

  • p90x is a pretty intense workout routine. most people do not see results on the scale because the fat that is burned is usually replaced by muscle. you HAVE to start keeping track of your body fat percentage & measurements. ALWAYS measure. hiit training will be the same way; it is for losing fat, but also gaining muscle,…
  • Stopped being active, started drinking (alcohol), boredom eating, my love for milky ways & eating when I'm sad or stressed. lol :(
  • Peanut butter can be good. I use PB2 to add to my chocolate meal replacement shake in the morning. Tastes like a reeses peanut butter cup! But sometimes I do indulge in creamy peanut butter, if I'm under calories & need some quick cals. But almond butter is a lot healthier of a choice which can be aquired at any whole…
  • On average, people who do the 24 day challenge lose 12 pounds (but could lose way more), 8 inches, & 4% body fat. On the 25th day you go back to your regular diet to maintain what you have lost. Toxins come in just about anything we eat. You know all that junk food that has ingredients in it that you can't even pronounce?…
  • I am taking coreplex, carb ease, spark, & catalyst! I see a major difference in my body. The catalyst helped me become more toned by losing fat & preserving my lean muscle & I take spark every morning to wake up! I love advocare!
  • The only granola I'll eat is by Bear Naked Fit. I like the Vanilla Almond Crunch the best. Still has 120 calories per 1/4 of a cup, but only 4 g of sugar. Tastes great when added to yogurt.
  • Beta carotene is just a fat soluble compound found in green plants, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, apricots, and green peppers. It doesn't mean you're eating carrots. Beta carotene is essential!!
  • To lose 1 pound in a week, you take away 500 calories from your diet intake each day. So in 7 days, that will be 3500 calories which equals 1 pound. When you want to maintain, you add the 500 calories back in. Or so that's how MFP thinks. But if it's too much & you start gaining weight back, just deduct 100-200 calories.
  • If you wake up in the middle of the night, try eating maybe half a piece of whole wheat bread & drink lots of water. Or eat a full piece with your dinner right before you go to bed. Fiber helps you feel fuller for a long period of time.
  • advocare 10 day cleanse! it's the best on the market!
  • Never heard of it! But if you havent heard of advocare yet, you should definitely check them out! They have tons of high quality supplements, vitamins, meal replacement shakes & a 24 day challenge bundle! On average, with the 24 day challenge, people will lose 12 pounds, 8 inches, & 4% body fat!
  • You could try doing something with cottage cheese. It's really good for you but I can't stand it! lol Or you could try just doing a meal replacement shake instead in the mornings. Most morning food has too many carbs anyway. Advocare has a meal replacement shake that has 25g protein, 220 calories, tons of vitamins &…
  • If you're working out though, it might not be showing on the scale, but you might be losing fat & gaining muscle! If that's not the case, try doing HIIT training. Burns as many calories in 15-20 minutes as it would take in 60 minutes of monotonous cardio! Also, if you need supplements to help with losing weight,…
  • It's not as bad for your health as you would think it would be. You would have to smoke a whole bowl for it to have the effect of 1 cigarette, which would take like 1-2 hours to smoke. Also, the smell sometimes clings, especially if you're smoking it at a hookah bar, but it's a good smell. It comes in flavors of…
  • I've tried them, but I haven't used them since i found out about advocare meal replacement shakes because I love them way more!! They have 25 g of protein, 220 calories, tons of vitamins & nutrients & are delicious!!
  • Try to make healthy choices. Stay away from potato salad, go for chicken without any added sauce. Drink water & eat fruit & veggies if they're available. Get a smaller plate so that when you put food on it, it looks like you're eating more! And try to eat slow so that your stomach can tell you when it's full!
  • When you're awake, you burn more calories than you do when you're asleep. So I would say yes, but depending on how many you went over. If you're eating because you are bored, like I do, I got Thermoplus from advocare that helps suppress my appetite!
  • Just listen to your body. If it says you're hungry, then eat. If not, then don't worry about it! :)
  • I would drink 2-3 a day. I gave them up cold turkey & had cravings for the next week. But after that, my body felt 110% better. I also lost a few pounds just from doing so.
  • Go to & you can type in what type of pronation you have & what type of arch, etc. It will then recommend the shoes that are best for your feet.
  • Endomondo is a great running site/app for smart phones too!(:
  • For abs, try eating more complex carbs that take longer to digest. Bad carbs- plain white rice, white bread, margarine, ice cream, bacon, cookies, whole milk, processed cheese & cookies. Good food for abs- Almonds, beans, spinach, instant oatmeal, egg whites, turkey, peanut butter, olive oil, whole grain breads, extra whey…
  • I weigh in every morning when I first wake up. My weight fluctuates a lot throughout the week, so I only record when I see I've lost weight. But the weight at the beginning of the day is your true weight.
  • Here's a great protein recipe. It includes both Parmesan cheese, salmon & a dip that includes yogurt which are all packed with protein!! & only takes about 20 minutes to make! Parmesan fish sticks Ingredients 1 (18-ounce) center-cut salmon fillet, about 9 by 4 inches, skinned 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon fine sea…
  • I think it definitely does help. Also, the fluoride that is naturally in our tap water doesn't hurt either(: I drink A LOT of water throughout the day. Way more than the "Eight 8oz glasses a day" rule. I've noticed that when I started MFP & I started drinking more water, I dropped 4 pounds in the first week. Mostly water…
  • It's probably just the cold weather. Try wearing a cover over your mouth/nose so that the air you breathe in is not so intensely cold.
  • Another thing you may want to consider- muscle weighs more than fat. So when you do a lot of weight training at the gym, you're constantly gaining muscle. You might want to try just sticking to just cardio exercises for awhile & see if it helps with the weight loss. Also, eating good for that day will not affect your…
  • Not at all. I've been on the pill for years & it has never affected my weight.
  • I wanna do it!! How much do we need to walk/run?? Feel free to add me & keep me motivated(: