Insanity or P90x?!

what's better for weight loss? insanity or P90x?!


  • ayoubm3949
    ayoubm3949 Posts: 81
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    I've heard great this about both, so it's probably about what you like to do. I think for the most information, you could try to put that into the search bar and see what comes up, because lots of people have outlined the positives and negatives of each program.

    However, I can tell you what I think about them based on my own experience.

    I'e only ever done Insanity fully, not p90x. However, I have p90x and have done most of the workouts on my own (not part of a program). Here is what I've discovered:

    Insanity: It's great because you don't need any equipment. All you need is a few feet of space. It's a lot of cardio, but when I did it, I found that I got SO much stronger because of all the floor work exercises like pushup jacks. I couldnt do them when I started but a few weeks in I was so proud to do them.

    When doing Insanity, you need to make sure you are fueling yourself enough to get the workouts done because they are tough.

    Another positive of Insanity is that the workouts are for the most part 50 mins or less, usually more like 40-45.

    P90x, from what I've seen, focuses more on doing a schedule of weight training for a specific muscle group each day. I believe the workouts are much longer, like up to an hour and a half. I loved the cardio dvds like kenpo, cardio x, and plyo, but I couldn't stand doing strength for an hour and a half a day. However, it can be extremely effective and many people have seen great results from it.

    With p90x you need more equipment, but again not much room. You do need more time.

    Based on what I personally prefer, I would recommend Insanity- it's my favorite, but I know that many people have had great success with p90x as well.
  • smiller9
    smiller9 Posts: 28 Member
    bump...I'm trying to decide also
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    I have done both and prefer Insanity.
  • christynek
    christynek Posts: 152 Member
    I have done both and prefer Insanity.

    I am trying to decide also, can I ask what you liked better about it?
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    p90x is cheaper lol, i brought it off ebay this arvo for 72 bucks brand new, my beach buddy coachy thingo lol he said insanity is just high intensity cardio and both get great results however from what i have read building muscle burns more fat then just cardio, hoever he did say close excited and scared lol, but also the clip for insanity is kinda unappealing, lots of sweat and fit people die lol, ill die annyways but hey ill start with p90x, then save for insanity :bigsmile:
  • eodtech89d
    eodtech89d Posts: 32
    Honestly, I prefer P90x over insanity for a couple of reasons.

    With P90x you both of the best of both worlds, you get cardio and you get weight lifting. Even if you don't have any weights you can get some elastic bands pretty cheap from walmart. P90X will be hard at first if you're going from not doing any type of exercise to working out 6 days of working out like you will be in P90X.

    One of the posters said that they weight workouts are 90 minutes, this is definitely not true, all the weight workouts are less than an hour of actual lifting weights, in total after warming up and cooling down you are only lifting for about 40 minutes. On the weight lifting days you will do the AB ripper X which will add an extra 15 minutes or so. Of course all the workouts can be longer especially if you're new and you pause the DVD and then press play when you're done with that particular exercise. As you get into better shape like I did you will be able to follow along without having to pause the DVD.

    Insanity is a lot of high impact exercises(lots of jumping) even if you're landing properly, the program can take it's toll on your body.

    IMO Insanity is geared towards people who are already pretty physically fit because of how hard the program is.

    Regardless of which program you choose, just don't get frustrated if it's hard at first, just be patient, work hard and the results will show themselves.

    If you have any questions just add me or send me a message.

    Just my 2 cents
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    I used both awhile back, I think if you are going to get one it should be P90X. The reason it comes out ahead is versatility. The program can be modified in so many ways, not only that but it gives you multiple ways to modify the program and exercises within it. I'm sure you could find some good stuff online about even more ways to mess with it to get the results you want. Also, Tony is just entertaining...for awhile at least.
  • Sassie333
    Sassie333 Posts: 2
    Never heard of either?
    My exercise will consist of The Biggest Loser Kinect game, Dance Central, Zumba and Weights. For me this is like climbing a mountain, so I think I'll stick with those.