Buring calories while cleaning.

Does anyone else log calories burned while cleaning house and other odd things beside full cardio workout? I bought a heart rate monitor a few months back, so I can get an accurate reading of calories I burn. While I know I am not always in the "burn" zone, I do burn a lot of calories by cleaning for a few hours. I was just wondering if that's something other people do?


  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    I don't usually but i did today, I used MFP to calculate it so probably not very accurate, I really need to get a HRM
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    A lot of people log it but I don't
  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    i used to log all the time, when i began i didn't move around much. but now a year or so later i have changed my profile to lightly active and am only logging cleaning if i do more than my general daily cleaning or if it makes me have sweat on my brow as it did today. i was deep cleaning,scrubbing etc for like 8 hours but i only logged for 3.
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    I do, same for washing the car because it's listed with MFP. I just don't use the calories as an excuse to eat more food... Matter of fact I try to stay on my calorie goal and ignore whatever extra calories I've earned.

    To me, I am not going to lose weight by counting everyone calorie burned.
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    A lot of people log it but I don't

    Same here. I'm in the mind set that if I burn more calories then I'm logging....great. I just don't want to log them, then feel the need to eat more because of it.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    HRM's are not made to be worn during rest... and personally, I consider rest to be cleaning. Any number that you get, prob. won't be accurate because the heart rate isn't as elevated as it would be during purposeful exercise... so it's up to you wether or not to log the number, but I personally wouldn't.
  • Dad106 is completely right. Plus, u should already account for those extra calories from the setting u put n as your daily activity. If u put n that u r lightly active and add those extra calories when cleaning and the like, it will give u more calories to eat, which will b more than what u should have, which then can lead to a gain in your weight. If your purpose is to lose weight, then don't make it harder on yourself by giving yourself the wrong amount to eat.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I log it.

    I have my activity level set to sedentary since I'm on the couch most of the time with a broken ankle. If I'm working hard cleaning the kitchen, I log it.

    If I *wasn't* losing weight the way I wanted to, I'd stop logging it.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I don't log them because I consider that just extra bonus calories down! If my profile was set as sedentary then maybe, but if it's part of your daily/weekly routine then I'd just consider it when selecting your profile lifestyle. MFP can be overgenerous with exercise calories and eating them all can be too much so I'd rather be on the safe side!