Diet Pills and 100 cal snacks



  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    I dont do diet pills, but I do take L-Argentine and Green Tea, they both help in the weight loss deparment but are are also good for you.. and the L-Argentine helps with TOM ALOT!!
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    if you are trying to eat better for a long, healthy lifestyle change, I would reduce the number of 100 calorie snacks

    the more processed and full of preservatives a food is, its not so good . . .

    keep the ingredients - if you dont know what it is, avoid it

    a lot of those have .5 srvgs of trans fat, and they can still say zero trans fat
    but if you eat 3 things a day with .5g trans fat, that's 1.5 or more
    recommendation is <1 per day (really ZERO is best)

    any questions, feel free to message me or friend me
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    What about a muti vitamin that is suppose to boost your metabolism?
  • beccafreak
    beccafreak Posts: 45
    I used OxyElite Pro from GNC for exactly one month and I am glad I did. They helped kick start my metabolism and my weight loss and I had zero side effects or heart racing or anything. I also have diabetes. While on them I also went to a nutritionist who taught me how to eat better and helped me even through the cravings and other issues. And I worked out everyday and mixed it up, cardio most of the days and some strength training in between and even a little Zumba on top of some days too. When you use them the right way and not for very long, they help in great ways, but if you rely on them to do all of the work, you will not succeed. If you really want to use them, don't do it because someone else recommends it and don't not do it because someone tells you not to. What works for one person may not work for you but what works for you may not work for others. I get a lot of crap from people because I didn't do my weight loss journey just like everyone else but I can proudly say I have lost 50 pounds and kept it off for a year now. So do some research, talk to your doctor and then decide. And whatever you do, work is the key :))
  • sbademan
    sbademan Posts: 2
    I used to take Phentermine. For me, it was a good way to jump start my weight loss. I lost about 55lbs while using them for 6 months. I have been off them for about 5 months now and have not gained the weight back. That is because I changed my eating habits and still follow the diet given to me by the doctor who prescribed the pills to me. I have seen so many people gain the weight back after being on weight loss pills. I was very aware of that when I started taking them so I have made a conscious effort to change my eating habits/exercise more. For me, the phentermine really helped get my portion size under control. It's definitely not for everyone and if you're going to do it, you should do it under the supervision of a doctor.

    As far as the 100 calorie snacks. I think they are delicious but my nutritionist actually told me to avoid them because they are made with a lot of chemicals and processed ingredients that can do more harm then good. My recommendation is to switch the 100 calorie snacks with a couple of graham crackers, some veggies and hummus, or string cheese. I eat the graham crackers when I'm craving something sweet.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Diet pills - nope.

    100 cal snacks - I'd say make your own if you can.

    Most of those 100 cal snacks are 25 grams of sugar.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    wrote a blog post about diet pills, you can read it here:
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I have used them as well in the past kept the weight off from my early twenties until my forties (including 2 pregnancies) But I changed my eating habits exercised regularly.

    So if they help you then I say yes as long as you realize you have to change your lifestyle and habits, otherwise it will all come right back on.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I've looked at a few (just a few, not all of them) of those 100 calorie snacks and many are identical in calories, by weight, to a normal box of the same thing. It's just a smaller serving size. I've also noticed that the Skinny Cow Heavenly Crisps, which looks like a Kit Kat, has half the calories and fat as a Kit Kat but also weighs half as much. It's not a reduced calorie food, it's just a small portion.

    Just something to watch out for. Those 100 calorie packs can get expensive. You might save a lot of money with the regular product, some sandwich bags, and a food scale.
  • davesqueen
    davesqueen Posts: 11
    I used diet pills while i was in the military after I had my first child because I had to maintain a certain weight. I lost 60 pounds using those diet pills. I had no appetite when I was on them. So i ate less than 1200 calories a day because I just wasn't hungry.
    But during that time, I was in the hospital for dehydration several times, had several kidney infections and lost so much energy because I was starving myself. When I came off the diet pills I gained 80 pounds back in less than a year. I will never take diet pills again. What everyone here is saying is 100% correct. It's a quick fix...but it messes up your body. Diet pills make you pee alot and you are releasing all the vitamins and calcium that you need in your body, and thereby complicating your internal organs and their productivity. It's not worth the trouble, trust me! While it's much harder to eat healthier and exercise, I find that it's also much more satisfying to know the small amount of weight I've lost using MFP was done through hard work and dedication.
    Whatever your decision, good luck!
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    Once your friends stop using the diet pills and SlimQuick they will more than likely gain weight back because they didn't learn to properly feed their bodies . Those things are only a quick fix and can potentially be harmful.

    100 cal snacks can be high in sodium and hidden sugars, having them once in a while for a treat is ok but you shouldn't have them all the time. I do like the 100 cal packs of raw almonds and on occasion I will have the 100 cal bags of popcorn or a Sweet and Salty granola bar if Im having a bad craving but I dont buy the other 100 cal stuff anymore. I'm not perfect with my diet and I still enjoy my treats but I'm working on it ;)
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    diet pills in my opinion are a big no-no. they only provide temporary results and are usually not good for your body in the long run.

    as for the 100 calorie snacks, I think they are good from time to time, but not everyday. if you notice, most of the 100 cal snacks are carb laden (crackers, cookies etc) and they are full of sodium and sugar. when I started my weight loss journey, 100 cal snacks were my best friend, but I noticed that they never really kept me full long enough. the ideal snack needs to have a significant amount of protein to tied you over until the next meal time.
  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    I do the 100 calorie snacks and I'm losing weight :) I like the chocolate covered pretzels to help with my chocolate cravings

    well I don't like chocolate so I skip that one but I am a potato fiend and I love the 100 cal pringles!
  • sschiano
    sschiano Posts: 48 Member
    first of all im not for or against the diet pills. talk to your doctor, if you are medically obese or are experiencing symptoms of health complications due to your weight and losing weight would fix it (diabetes, heart conditions etc) the benefits of the diet pills outweigh the possible side effects. so if you're doctor agrees that you should be on diet pills he will prescribe the ones that are best for you.

    on the other hand why are you buying the 100 calorie snacks? there are cheaper and healthier options!! get some ziplock bags and prepackage them for on the go if you want to. like 33 grapes are ~99 calories and as sweet as candy. same goes for other berries, nuts, cereals, baby carrots, etc. they're a healthier option to 100 calorie cookies or chips.

    good luck!!!!!
  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    I always was warned away from using any kind of diet supplement or pills. They mess with your heart rate for one, but they also screw up your metabolism if you're on them long enough (i don't know how long that is though)... Anyway, the best way to lose and keep it off is to lose the weight and build muscle. Muscle no doubt improves your metabolism which means a cheat day every now and then won't really effect you. The pills are appealing because of the supposed fast results, but the old fashioned way creates lasting results. And if you're anything like me, you probably don't want to go on a diet, lose weight, gain it back and then have to go on another one. Much easier to just keep it off!

    I agree with you 110%! Thanks for confirming my thoughts and feelings.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I make my own 100 calorie snack, like nuts, popcorn, crackers and cheese etc.

    Diet pills are not necessary. You are losing weight. The slower you use it, the easier it is to keep off. The hard part isn't losing the weight, believe it or not. It's keeping it off:smile:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Pills are never a good option. You are better off.just eating right, working out and losing the weight in a slow but steady fashion. As for 100 cal snacks i used to rely on them a lot when i was big and had tons of calories to use up in a day but now that i dont have as much to work with i prefer my snacks to be filling fresh foods like fruit, veggies, greek yogurt etc.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Harsh truth: Diet pills are used by lazy people who don't want to exercise. Especially when they think they can just take a "magic pill".

    There is no magic pill.

    If you take diet pills you will endanger your health and gain *all* the weight back as soon as you stop taking them. Remember that exercise is not just about looking good, it's about overall health.

    Bottom line: Eat right and do an hour of cardio at least 3 times a week. Adding in weights would be even better.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Diet pills: No. If you can't put in a true effort you won't keep weight off for the long haul anyway. The diet industry makes so much money because there are no shortcuts but everyone wants to believe that there is.

    Snack packs: If they keep you from eating out of control portions, then go for it but keep your consumption of them (like everything) in moderation.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    most diet pills contain basicly three things: caffeine to pump you up, fiber to make you feel full, and some sort of thermogenic to raise body temp. skip the expensive pills, and get yourself a fiber supplement to help get through the day, and take B vitamins and Calcium supplements for energy. real energy...... I do use Buzzerk pre workout drinks before I spin or run, it does give me a boost and help me workout longer and harder, but they are not supplement, and I don't consumer several a day like you have to with most diet pills. did you ever read the back of those on how many you must take?! yikes!!