

  • Thank you so much everyone. I actually learned a lot from your posts and that's exactly what I needed! I am currently undergoing tests for possible Crohn's disease, but this was just so unlike anything I'd ever had...And I know everyone poos but I'm always so embarrassed by myself doing it. I can't even go into a public…
  • Thank you everyone, I officially made the switch to strictly butter and olive oil today :) I appreciate your help :)
  • Wowzers! Atta girl!! You look great and are quite the inspiration!
  • You are smiling at a camera :)
  • ALl of your comments plus one of my cousin's really helped me out. It seems healthy food and a ton of exercise is the way to go for me. I'm trying to cut out as much processed food and cooking from scratch instead of boxes or frozen. And I definitely need to increase my water intake. I'm hoping this change helps increase a…
  • Thanks so much you guys! I love that link by the way and after reading it and a bunch of the comments I will be passing it along to my friend. It sounds like such a perfect thing but when something sounds too good to be true, I guess it really is. Thank you again!
  • There's a way of talking to someone and encouraging them but to "tell them the truth" and be a total *kitten* and tell them they are fat? Totally uncalled for. There is such a thing called tact. Empathy. And encouragement. Emotionally abusing someone is not the way to go. I understand where you are coming from but to jump…
  • When I get to work I am usually always eating something because it's right after a workout and my boss is always giving me crap about how don't I know eating is what got me in trouble in the first place. I also have people who are also working out, that try to downplay what I am doing. When we discuss working out and how…
  • I usually eat an egg and piece of toast before working out and then after a workout I immediately grab a protein shake and an actual good sized breakfast. A friend of mine who is trying to become a personal trainer says that your body needs as much protein afterwards and it's best to eat afterwards as much as possible…
  • This gives me a ton more hope and makes me feel more patient about losing the fat. Thank you!
  • North Dakota here! Welcome and amazing job by the way! I have been frustrated with my lack of weight loss and a friend suggested going purely by inches lost so now that I see your amazing progress, I think it's time to do the same!
  • Hey ladies! :) My name is Beckie, I'm 26 and live in North Dakota. I'm a momma to two kidlets and am finished having babies due to a medical condition so I figured it's time to drop my unhealthy-ness and start getting healthy! My SW was 220 but I am currently 165 and shooting for 145/150. I really hope to lose 2 pounds a…
  • That's awesome hun! I want to do a 5K next year. It's one of my goals. Lots and lots of luck with the club and getting back on the healthy track! This sounds like it will definitely help! :)
  • Sounds fun and just what I need! I am definitely in!
  • Hi! Welcome to the best site ever! Do you have any goals so far or are you just starting out? I am about 3/4 of the way in my journey and re-tweeking my goals and workouts. What do you do for your weight loss exercise wise?
  • I've quit soda and gone strictly to water, and began my Live Lean monthly challenge. Hoping this is the month to blow away all months!
  • I would advise working up to the Insanity and P90x workouts. Those are killer I have heard and for a beginner, I'd just workup to them by trying other workouts first. Have you tried any of Jillian Michael's? Her 30 Day Shred is awesome for beginners and works you right up to the level where you should be for P90x. Plus…
  • Jillian's dvds are all amazing!! They bust out progress fast and if you keep doing them and stick to your diet, the weight stays off! I looove my 30 day shred! I definitely recommend the 2.5 or 3 pound hand weights. You don't absolutely need them at first but if you can get some, get some. Goo dluck, have fun and don't…
  • I stick strictly to my digital one at home and don't ever weigh myself anywhere else because they will differ from each other. I also pee first thing in the am and then weigh myself right afterwards before gravity effects my weight (which it does towards the end of the day due to water weight and all that). And I weigh…
  • Don't be too strict with your workouts hun. Your body needs a day of rest in between days of workouts and that actually helps boost weight loss. Don't stick just to strength training, mix it up with some yoga, and some cardio too. And stick to your diet but make sure you are watching your water intake as well. The more…
  • I can only think of salads to use with the roasted ones. When you have them fresh, take out all the seeds, put them in a bowl or glass and mix with a little bit of lemon juice (just a few drops here and there) it is very yummy! I love pomegranates and can't wait to get my fridge stocked up! LoL.
  • Thanks you guys! I appreciate the reviews and tips so much! I tried it tonight and I am really excited about it. My husband even registered and is doing it with me! That I never expected! LoL. I really love the balance board and that it goes along with other games. I threw on Biggest Loser and was blown away at how awesome…
  • I used OxyElite Pro from GNC for exactly one month and I am glad I did. They helped kick start my metabolism and my weight loss and I had zero side effects or heart racing or anything. I also have diabetes. While on them I also went to a nutritionist who taught me how to eat better and helped me even through the cravings…
  • Thanks guys! I love the support on this site! I am so happy! I also have about 30 more pounds to go yet. Almost there :))
  • Way to go on choosing a healthier lifestyle! It can be a lot of fun and you will enjoy the new you! Lots and lots of well wishes and luck to you!!!
  • When I hit the end of the night, I always get hungry around 9 o'clock. So I end up popping in a workout video and doing an extra 300 calorie burn so I can eat a snack. A lot of it has to do with re-training your body and it's schedule though. I was used to eating three or four helpings of everything and eating all day long…
    in So Hungry Comment by beccafreak May 2011
  • LoL I'm on here more than Facebook too. I was at Walmart picking up dog food and actually looking at the labels for my dog. Wondering about calories and the nutrition. I would totally setup one for my dog, lol!!
  • Thank you all so very much. Reading your replies and advice was so touching and I appreciate every word! In fact I printed this page off and will be using them for motivation. I officially started my diet yesterday and am surprised at how easy it was to hop back on. I am already feeling better physically and emotionally…
  • I googled for you and came up with a ton of video ideas. Here are a few. Well, the links to them at least. Good luck!
  • I'm in but not for pounds....I want to drop 4 pant sizes by Christmas! I am a size 14 right now and I want to be....NEED to be a size 10. But I'm gaining weight now that I'm toning up instead of dropping pounds so I'm done with weight and going inches I suppose. So count me in!!! :D