plussized Member


  • I believe that you aren't eating enough and that is your problem. When you eat below 1200, your body, by default, starts to go into starvation mode and stores the food that you do eat, making it harder to make the scale move. Your body isn't getting enough nutrients to function properly, not to mention, push to lose…
  • Maybe I can offer a little advice. What is it EXACTLY that youve been doing to lose weight?
  • I'm not seeing the "diary" link. Can you help?
  • Yes, those are the right amount of calories. I am obese, and started this program eating 2170 calories a day. I'm not very active in my job, but I do try to get in at least 3 one hour workouts a week.
  • 1000-1100 calories is too low, plain and simple. You are sabatoging yourself by not allowing yourelf room for the essential nutrients your body needs. In this journey, you are allowed to eat things that are "bad" every once in a while without feeling bad. The point of this whole tihng isn't to starve yourself or make…
  • With 650 calories left over, I had already consumed 1340. I definitely ate enough calories, because as I said, I had the cake. The candy and stuff isn't purchased by me, at least the kind I eat (LOL), it is purchased from my grandparents and is a tradition, as it is only made during Easter (See's Candies Easter Eggs). I'm…
  • Here are a couple ideas from the "Cooking Yourself Thin" show on Lifetime. You can find all their recipes on…
  • Ok.. so.. I'm 21 years old (22 on May 20th!) and I am a college student, full time worker, and the primary care provider for my parents, whom are both disabled. I take care of the house and everything it needs, on top of going to school and work every day. My brother also lives with us but really offers no help because,…
  • I think we've all broken beds. At least I know I have, more than one! It's ok. Things happen. The bed can be easily fixed. You know, weight loss isn't something you can force yourself to do. If that is how its starts, you will never finish. You have to be strong through it all. It's going to be tough, but I promise you it…
  • I had a big lunch today and have about 591 calories left for the day. I plan on going to the gym later, but I don't want to go over 591 for dinner regardless. Normally my dinners are around there but they get so boring after a while. Normally I have chicken breast with veggies and/or salad and low cal mashed potatoes or…
  • I'm looking into starting a coach to 5k schedule because I'd like to, eventually, walk/run/jog/whatever a MS marathon for my mother who has had MS for 25+ years and is completely bed bound. I'd also like to get my stamina for running back (I used to play basketball and volleyball). However, every "coach to 5k" program that…
  • I ate a big burger because 1) all i eat is chicken anymore 2) it is what i was craving at the time and 3) because it had all the spicy-ness that i wanted. I don't eat fast food anymore, and like I think I said in the beginning, or if I didn't I meant to, I havent had fast food since November. I'm not looking to defend, or…
  • This week has been super duper hard for me. Last week was my spring break, and with the exception of Monday and Tuesday (of last week) I gave myself time off of the gym and calorie counting. I did ok with the food because I've been doing it for enough time that my body knows when it is full and knows what kind of things it…
  • 8 out of 10 right. I feel like more of a loser than the people who only got 2 or 3 right, ha. I used to love peeps when I was young (you know, since I'm so old now at the age of 21!) :laugh: and got them every Easter from my mom and grandma. Now I can honestly say that I'm over them and can't even imagine putting one in my…
    in Peeps Comment by plussized April 2009
  • I think we should, on top of learning everything we are learning with the process, learn how to justify our actions. I believe that it is ok to have a candy bar one day, or a cheat day (every once in a while), etc., however I think the extra calories should be worked off/earned. If I want to go out for pizza or whatever,…
  • You also have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. So if you are working out with both cardio and weights like you say, you have definitely gained some muscle. As most people have said, ONLY measure yourself in the morning before you eat but after you use the bathroom. Make sure you are as close to naked as…
  • MFP database sometimes can under estimate, but I've found, for me, its more likely to over estimate calories burned. When reading someone saying how many calories they burned, make sure to ask about time frame. Some people may burn 1000 calories in a week. However, burning that many calories is totally possible for a…
  • Has anyone else experienced some overwhelming emotions while trying to lose weight? I've lost about 34 pounds since December, and while I feel great, I feel like the rest of my life is falling apart sometimes. I get super angry, super fast, and while I know I have a temper problem (thanks Dad!), I've been a little more…
  • I'd have to say that I, too, don't think that equation is right. 267*15=4005 4005-500=3505 and even 4005-1000 (2lbs/week)=3005 I agree with whomever suggested to double check the experience and education your "trainer" has. This is no disrespect to you or he/she, however, sometimes people find things that work for them…
  • Plain and simple, if you aren't eating back the amount of calories you are burning off, your body will put itself in starvation mode.
  • sounds good :tongue: do you know the sugar content of it?
  • AMEN SISTER. AMEN! I tried them as well, thanks to hungrygril and LOVED EVERY FREAKING SECOND OF THEM. I'm fiending to go buy some more because I've already consumed the whole thing!
  • I have/had Fitness Chick as a friend, but when I went to her page, it said it was deactivated. Does anyone knoe what happened to her? She was a great insirpation, as all of you are too! I promise I'm not a stalker.. even though I'm sure I kinda sound like one right now, LMAO. I'm really just nosey. :flowerforyou:
  • you are expecting too much too soon. you need to give it time and just relax. what do you have your weight goals set for (1lb/week, 2lbs/week, etc.)? take measurements and take pictures too. are you working out (forgive me if i missed this answer in your original post)? anyways, like everyone said, don't get discouraged.…
  • You just have to remember that the cups aren't jam packed cups, you know what I mean? If you poured the popcorn in a measuring cup, you'd be surprised how little it is because of all the empty spaces due to the shape of the popcorn.
  • I would go ahead and enter your own information. Just click the button that says "enter a food not found" or whatever (right next to the search box). 2 tbsps makes 5 cups popped, so lets say the bag says it has 2.5 servings. That would mean 2.5 servings of 2 tbsps = 5 tbsp. 2 tbsp = 5 cups popped so the entire bag (5 tbsp)…
  • so i purchased a new scale yesterday and between my old one and new one, there is a 3.8 pounds difference (or there abouts). its driving me crazy! what should i do? should i recalculate my weight on here to match up with my weight as my new scale says it, even though i think it's wrong? i don't want to just ignore it…
  • Try nuts. Nuts are calorie rich (so be careful!) and full of fiber. They are great for filling calories throughout the day.
  • [end sarcasm] One of the workers in the cafeteria where I work just called me "the fat girl from upstairs" in Spanish. I should have made her feel stupid for saying it to someone of Latino/Hispanic decent (I don't look it, nor speak fluent Spanish), but it actually really bothered me much more than that. I wanted to go WWE…
  • I'm almost positive I've hit a plateau, unless I drop some weight sometime between now and tomorrow morning (weigh in). I was wondering if it would be a good idea to change my weight loss goal to 1 pound a week instead of 1.5? It is currently set for a weight loss of 1.5 pounds a week, and at least three 60 minute workouts…