dnndavie Member


  • I've been working out before breakfast for a number of years now. If I feel like I'll need food in me before starting (like before a long run or intense spinning class) I eat half a grapefruit or half a slice of dry toast. Just eat something really small to give you a touch of energy if you feel you need it then eat your…
    in Breakfast Comment by dnndavie June 2011
  • Hatha is your best bet.
  • Grow your own. That's what I did last year. It's only seasonal then but it's available fresh stock without having to find a Waitrose. Seeds are easy to find, even if the produce isn't. Wilkos sell the seeds, as well as most garden associations.
  • Do one or two cheat meals throughout the week instead of a cheat day. You'll actually feel more indulged but less guilty as the rest of the day has been healthy but your cheats are spread out over two days so you have two days rather than 1 to look forward to. If you really want to confuse your metabolism though, shake up…
    in Cheat Days Comment by dnndavie May 2011
  • Why not add some clean whole grain bread? Or multi grain? Just check the ingredients and as long as you don't see sugar at the top, it's pretty clean. Try Burgen Soya & Linseed if you can find it. it's 110 calories per slice and 12 gr protein, 12 gr carbs.
  • Buckwheat is wheat free. There are loads of recipes for buckwheat pancakes or blinis if you're the making it from scratch type. Buckwheat can also be used in place of wheat flour in tons of baking recipes. Rye bread might also be an option. Or multicereal pasta.
  • 600cals is the 'average' which takes into account the men doing the program. As men generally have more muscle mass, they burn more calories than women so don't fret about the calories, as long as you're still working hard. I'd only burn about 300 during a P90X cardio whereas my husband would burn 500. Generally you burn…
  • Try adding a scoop of natural or vanilla whey or soy protein powder to your milk with museli, or your oatmeal. It ups your protein which helps you lose weight, and keeps you from being hungry until lunch. It's fantastic. Eggs, scrambled or omlette, with grilled mushrooms, peppers and tomatos is also good. Ups your…
  • Contagious by Boys Like Girls is fantastic Kung Fu Fighting Remix by Fatboy Slim Get Me Bodied by Beyonce All American Nightmare by Hinder Welcome to Oblivion by Madina Lake Shut Up and Kiss Me by Orianthi If you like Rihanna, Britney and Lady Gaga, try Girls Aloud or Sugarbabes. Also Cheryl Cole's Promise This or anything…
  • Check out myprotein.com. We get the Whey Impact Chocolate and it tastes just like a McDonald's choc milkshake. Really good.
  • Try some thicker breads. We eat Burgen Soya and Linseed bread. The seeds make it more calorific and helps curb your appetite as nuts and seeds tend to do. Have that with scrambled egg or some cream cheese. One of my favorite breakfasts is oatmeal made with water and I add a chopped apple, cinnamon and a scoop of natural…
  • Oxygen Magazine is really good for women who want strength gains. You said you don't want to bulk up but unless you're either genetically gifted or taking testasterone supplements, you won't. If you like Oxygen Magazine try Lou Schuler's book The New Rules of Lifting for Women. He has an entire plan laid out for anyone and…
  • This is something anyone doing 30 day shred should be asking. And the reason I don't encourage anyone to do 30 day shred for strength gain.
  • I'm the same. Try cutting out caffeine. The way your body responds to caffeine is to boost the cortisol and adrenaline in your system however, as your not being active to burn it off, in the way that evolutionarily we would have (running from stampede, etc), it gets stored as abdominal fat. For people who don't store fat…
  • I moved to the UK 3 years ago from the US but I've totally taken pancake day on board! I always make fluffy American pancakes instead though. This morning's recipe was a lot healthier than most: 135g wholewheat flour 2 tsp baking powder 2tbsp caster sugar 130ml skimmed milk 1 egg 2 tbsp low-fat vegetable spread, melted Mix…
  • I've not seen either but I think you hit on a more important note, rather than he is wrong, there are people who think McD's is healthy, there are more people who are simply addicted to food, even food they know or are told is bad for them. Studies have shown that in some people food ignites the same parts of the brain…
  • Your heart rate varies during different times of the day but the variance can be different for everyone. Experiment to find when your peak time is. I find I burn more calories working out first thing in the morning, before breakfast, than I do any other part of the day. This is because my heart is working harder after…
  • Another variation is to substitute the nuts for dried cranberries, add 1/4 cup orange juice, 1tsp grated orange zest and 1/4 more flour (to compensate for the additional liquid). Makes it fruitier and sweeter, very nice.
  • Sugar snap peas and reduced fat hummus. Apples and peanut butter/almond butter apple and string cheese Half lean sliced turkey sandwich with tsp chutney Cottage Cheese with fruit (I eat mine with a few raisins and some flaked almonds) Yogurt (weight watchers yogurt is really low in calories but still has 5 grams of…
  • I don't use the site to track my weight anymore. As I've stayed the same weight for about 3 months I just don't even bother using the reporting and tracking tools anymore. I weigh myself but that's more for my knowledge then as a visual barometer of how I'm doing. I use the site simply as a calculating tool for calorie and…
  • I've never heard of Barry's Boot Camp, what is it?
  • To clarify for all-- Tea is late afternoon/early evening meal in England. Dinner, basically. Good lord, that woud be some SWEET! tea if it was a drink with 300-400 calories.
  • bump :)
  • Even though it's natural, all that fruit you ate also has a lot of sugar so maybe try a few squares of dark chocolate to curb your cravings. Dark chocolate has a lot of antioxidants in it so you will get some benefits. Or try to have homebaked healthier versions of cakes w/ chocolate on hand to help. The internet has tons…
  • I struggle with tummy trouble as well but when I took supplements with pro/prebiotics, I found it made it worse. Guess it depends on exactly what your symptoms are but the best thing is to try for a while and see if they work for you. I find things like Activia make my tummy worse as well.
    in Probiotics Comment by dnndavie July 2010
  • Check out Women's Health Magazine website. They have loads of free yoga routines including a six-week yoga routine designed by Tara Stiles. It's pretty good.