Lame-o dinners.

Ok.. so.. I'm 21 years old (22 on May 20th!) and I am a college student, full time worker, and the primary care provider for my parents, whom are both disabled. I take care of the house and everything it needs, on top of going to school and work every day. My brother also lives with us but really offers no help because, well, face it.. how many older brothers really help their younger sisters? LOL :laugh:

Everynight I make dinner and I'm just starting to realize how boring and lame the dinners can be. It's either lean red meat or chicken, white rice or mashed potatoes, and a vegetable or salad. There is nothing ever exciting about the dinners, that is why I need your help!

I would love if someone could provide me (as I have no time to look recipes up on the internet) with some easy and NON TIME CONSUMING recipes that I could use for dinners. Money is tight so I'd like to work with basic things. Also, if someone can provide me with exciting side starch dishes so it isn't a toss up between rice and mashed potatoes every night.

I try to avoid the oven at all costs because it is old and takes FOREVER to preheat :cry: , but I'm willing to look at recipes that involve it.

I really appreciate anyone and everyone who takes time from their busy schedules to help me and my busy schedule. I am going to the grocery store after I get off work so I'm hoping I can find some exciting recipes before that.

P.S. Please include the calorie count if possible. Thanks so much. :blushing:


  • plussized
    plussized Posts: 72 Member
    Ok.. so.. I'm 21 years old (22 on May 20th!) and I am a college student, full time worker, and the primary care provider for my parents, whom are both disabled. I take care of the house and everything it needs, on top of going to school and work every day. My brother also lives with us but really offers no help because, well, face it.. how many older brothers really help their younger sisters? LOL :laugh:

    Everynight I make dinner and I'm just starting to realize how boring and lame the dinners can be. It's either lean red meat or chicken, white rice or mashed potatoes, and a vegetable or salad. There is nothing ever exciting about the dinners, that is why I need your help!

    I would love if someone could provide me (as I have no time to look recipes up on the internet) with some easy and NON TIME CONSUMING recipes that I could use for dinners. Money is tight so I'd like to work with basic things. Also, if someone can provide me with exciting side starch dishes so it isn't a toss up between rice and mashed potatoes every night.

    I try to avoid the oven at all costs because it is old and takes FOREVER to preheat :cry: , but I'm willing to look at recipes that involve it.

    I really appreciate anyone and everyone who takes time from their busy schedules to help me and my busy schedule. I am going to the grocery store after I get off work so I'm hoping I can find some exciting recipes before that.

    P.S. Please include the calorie count if possible. Thanks so much. :blushing:
  • lnwallace
    lnwallace Posts: 11
    One side dish I just found are the Kashi or Seeds of Change bag that you just pop in the microwave. They are so yummy and are made out of whole grains and other good for you items. Though they can be expensive.

    I'd stay away from the white rice and mashed potatoes. Way too starchy! Try some other grains. I love cous cous or quinoa (sp?). You can buy those in bulk too make it cheaper. Then you can add your own seasonings. I also just tried mashed cauliflower the other day! Yummy! I used skim milk, parm cheese, some garlic, yummy! Also, you can buy yams or sweet potatoes (which I don't normally like), but then l slice them (thin) put some olive oil and seasonings on and bake them in the oven (I know you don't want to use it). Yummy!

    As for the meat, I get pretty stuck on chicken too! Try pork or fish.

    For veggies, I usually go with broccoli or asparagus. Sometimes different squashes, peas, artichokes (if on sale).

    Hope this helps some!
  • vanessadawn
    vanessadawn Posts: 249
    You should try investing in a slow cooker, you can throw in tons of veggies (yams, turnips, butternut squash, potatoes, carrots, celery, etc.) and some cubed meat and a package of slowcooker powder (in sauce aisle) or your own seasonings. Leave it on all day and when you get home dinner is served, with some toast to top it off if needed.

    Also you can half a spaghetti squash and turn it upside down in a glass tray with one inch of water and cook in your microwave for about 12 minutes. It is a great side, just top with salt and pepper and some butter if you wish. Great side!
  • lnwallace
    lnwallace Posts: 11
    Oh yes, spaghetti squash!
  • blackbeltfairy
    Do you have a barbecue? It's far less time consuming than baking, and you can grill year round. I even do desserts on the barbecue!

    Just last night I made teriyaki shrimp skewers (teriyaki sauce from a jar) with grilled red pepper.

    For meats, all you need is a good marinade. You can make your own; all you need is an acid, an oil, and spices. For beef, I use red wine vinegar, olive oil and Montreal steak spice. For chicken, one of my favourites is pineapple juice, coconut milk and orange zest. Another nice trick is to use sauces from a bottle. There are some great ones out there; orange ginger, teriyaki, you name it, they've got it.

    Any vegetable is delicious grilled. Just brush it with a little olive oil, and you're set! I find it locks in the flavour a lot better than steaming or boiling. Some of my favourites; red peppers, asparagus, zucchini, and regular or portobello mushrooms. You can either skewer chunks or grill large pieces on their own.

    Anything that you want to bake to go along with dinner can get wrapped in aluminium foil. I've done green beans, chopped apple with cinnamon, mushrooms and garlic.

    As for starches, how about polenta? You can buy it pre-made, and just put slices on the grill (I know, I'm a grilling fiend), but there are tons of other ways of doing it. Have you tried introducing rice noodles? They're very low-cal, and they go great with any meat and veggies.

    One of my best discoveries was grilled pineapple skewers. Yum...
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    We had taco salad last night - salad greens, grated cheddar, black olives, tomatoes, ground beef cooked with a can of salsa for seasoning. Then for chips I love Fritos, but now I use baked flax tortilla chips. For dressing, I mix up taco sauce with lo fat Italian dressing.
    It was yummy.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Crock pot, as someone says, you can start it in the morning, and it'll be ready by dinner time - just throw everything in there. It changes because of what you put in there, you can make a lot of chicken dishes that are very different. And you can make things like cauliflower rice instead of rice (you use fresh cauliflower).

    I buy prepacked salads (more expensive) but then I get different kinds of salads every day, with different ingredients. To me, it's worth it for the variety.

    Instead of potato or rice, dinner rolls (you can buy them so you only cook exactly the number you need).

    But you will need to invest some time, even though you're really busy. You can buy a Weight Watchers cookbook and get good recipes in there as well.

    I can't cook worth a darn so I use the crockpot all the time! Also, make extra of things and put in the freezer so you can basically have your own microwave dinners for finals weeks and stuff like that, when you really don't have time to cook.

    Don't forget the dairy, for you and your folks, especially your mom.

    Make a deal with older bro that if he cooks 2x/week you'll do the rest, or if he always does dishes you'll do the cooking. If he doesn't want to chip in - he can make his own meals and clean up his own mess. Seriously. If he's out of high school and living with parents - Time to grow up and cowboy up. Or even if he's in high school, it's a good life lesson to learn to cook... because McDonalds will make you fat if you're too lazy to cook!!!! (My older brother learned this the hard way, he went from being rail thin his whole life to 500+ pounds within 4 years of moving away from home, all he ate was pizza and fast food....)
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I have to tell you I admire what you're doing at such a young age. :smile: Whole wheat pasta is good. I just made turkey italian sausages with loads of peppers and onions in tomato sauce over whole wheat noodles. Fast and yummy! I second the crock pot. Throw some chicken breasts in with some taco seasoning and salsa and shred the chicken when it's done. Yummy served with tortillas and some low fat cheese/sour cream. Do you have a george foreman grill? If so , lean hamburgers, steaks, chops , any lean meat is great. For side dishes , have you tried sweet potatoes? They are yummy baked and made into fries and baked. We eat veggies and sometimes cottage cheese for our sides. Good luck with everything. :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    I bought a book called Eating for Life.. it has the easiest recipes in it and they are quick and delicious! It has breakfast, lunches, dinners, deserts and snacks and it is still one of my most used cook books. I personally like that they tell you the whole meal including sides for dinner.

    Another thing I do is meal plan for the week.. I have a magnet board that is clipped to my fridge and on a Sunday I write on it all the meals I want to make that week and write out a grocery list... I don't plan it so it is broken down by days, I just write down the meals so I can pick out what I want to make on a particular day. For example, this week I made/am making:

    Slow cooker turkey
    Baked Halibut/Broccoli/sweet potato
    Lamb chops/mashed sweet potato/salad
    Wholewheat pasta with sauce/chicken/broccoli

    I usually break up the week with a variety of fish, chicken and we have red meat once a week.

    Good luck!
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    Do you have a freezer? I'm a busy mom of 3, so I make more than what we eat in one sitting and freeze it down. (I even label them "whatever 2 cups" so when I log it in, I know what I eat). I have weekends when I might cook for a few hours, but I don't need to go near the kitchen for weeks, unless I want something fresh.
    I just made taco soup tonight, one serving is 2 cups and it's only 104 calories!!! Hello! I made in a slow cooker (you really should get one- it's wonderful!) I big can of crushed tomatoes, one can of corn (or bag, frozen) one package taco seasoning, a bit of salt, I had a half a jar salsa leftover, so I tossed that in there (if you make it with a whole jar, add a few calories, but it's minimal difference) and since I had sundried tomatoes, I added 1/4 cup (if you don't, take out a few calories...) Last, I added a can of fat free low sodium beef broth (but water is fine...and once again, less calories). All this was probably under $10 and you get several servings!!
    If you put 5 tortilla chips to the bottom of the soup and 2 tbls fat free sour cream on top, you are still just at 202 calories, and it's very filling and tasty.
    I also looked at and searched for tofu recipes. I found a few super simple, very quick recipes there. Most of the recipes have the nutritional info on the bottom- easier to pick!
    Do you like fish? Costco sells Mahi Mahi, one bag lasts forever. I cook it in the microwave, as plain as it gets, and season it as I feel that night. Lemon and fresh veggies, or a bit of cheese and coconut rice.
    It's good to have a few "versatile" food around, for me one it's tortillas. For crunchy, I stick it in the oven (i know...sorry) with a tiny garlic salt on it. Or put guacamole dip and fresh tomatos on it and eat it soft. A small turkey brest cut up and fajita seasoning with bell peppers makes a very tasty dinner!

    Good luck!!
  • kickle88
    kickle88 Posts: 22
    Whole wheat pasta!!! You can make a nice easy tomato sauce(or buy one) for a spaghetti dinner or add some low fat cheese or light cheese whiz to pasta for a side dish.

    Change up you mashed potatoes for a baked potato with fat free sour cream and chives. This will be a nice change of pace and less calories without the butter in the mash. Also baked sweet potatoes rock.

    Also to change up your rice you can cook it in chicken broth and add some veggies like peas and carrots. Also you should use brown rice instead of white rice (much better for you with lots of fiber) or even wild rice.

    Like the post above I also eat a lot of tortilla's. You can make fajitas, just fry up some steak or chicken with onions and green peppers, add some salsa and cheese on the tortilla, and wrap it up. Another fave is quesidilla's - using the same technique as above but pan fry the tortilla with all the stuff inside. Make sure to use Pam cooking spray instead of oil when frying anything.

  • alltheway23
    alltheway23 Posts: 3 Member
    Wraps, think a salad wrapped up in a tortilla. I love grilled chicken, lettuce, a little salad dressing of choice, and any other veggies you might want. Easy, simple and tasty. Just be careful when picking out a tortilla. Some can be over 200 cals per tortilla!