Pickles11 Member


  • You can do almost anything for crosstraining, but what I would worry about would be feeling sore from insanity and it affecting your run the next day. When I was doing insanity, I was often sore, especially in my legs. I don't think I could have run long distances at the same time. Maybe you could just do it a few days a…
  • The race I ran today had a ban on headphones- actually, there is one running group in the town pretty much in control of all of our races and so there is a ban for all of them. I was nervous about it at first, but during the race I didn't even think about music- it was the atmosphere and hearing other people coming up…
  • Really? That's funny- I'm a runner now! Thanks everyone :)
  • I don't really have a plan for a treat, but tomorrow I "have to" go shopping to buy a bunch of new dress pants for work since the ones I have are all very baggy and look silly!
  • An avg hr of 100 during hard exercise seems low, but to be honest, there are just some people out there (like myself) who just burn less. My husband can run for 30 minutes and burn over 500 calories, while I am more like 200-230 for a 30 min hard run. It sucks, but if you do burn less than you thought, at least you know…
  • I think you should find a training program to follow. It will give you goals and it will also help you improve. Personally I only like to run alone- it's me time. :)
  • I just started month 2 with Push circuit 1- LOVED IT! So far I'm loving the push phase way more than the burn phase. I'm not sure why...I just feel these exercises so much better. I also ran 8.5k so the total burn for today was 570.
    in Workouts Comment by Pickles11 April 2012
  • I just finished month 1 and was also training for a 10k race (3 runs per week). Now I'm on month 2 and starting a half marathon training program (4 runs per week, and much longer). I don't do it because I think I NEED more cardio, because I think you could see results doing only CLX. However, I love to run so I have to…
  • I think mine was when I did my first 10k run (not a race- it was my first time ever running 10k straight, no walking). Now, it's just a normal run, but I was SO excited that I could actually do it- and enjoy it so much! Another one was when I randomly went through my closet (spring cleaning) and found 2 pair of jeans and 4…
  • I actually tried to look for one and couldn't find one. If you'd like to make a group, let me know- I'm 2 lbs from maintenance!
  • I will be running 4x a week doing a half marathon training program, and I also do 3x a week of Chalean Extreme (I just started the second month). I have done so many combinations of workout videos/programs, but I have recently realized how much easier it is and motivating for me to just keep it simple! (I HAVE had success…
  • I'm 5'7 Starting weight: 160 Current weight: 142 Goal weight: 140! I am trying to decide between keeping 140 as my goal weight and try to lose fat and not weight with strength training, or changing my goal to 135. I am quite happy around 140 though!!
  • I did it last year and got great results. It's a tough program! Also type insanity in the searchbar and you'll get lots of other results and stories. Good luck!
  • If you live an active routine in daily life from working etc then you should set that in your goals- it gives you more calories daily. Therefore, if you are on your feet 8 hrs a day, you would set that as a higher daily activity level and then just add in the extra exercises you do.
  • Touche
  • I believe that Jillian Michaels videos are more circuit training than interval training...but either way, I think as long as you are constantly moving, the reading should be accurate. I do believe in most of Jillian's video's she barely gives a break so you should be ok. Also, 250 sounds right for *normal* people (I happen…
  • Kickboxing with just the punches. It's surprising how much it can get your HR up.
  • I did notice this, and it's not cool because Jillian always talks about brining it and doing your best. However, I believe that they do these exercises for like 8 hours in a day to get it right for the video, so I'm sure she must be exhausted.
  • Yes, many people, including myself, get great results from insanity if you follow the program properly and eat properly (you need to eat enough and eat well). Put insanity in the search bar and you'll get much more advice.
    in Insanity Comment by Pickles11 April 2012
  • Thank you to the poster who said the heart and lungs improve faster than everything else- I feel like I forget that sometimes. I feel like I can run so much and therefore should (and I love it so its hard not to). However, I think that might be why I got shin splints. Now I battle with them every day and it gets in the way…
  • Actually it's not letting me add you. Maybe you could try adding me?
  • I'll add you- just about to race my first 10k in a few weeks, then I'll be on to training for a half. I also do Chalean Extreme for lifting.
  • If you search the groups, there's a Chalean Extreme one. If you search the threads I think there are some that people are posting in all the time. Good luck, I'm enjoying it so far (I'm only 3 weeks in)
  • Agreed on cheese and bread. Also peanut butter and alcohol. Only, I don't live without them, I fit them within my daily goals. It's the only way I've made it this far!
  • I am trying to keep things low impact so I was trying out a bunch of videos and doing low impact versions. Some of the videos I tried were: Chalean burn intervals, a few different Turbo Fire videos, P90x kenpo, and Power 90. I worked out for a total of 90 mins for 523 calories.
  • DEFINITELY look up the couch to 5k program then. It will give you a program of how you can start with alternating walking and jogging to work your way up to do a 5k. I find that when I have a program to follow, I'm much more likely to do a workout, and to do MORE than if I just started running until I felt like stopping.
  • Eat within your calories set out by MFP and you will lose weight. Figure out what you like to do for exercise and do it. Do you like to run? You could do the Couch to 5k running program outside, or it you are more advanced, other running programs. There are also tons of dvds you could do (just search it in the forums and…
  • I would say that it is accurate for some people, but way off for others. For my husband, it is pretty accurate. He used a HRM a few times and it was pretty close, so he just uses the treadmill now. For me, I wear a HRM every workout and I burn at LEAST 50% less than what the treadmill says. At first I was pretty upset to…
  • My starting weight was 159. Currently I am 144 (unofficially- I weigh in Sunday). 4 lbs from goal!
  • Today was Burn 1. It was good- I love the lunges and an work in this one. Just to burn some calories and try to save my shin, I threw in some p90x kenpo. Total 460 burned.
    in Workouts Comment by Pickles11 March 2012