's like 1/4 the…
  • I love shirataki noodles!! I buy the proper ones made from Japanese yams because they have a long list of health benefits. There is a soy version around, but it's basically only made to look like the original kind. It's not the same. One trick I will tell you is how to prepare them for using in a stir fry - rinse them very…
  • Thank you for this thread!!! I love chickpeas :love:
  • The statement that food is not addictive isn't quite true. I've watched enough TV shows about junk food over the years to recall being told many times that actual withdrawal symptoms occur in the body after the removal of sugar, if it was previously a constant and in excess (commonly the case today unfortunately). The…
  • Let's just say none of the "parts" that went into the blender bore any resemblance to parts of a pig you would ever, ever find on your table at home. It was basically all the bits we would consider inedible. They even had to add colouring and thickeners to make it look like meat, because what went in...wasn't.
  • Yeah I agree, just see how you go I guess. Hopefully you don't get a plateau anyway. I should have said, if I do only 25 mins for a day I make sure it's some for of HIIT, otherwise I do a 30-40 min cardio with around 20% in the peak zone. No idea why it works but it does...
  • I haven't touched fast food for 16 years for one simple reason.. I used to be an auditor back then. I had to visit the site of a client to inspect their factory for various things. They showed me their factory floor while it was in operation. All I remember to this day was entire chickens, feet, beak, bones, head still…
  • I would agree with the poster above. I would be dubious about a diet that advocated 800 cals consistently for 8 weeks. There is a school of thought that says one weekly "fasting" day is good for you, but 8 weeks seems too long at that level. I think if anyone was looking to do that diet they should first have a long chat…
  • This will sound weird but it's totally true... I'm a sucker for a deep voice. Physical appearance has absolutely nothing to do with it. Been that way my whole life. My friends used to get so confused about what my "type" was until I told them, they couldn't see any consistency at all before that haha - ex radio announcer…
  • I can see friends macros but not their micro nutrition. It's not visible on my phone, but I can see macro nutrition on my iPad or PC.
  • I gave up meat, dairy and eggs for medical reasons in June 2014. At first I didn't gain weight, I lost, but as things stabilised and when I got lazy with exercise last year, I gained weight. I'm not strictly Vegan though as my Rheumatologist has advocated the Mediterranean diet for my arthritis, and darned if he wasn't…
  • Too many friends of mine had horror stories after coming off their injection based birth control. Literally it started with one friend, whose story scared another friend, whose combined story scared my cousin...so they all went off the injections. In the space of a year there were 3 girls who had each never even had a…
  • Amazing! Well done!! In terms of avoiding the plateau, I've always managed to avoid that during weight loss. I doubt this is scientific, but what works for me is having a decently high fibre breakfast consistently and a daily workout of min 25 mins. I found through trial and error that my body didn't like the "3 days a…
  • A mandatory US scheme has given restaurant chains until the end of this year to put calorie counts on menus but not full nutrition info. On top of that the LGA in the United Kingdom has launched a voluntary scheme in mid 2015 to ask restaurants and pub owners to start putting this info on their menus directly. So change is…
  • I prefer to eat Salmon as opposed to taking fish oil supplements.
  • Completely agree with the above posters. In the 90's a lot of people fell victim to clever marketing around protein shakes, which implied that protein shakes and weight loss went hand in hand. Now days, the brain washing attempts continue but the marketing is directed at weight lifters wanting to "be like Arnold" lol. Even…
  • Agree it's probably dehydration but if your worried about protein levels stay away from whey protein it's animal milk based, ergo not vegetarian lacto friendly. I use MRM Veggie Protein powder as a top up to meet my macro goals. It's completely organic and made of a balanced mixture of plant based protein sources, to aid…
  • I friggen love hummus!!!! I make my own chilli hummus with fresh chilli from the greenhouse, it's lovely :smile: I buy dried chick peas in bulk then soak them, ready for blending. Chickpeas are a great source of protein and so much better than things like mayonnaise in a sand which or salad!
  • How about trying a pre filled munchies box with less naughty things in it than you'd normally reach for? I'm a believer in "planning" being the answer to any obstacle. If you plan ahead for your smoke time and be prepared I reckon you'll have a better shot at being in control of what you eat.