LizardQueen4PointOh Member


  • Coffee with stevia and sometimes a splash of heavy whipping cream. It helps satisfy my sweet tooth.
  • Awesome sauce! You look fantastic and I love your work! I love cosplay, although I've never partaken in it myself. My children are getting older and the last two years I've gone into detail with their Halloween costumes for the local contest. I'm living vicariously through them!
  • Awesome job, lady! :wink: I started out around the same as you 5'7" 200 lbs. I am at 165 lbs now (up from my low of 152 lbs), and I'm working my way back down. You do have a stunning resemblance to Taylor Swift. :flowerforyou: Also, as far as the weight in your abdomen - you will likely just need to keep losing more body…
  • I've been MIA for a few days. I just read the last few days and it looks like you guys are doing great. Happy belated anniversary, Pam! Hubby and I are going on four years in October and I look forward to making it to where you are. I haven't done much this week, just enjoying my last week of "sleeping in" until 8:30-9:00…
  • Definitely a fantastic NSV, Donna! Love the strong ladies around here. :bigsmile:
  • I got up at 0400 hrs and got my SL5x5 in before work. I have decided to up my calories to maintenance and "reset" for two weeks. I'm within 5 lbs of what IPOARM suggests as my "ideal weight", so at this point, I'm not sweating the numbers as much. I am going try and hide my scale - not sure if that will happen or not.…
  • Got my SL5x5 in this evening. It always feels good to finish dripping in sweat. Here was my workout: WARM UP SQUATS: 1x5 45 lbs (empty bar) 1x5 70 lbs SQUAT SET: 5x5 95 lbs WARM UP BENCH PRESS OF: 1x5 45 lbs 1x5 65 lbs BENCH PRESS SET: 5x5 85 lbs BARBELL ROW SET: 5x5 85 lbs HIP THRUSTS SET: 1X15 45 lbs I'm going in to work…
  • I will mention your success with lifting to my sister! :smile: I workout at home. Lucky enough to have an Olympic bench that I share with my hubby. It was purchased for him, but I think I'm getting plenty of use out of it too! :wink: I was weak today. I ate what was left of the chocolate cake - about 1/3 of 9x13 pan.…
  • Sherry - I agree on today's poster! Hard to remember sometimes. BTW, gelato sounds like heaven! Pam - I agree with the weight lifting. I'm trying to get my older sister (45yo this November) to get more active and suggested weight lifting because she is concerned about osteoporosis (sp?). Donna - That is awesome! I would…
  • I've lost a little over 40 lbs now and I went from 36G to 36E, and I now have a little wiggle room in it, so I'm probably a DD or DDD or whatever is next down. My ribcage measurement hasn't changed, so I'm just losing cup sizes. Mine were never especially perky, but they now have this lovely wrinkling effect from my…
  • I use Six Star Pro Nutrition Whey Protein powder (available at Walmart -in flavor of your choice) and unsweetened almond milk (only 30 calories per cup). You can put it in a blender with ice and add spinach or fruit or whatever. As far as protein bars, I really like one specific kind in Pure Protein and I've only found it…
  • I'm back! So, I got about a two hour nap this morning before the kiddos said that was enough. I decided to take a trip into "town" (about 30 miles away) and get my front driver side tire repaired because it had a nail in it that was causing a slow leak. I bought my tires at Discount Tire, so it's free repairs with road…
  • ^^^ Too, too cute! I worked a graveyard shift last night, and somehow wasn't completely exhausted when I got home and did a round of C25K. I took a different route than my usual one, and while there was a bit more traffic, it was not so much that it would deter me from running it again. It was nice to switch it up. My…
  • SL5x5 around noon today, Whew, talk about HOT! No breeze, even with both garage doors open. The window unit we have laying around is starting to look like it would be perfect in the garage window. :laugh: Sherry - I meant to mention that I've found a new favorite food in plain Greek yogurt topped with honey and cinnamon.…
  • Awesome! You're the hot, fit wife/momma! Totally agree! I'm going up on the scale for some reason, but I'm going to wait until I measure to get concerned. I haven't done it in a while. Good stuff! Only downside is needing a new sling! :wink: My NSV is food related. I still have great difficulty resisting certain…
  • ^^^ This
  • Good morning, partners! Just bumping today's thread to the top. I have to work tonight, so I may get a run in on my break. Trying to get back into some consistency, which I find difficult at times. Don't we all?! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday! TGIF! :bigsmile:
  • I'm literally a zombie as I type this. :ohwell: I worked a graveyard shift last night and then had to keep up with the kiddos when I got home and run to football camp, dance, and vacation bible school. So, if I had to guess I'd say I *maybe* got three hours of sleep in 30-45 mins increments. Talk about grumpy. The youngest…
  • SL 5x5 this evening while the kids were at vacation bible school. My bad shoulder has been bothering me lately. Time to break out the Absorbine. :grumble:
  • I agree with the previous posters that stated babies come in all shapes and sizes. While all three of my children have been tall for their age, my two boys were especially chunky. My oldest was mainly formula fed and my youngest was solely breastfed until solids were introduced, so that really made no difference. My…
  • Got my run in for C25K today. It was HOT! Whew! Needed to burn some extra calories for fun night tonight. Double date! :bigsmile:
  • I try to remind myself of this every day! I'm at work and I went to the gym here and did my StrongLifts 5x5. I actually knocked it out pretty quick, and BOY am I feeling it in my quads! :noway: It's a good uncomfortable, though. :wink: Have a great Sunday, everyone!
  • Sherry - Your suggestions for the Greek yogurt sound great! I love cinnamon and honey, so those may be my go-tos! I'm working days today and I took my break early so that I could get my run in. I'm on week 5, day 3 of Couch to 5K and I did a five minute warmup walk, ran for two MILES straight in 18:30 minutes, and then a 5…
  • Sherry - I've had the same problem with dogs, but while walking to try to go into labor. :laugh: Your veggies sound like they will be YUM! You can make it to the seaside jog next time. Pam - Always impressing me with your dedication. I'm seven months into this and I still have spurts where I'm with it or I'm not. I just…
  • Fantastic work! I need to get back to my lifting!
  • Hello all! I have been gone since Monday to my inlaws for vacation and accessed MFP only by mobile, so no forums. I had a wonderful week of relaxation poolside and good eats. I let myself have this week to indulge, and now I'm back in the saddle again. :laugh: I did find the motivation to run every day (four in a row)…
  • I, also, do not have much to add that hasn't already been mentioned, but I wanted you to know I read your post and I'm rooting for you! :flowerforyou:
  • ^^^^ Love this! I got my run in dark and early today on my lunch break. Logged 2.87 mi run/walk in 31 mins with C25K W4D1. 5K in 30 mins may actually be doable! Who knew... lol