valerierackly74 Member


  • how do i join this group. you've done great.
  • i'm with you. I never seen anyone get fat who just ate fruit or who ate a lot of fruit. I bet if you only ate fruit for a month you'd loose more weight than your average diet, low fat healthy and eating plans
  • i found that unless i eat around 1400 cals per day regardless of my exercise i don't loose. most of the time i try to net 1350-1400 including exercise. if i don't eat back some of my calories after only a few weeks i burn out and want to give up as i've no energy and so it doesn't seem like its worth feeling so low. so i'd…
  • i do this too. if this weight-loss things going to work it needs to be with what you like and what fits your lifestyle. i eat what i like but i find i like more healthier stuff the longer i go on. and i eat smaller portions now even when i'm not particularly trying. its got to habit and normal to your routine. i even like…
  • mine too where like that this morning, so i did some stretches like you do for when exercising and a small warm up etc. and i'm fine now. so i'd say stretches and a little exercise of some kind and water.
  • i weigh things. i keep my scales on the counter top and quickly pop most things in there before eating. you get good after a bit though because you learn that a apple or pear is a lot heavier than you think. and other stuff like potatoe portions and rice. i was really suprised how heavy and the difference in actual fruit…
  • i too aren't supported by my husband. and when he thinks i'm "dieting" he buys in take aways and wants to eat unhealthy foods. but i started logging on here what i was eating all the time. and eating what i like and want to eat, i'd make sure my meals looked and smelled more inviting, and i'd make his plain. i'd pay…
  • how are your portion sizes. may be try measuring exactly what your eating to make sure you're eating the amount you think your eating. i looked online and found somewhere that said 1389 with-out exercise.
  • bump :flowerforyou:
  • then dance,put on the radio or TV and dance to the music. one song and your exercising. you could try walking or swim. A work out DVD or a video game like Wii fit. do Pilates or yoga. Skip, jump rope. Get a home exercise bike or treadmill. play with kids if you have access, go to the park. housework, yard work, take the…
  • agreed. :) I've encouraged others to log as i do and they got more active just from by thinking of it as an exercise, and your much more likely to get on with it quickly than taking all day to get the tasks done.
  • i think it depends on what kind of cleaning it means. if its a two minute vac around your living room and a flash wipe around with a bit of polish then no. but if you scrub your floors, kitchen and bathroom, clear out clutter and change beds and really clean ever surface of your house then you should log. i don't think…
  • i put baby spinach in soft cheese and bacon sandwiches or add it into pasta sauce. you can use other veg too. cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots raw dip them in hummus. serve salmon or other meats on mixed salad instead of with chips or potatoes etc. yams sweet potato ans squashes you can bake in the oven and they are great…
  • do you really need more than ten toes?
  • i used to log all the time, when i began i didn't move around much. but now a year or so later i have changed my profile to lightly active and am only logging cleaning if i do more than my general daily cleaning or if it makes me have sweat on my brow as it did today. i was deep cleaning,scrubbing etc for like 8 hours but…
  • i too need/ crave sweets. after my meal in the evening i always feel i need one. i used to need chocolate, i weened myself by having only really dark chocolate to start with then where its not that nice i cut down to one peice after my evening meal.i soon stopped wanting it. but after a while my cravings have come back. i…
  • you can look at mine too.
  • i don't think any foods are bad, you just have to watch how big your portions are and how often you eat them. also don't go adding too much fatty toppings to them. watch the calories. a potato the size of your fist is a portion. and as long as you add them into your daily calorie allowance i don't think you should not eat…
  • Hi I'm trying to ween myself from having sugar. Its hard. My minds constantly trying to trick my into eating it. As soon as I woke up this morning before my self-control kicked properly in I was wanting biscutes, I could taste the lovely sugar in I didn't give in. I have been cutting sugar out for about two…
  • well done you. thats great.
  • its hard to accept that you need help or where to get help and support from. I think being depressed is making my weight stick to me. I've been down for a while, but dont really know what to do about it. I'm not on meds for it. i take so much medication for my arthritis that I cann't face another lable as to why I am how I…
  • I think it'll depend on your sugar/ carb/ calorie allowance. its recommended you have at least five portions a day but health pros would like to get the whole fruit veg thing up to seven. i did an healthy eating course and that's what they told me. so just watch your sugars and calories with it.
  • here in the UK our supermarkets have ready prepared fresh meals. meals with veg noodles and meat or fish in them, and they are good. . you just microwave them for ten minutes and they're really nice and they have all the nutrition values on the packs. i get sweet chilli beef noodles and they're better than a big mac…
  • ok, your probably being far too hard on yourself. you need to tackle this weight-loss issue one step at a time. unless you have major health issues that mean you have to loose your weight asap then you have to be kinder to yourself and look at it another way. You didnt get overweight over night so you cann't expect to…