Cheat Days

What is everyone's general philosophy on cheat days? I've read that they're very important when dieting in order to boost the metabolism, satisfy cravings, and be generally more successful.
My only issue is that my main weigh in is on Mondays, and my cheat day is on Sundays! :(
Maybe I should just change my weigh in to Sunday mornings pre cheat?
I generally find that I gain one to two pounds in water, and it takes me roughly two days to get back to where I was pre cheat, and then I have five days to lose more weight before next cheat.



  • fredd500
    fredd500 Posts: 106 Member
    Do you have to cheat?

    Why not just a little of what you like - that way you can build it in to a healthy all round eating plan and you are less likely to crave lots of what you can't have.
  • bragz
    bragz Posts: 22
    I would change your weigh in to the day or 2 before your cheat day. My cheat day is Saturday simply because I like to have a few beers and BBQ on the weekend. Keeps me sane from the work week. I weigh on Thursday night. I might bounce a lb up after the weekend but I lose it quick. I still resort to grilled chicken and the leaner cuts of steak but kind of let loose. Dieting everyday would drive me crazy.
  • dnndavie
    dnndavie Posts: 26 Member
    Do one or two cheat meals throughout the week instead of a cheat day. You'll actually feel more indulged but less guilty as the rest of the day has been healthy but your cheats are spread out over two days so you have two days rather than 1 to look forward to.

    If you really want to confuse your metabolism though, shake up the days, not just always sunday. Your body might get used to that.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thus far I haven't had any "cheat" days. I eat in moderation and plan for nights out, or a more caloric dinner in. I've done pretty well in almost 8 weeks and don't see the need to ruin it with one really bad day.

    Everyone is different, and you have to do what works for you.
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    Do you have to cheat?

    Why not just a little of what you like - that way you can build it in to a healthy all round eating plan and you are less likely to crave lots of what you can't have.

    I guess it's a matter of willpower (which I don't have much of, sometimes!)....I find that if I allow myself a "cheat day" or "cheat meal", I tend to binge like there is no tomorrow! It's just not worth it to me.....Instead, I just schedule in treats that I love and find a way to fit them into my daily allowance....For example, I LOVE ice cream...So practically every night (check my Food Diary if you don't believe me!), I have a "brownie sundae"....I make it out of fat-free Breyer's ice cream, and a VitaTop, but it's still an indulgence!

    I would recommend that you find a way to work it in, to avoid bloating, and all of the weight "gain" (however temporary!) associated with the cheat meal/day...
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I don't have "cheat" days. To me, the only one I am cheating is myself. Good health and nutrition is a lifestyle change for me, and I try to eat the best I can, every day. There will be some days that I'm not so good (like holidays, special occasions), but b/c most of the time, I eat well, I don't have to worry about an off day or two, here and there.

    So, in a way, I have "cheat days", except I don't plan for them. I just know that there will be bumps in the road along the way. It's too hard for me to say, "Saturday will be the day that I eat XYZ!" and then we're out on Sunday, and stop for pizza. Oops. And like you've noticed, it takes you several days to catch up from one day of planned eating poorly.

    I know lots of people do have "cheat days", but for me, it works better if I just eat well all the time, and the day that I find myself having wings and beer, it won't be a big deal overall. Also, b/c my diet is pretty clean, I usu. have extra cal. left over in the day, if I feel like I "really want that ice cream!" I know I can eat it. And knowing that I can have anything I want, whenever I want, kind of takes the edge off of feeling deprived or having cravings, or saving it all for one blow-out day.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I don't believe in "cheat days" - with that said, I also think that if you really want something you should work it in to your caloric day. IF you happen to go over once a week or a couple times a month, so be it. Log it and move on with your day. I just don't agree with planning to basically have a caloric overload on one particular day.

    I'm in this for life.. and this is my lifestyle. The way my brain works though, if I allow myself to "cheat" I will feel bad about it.. if I allow myself to "live" and log it.. then I'll be more likely to stay true to myself and what I'm putting in my body.

    I do think that eating more on somedays to "shock" your system is sometimes a good thing, but I'm not going to plan out a cheat day for that specific reason. Just my thoughts!
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    I've been on Slimming World for over three years, and can't get my head around 'cheat days'? As said above, I think it's better to work in a little of what you fancy to your healthy eating habits, rather than have 'off plan days', no? Do you actually feel happuer on/after a cheat day? Or do you think about the next six days where you have to ry and make amends in time for weigh in...?
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    To me a "cheat" day is a day of over-indulging, which is not encouraged on any diet.

    What you want to do is plan higher and lower calories days into your diet to keep your metabolism guessing. But you should still eat only healthy foods on the higher days.

    The 17-Day Diet (which I am on) adds two natural starches every other day. The calories go up only slightly but it changes things up a bit -- and it sort of feels like cheating.
  • jmafte
    jmafte Posts: 46
    From what I have noticed, this issue seems to be a personal preference. Some people just take a little bit of "cheating" on occasion, others have cheat days to help satisfy/kill cravings other wise they fall off the bus, and still others can't have cheat days at all and have to completely avoid that type of food otherwise they will fall off the bus. Whatever works for you. I started with cheat days, and have found that in 2 months time I've narrowed that down to maybe caving for a few snack type meals a week, to maybe having one small indulgence of what would be considered cheating. I think in my case, my cravings for certain foods that aren't great for me have worn off the less I've had them, which makes sense to me. Also, if you want to continue with the cheat days, switch it to a few days before the weigh in, on like Friday.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I usualy have a free meal, rather than a cheat day. I waited until I couldn't take it, and than had a free meal. I have one every two weeks, and if that day comes and I am okay, I don't have it.
    Not everyone is the same though and if you can lose weight and still have a free day, than enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for the advice, Everyone. I think I might try the idea of incorporating my cravings into my daily intake. Or maybe having a couple cheat meals a week as opposed to the day; because it does end up being a huge binge-fest. :P
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    You are right Donna the Cycle 2 of the 17 day diet does make you feel like you are cheating. I consider my cheating if I have a frozen yogurt and its usually only a tablespoon lol .:laugh:
  • bragz
    bragz Posts: 22
    I don't think there is any sure fire method. Since i started dieting I've read all the articles i can and there are so many different methods and opinions. My personal opinion is its good to kick start yourself here and there. I do cardio m-f and change my running every day. Go from regular pace to intervals to fat burn to calorie burn to HR. I've hit a few walls and seem to get past them by having a cheat day. Sometimes I gotta gain a pound to lose 5. I guess what I'm saying is try different things but if your losing weight then your winning the game. Find what works for you.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    For me, if I really feel like something, I'll have it, but I'll eat it in moderation. To me, if I look at it as a "cheat" meal, that would suggest that this is a diet that I'm on rather than a lifestyle change. I'm personally loving the healthy nutritious eating, and never feel like I'm deprived - but if I did get a craving for a pizza for instance, I'd have it in moderation, log it, and move on with eating a healthy nutritious meal the next time I ate.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    I don't like the idea of structured "cheat" days because cheating carries bad connotations. I prefer to work the foods I love, and can't live without, into my normal eating. I'm not on a diet, I'm changing the way I eat for life. And I can't go through life depriving myself 6 days a week and "cheating" for 1 day.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I don't believe that having one awesome dinner out with my husband is going to derail all my progress....I do however believe that doing it for a whole day can send me off into a binge that could last days and take me steps backwards.

    So I generally allow myself cheat meals, maybe 2 a week (like weekend dinner or going to a party) and try to stay on plan the rest of the time. I feel sometimes that people equate "cheat" with "eat crap cuz it's ok" but it's still just crap in your body, so why bother? But if you want to have a good ole slice of steak, some rice, or extra veggies and even some butter on it, then so be it :smile:
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I do cheat days if there is an event or something that I am attending and I don't want to worry about counting calories. This is a lifestyle for me, and in my life there are going to be days that I don't eat 100% healthy, and I am OK with that. It is about not going overboard and binging like I have in the past.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Do one or two cheat meals throughout the week instead of a cheat day. You'll actually feel more indulged but less guilty as the rest of the day has been healthy but your cheats are spread out over two days so you have two days rather than 1 to look forward to.

    If you really want to confuse your metabolism though, shake up the days, not just always sunday. Your body might get used to that.

    That's exactly my thought process. I don't do a whole day. I do a meal. Usually Saturday night dinner. I also wiegh myself every 2 weeks. So far, I've been dropping weight wise. And it's staying off. Everyone is on the right track. Incorporate it one way or another. If I see I might've overdone it, then I workout extra hard the next day I workout. Good payoff.