Pickles11 Member


  • Agreed you might not be able to get him to care. That being said, when I decided to get in shape, my husband wasn't as motivated as me. I used MFP and worked out 3 or 4 months on my own without him really being part of it. It was tough, because when I was trying to count calories in dinner, he would just throw ingredients…
  • I started at 1200 calories last year and worked my butt off like crazy for 3 months and got no results. I figured out it was because I wasn't eating enough. I then upped my calories to 1550 and lost the whole 20 lbs I was set out to lose.
  • My HRM will sometimes show 200 for a few seconds, and also down to like 70s when I know I'm in my regular running zone of about 150- sometimes it has just gottten too sweaty and I need to wipe off the censor or readjust and it usually goes back to normal.
  • I reached my goal of 140. I think some pics are in my profile.
  • Try putting that into the search bar, you'll get TONS of ideas. Otherwise, Jillian has so many videos that are good, you could go to her website to see what else she offers- hers are almost always 30-40 mins. I personally love Turbo Fire and Insanity.
  • LOL I tend not to know what leftover wine is either...except that I make my own so I have about 30 bottles on hand at any given time. Tell me more about this ice cube thing...
  • Try putting "insanity results" into the search bar- you'll get tons. I'll post mine here though. These are from last year and have since lost more weight. Just make sure you eat enough to fuel your body.
  • From these responses and others, I think either will be good...but I prefer Insanity for quick, intense results. If you look on my profile, the 2 pics with the blue striped shorts were my insanity results. I don't think I could have gotten those results from Jillian, as much as I like her. Insanity is the right amount of…
  • I did it last year for my wedding and saw amazing results. I was a little scared to start it again knowing how intense it is...but recently I tried one of the videos again and loved it. I just finished working on my schedule to fit in a few insanity days because I know it will be so beneficial to my routine! So I'm not…
  • I've heard great this about both, so it's probably about what you like to do. I think for the most information, you could try to put that into the search bar and see what comes up, because lots of people have outlined the positives and negatives of each program. However, I can tell you what I think about them based on my…
  • Do you warm up first? Maybe do arm circles and stretch your shoulders more. Sometimes we forget that running isn't just using the legs, it's full body.
  • I'm 5'7. I ate about 1500 calories and ate my exercise calories back. I worked out about 6 days a week.
  • I just reached my goal yesterday :) I started around 160 and am now at 140lbs. I decided I'm not done, but I'm not going to focus on the scale anymore- I'm going to focus on muscle. Lets see if it works this time:
  • Google or search in MFP "c25k" or "Couch to 5k" ...it's a starter program for running. It will help ease you into it. Running is awesome and a great workout.
  • I did just meet my goal this week. I never really gave it much thought, but I guess I've had some rewards along the way. -I had to get new clothes for work because I need to look professional and my pants were all baggy. -I had to get new bras because I lost weight in my chest. -We ARE going to Cuba this summer, which will…
  • Thanks guys, you're so kind! I definitely feel great but agree I could lose a few more inches. I think I will do the heavy lifting! I am afraid to do maintenance calories, but you're right, I should up them slowly. Oh, and for some reason this pic didn't seem to show up properly:
  • I did it last summer before my wedding and loved it. I got great results. (Maybe you could search insanity results and find mine). I logged it under my own category because I used a heart rate monitor. I burned about 300-350 calories per workout, but I don't tend to burn as much as other people. Enjoy!
  • I'll add you guys. I'm also working on a half marathon training program for a half in September. I will be doing lots of other races this summer too. I am also doing Chalean Extreme for strength training, but running is my priority so sometimes I miss CLX so that I'm not sore on certain runs.
  • Everyone is different, and 1200 calories works for lots of people, but when I started last year, I started on 1200 calories a day and went months with no loss. It wasn't until I set my goal to 1 lb a week loss instead of two, and started eating more like 1400-1500 (and eating back exercise calories) that I started losing…
  • MFP more than doubles my calorie burn. I've learned that I burn way less than most people, though. Using MFP estimates is why I couldn't lose weight for so long. It's when I got a HRM that I finally lost it all. However, that's because I'm different and burn way less. If you are "normal" you may be pretty close. From what…
  • I run 4x a week, between 25 and 45k a week (half marathon training) I also do Chalean Extreme 3x a week I get 2 days off a week
  • I'm a runner. Just did my first 10k, now training for a half marathon. This has me doing between 30 mins-2 hours of running 4 times a week. On lighter days I plan on continuing Chalean Extreme for some lifting, 3x a week.
    in Exercise Comment by Pickles11 April 2012
  • I started with my cals at 1200ish but was losing nothing for months I upped it to 1550 with eating exercise calories and lost most of my weight. After I lost the weight, MFP lowered it to 1420. I decided that 1420 wasn't enough after all my hard work, so I eat around 1660 with also eating exercise cals now. I have it set…
  • After reading all the pages, you are the closest to me. I'm 5'7 SW- 159 CW- 141 GW- 140...maybe 135
    in Twins :) Comment by Pickles11 April 2012
  • Goal weight: 140 Currently: 141 Might go to 135, might just build muscle.
  • I'm 5'7- I started Nov 2011 at about 159lbs, my goal is 140, and I'm currently about 141 (haven't checked the scale yet this week). I MIGHT lost 5 more, or I might try to gain some muscle now that I'm pretty much at goal. As for other goals, I'm starting a half marathon training program. I just finished a 10k one, and did…
  • Since it's only about a month away, you won't have time to do a complete training program, but I'd start by looking up training programs and trying to get in some training runs so you are prepared. Otherwise, my advice would be to take it slow. 12k is no joke, so you don't want to waste your energy super early.
  • This is my biggest fear- I am 1lb away from my goal weight, and I'm confident I can keep it off....but I plan on having kids in a few years. Am I doomed to repeat this all again??
  • I also don't remember how to set it up, but I use spit (gross, I know) to wet the strap, not water, and it seems to work better. I have the same one and have been using it since December 2011- I personally find it very accurate and it works great- good luck.