julie_broadhead Member


  • If it doesn't hurt, do some light walking. It helps to strengthen and stretch your pelvic floor. Avoid doing any type of sit ups or abdominal exercises right now. When you get up from laying down, roll to your side then get up. At your post partem check up ask your care giver to check you for diastasis recti. Please wait…
  • It is a really inflated number. I'm not really sure how the came up with that one. I log social gym sessions, casual bouldering, and bouldering for difficulty as gymnastics. If I am doing endurance work or power endurance work, I will log it as MFP's Rock climbing.
  • My current favorites: Rx Bars. The dark chocolate sea salt flavor only has 9g of sugar and 12g of protein. They have 210 calories per bar. Dark Chocolate Almond bars by Primal Kitchen: 3g of sugar, 15g of protein and 230 calories per bar. B-up brand protein bars: They are kind of like the old Quest bars. I don't remember…
  • Yes, there is a point to doing bum exercises now. You may not achieve the aesthetic you are looking for, but strengthening your glutes does wonders for your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor takes a pretty severe beating during pregnancy. That's why women's butts tend to pancake either during or post pregnancy. You are going…
  • For me, using heat in the morning when I would wake up stiff worked really well. I would ice after training and at the end of the day before going to bed. If you do not have a brace, I would recommend getting one. Wear it when you train and off and on during the day. If you are hurting really bad in the morning, wear your…
  • The programing that you are running is actually pretty good. If I had access to more Dumbells, I would run that program:-) SL 5x5 and Starting Strength are geared towards building pure strength. You can build size on these programs, but you will need to eat at a caloric surplus. As mentioned above, they are not much fun…
  • Why do you want to switch to SL5x5 when you are still making progress using your current program?
  • My snatches are pretty weak and my squats tend to be problematic. My best lifts are clean and jerk and over head press.
  • Wow. That is so crazy. Thanks for the info:-/ I have a CAP barbell too. I bought it in May and it is already starting to rust. It will be replaced with a Rouge bar very soon. OP, go with Rouge. They are not cheap, but they sell a quality product at a reasonable price. Their customer service is excellent. I wish I would…
  • Have you had your check up yet? Have you received clearance to exercise from your OB? If you haven't had your check up, make sure you ask them to check you for diastasis recti (separation of the abdominals that can be made worse by doing most ab exercises). Also, if you are noticing that you pee a little when you cough,…
  • Are you still able to put more weight onto the bar during your workouts? When I stalled out, I deloaded, added weight every other session, and busted through my squat plateau and my OHP plateau without adding calories to my diet. It may be worth trying a deload before increasing your calories.
  • I remember when I did my first 5K:-) The longest I had ever run before that was one mile. The first thing I did was wrap my brain around the idea that I would be running that far. I made the commitment to myself that I would do it and run the whole thing. So I did:-) I started out nice and slow and if I felt myself start…
  • Hi:-) I'm almost 10 months PP. I still breastfeed regularly. My labor and delivery was induced vaginal. I'm 5'9" currently weight 156.4 (I'm down from 174). I currently consume 2240 calories and exercise 3-5 times a week. My goal is to get down to 150lb.
  • If you are not already seeing a pt for your tendonitis, I would highly recommend it. Icing it and resting it until you have some professional over site would be best.
  • I have done Crossfit at both a regular gym and at an affiliate. You can get started at a regular gym on your own, but you will probably anger some people at your gym. Most WODS require multiple pieces of equipment and or running and rowing. I have had my equipment disappear mid work out when I have gone on runs. One time,…
  • Pilates is fantastic for building great posture.
  • My case was kind of weird . My abs were closed in the center, but I had a two finger gap at the top and at the bottom. I did a diastasis recovery video every day for a month and my gaps have closed completely. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EXm5UcVXuEU
  • Check out some of the Crossfit affiliates in your area. Try to find one that offers a beginners course or on ramp course. Most affiliates have a "your first class is free" deal so you can try Crossfit and see if you like it before you spend your money. You can find a list of affiliates on the Crossfit website.…
  • Negatives are one thing you can do to help build strength. Most of the time, unless you are really holding tension through the whole negative, negatives focus most on the top of the range of motion. Since you will have a spotter, try some spotter assisted pull ups. Bend your knees and have the spotter hold your feet.
  • Working your glutes is a great thing to do during pregnancy! Having strong glutes is directly linked to having a strong pelvic floor. If you don't already weight train try these: Body weight squats Glute bridges with your upper back on a bench or chair Bird dogs Lunges Curtsy lunges If you have been weight training, you…
  • I started Crossfit that way too. I was the weakest and slowest in the class. I move much better now and am much stronger. The trick to Crossfit is being able to stay in your own head. Don't get side tracked by what others are doing. Run your race. You will get better at it, give it time.
  • None of the gyms I went to during my pregnancy had restrictions for pregnant women. I lifted till week 39:-)
  • I log it as circuit training. The workouts I do are often structured as Tabata or 30 seconds on 30 seconds off.
  • I have two different guesstimates for two different types of sessions: Difficulty: Making numerous attempts at problems with some substantial waiting, I log it as gymnastics. Endurance: Climbing 32+ problems within three grades of my onsite level within an hour plus calisthenics, I log it as MFP's rock climbing.
  • This is one of my newest finds for strengthening the wrists https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000KGOMBC/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1471059314&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=therabar+flexbar&dpPl=1&dpID=41OMUtvTLlL&ref=plSrch My OT is having me use one of these to rebuild my forearms after having some pretty bad tendinitis. I…
  • I log my work outs and enjoy cheering for my friends:-) Feel free to add me!
  • I have my squat rack and kettle bells on the ground floor of my home in a spare room. I use mainly bumper plates and have have bailed lifts without a problem.
  • I'm going to echo what many others have said. Give it more time. It took about 3 months for my weight to really start coming down. Keep lifting and eating at a deficit. The fat loss will happen:-)
  • Every time I have taken Pole or Arial Silk classes, I have logged them as gymnastics. If you would say the class is about half aerobic and half strength, you could log 25 min of either dance or aerobics and 25 min of gymnastics.