tesha30 Member


  • Laughing cow cheese and Special K crackers
  • Hopkins area here!!
  • First I think you need to stop weighing in so much. Your body is going to fluctuate (spelling?) everyday depending on what you have consumed and whether or not you have to go to the bathroom..whatever the case may be. But living around the scale is not going to help you much.. it might just make things worse.. as in not…
  • you are not eating enough. Eat the calories that MFP has set up for you. Atleast 1200. And if your burning the small amount of calories that you consume.. what exactly are you giving your body to survive on? You have to eat more. 3 meals per day and a healthy snack atleast!
  • I get cravings too during that time and quite frankly.. I usually give in one day! I dont eat alot but omg.. you need chocolate. The real kind! Just one day though..treat yourself and satisfy your craving or else your not going to stop thinking about it. All the other days... find a low calorie snack that will tide you…
  • any suggestions on how to make sure my percentage is bigger at the end of 6 weeks! I gotta win this! I never win anything and I have never been more motivated in my life! 1. first prize is a Wii fit 2. Ipod Nano 3. $75 gift card to macy's.. which I dont care about cause what can you buy at macy's for $75... socks? i want…
  • I do it monday mornings usually.. or else tuesdays
  • i agree with you on this one! EVOO and some garlic though.. SOOOOOO good! I would rather have my veggies like this than boiled.
  • I am from MN too!! Good Luck with getting back into shape!! My work is going to start this Lose Big Contest here soon...So I am going to do that as well!
  • Its such a good feeling! I had to look at that # for the first year of my sons life. I couldnt seem to lose anything no matter what I did. I started this site and everything fell off! Now I have lost 17 pounds! Very exciting!!
  • Dont feel bad about putting yourself first. You have to look out for numero uno first. Your making yourself better and giving yourself more time on this earth by getting healthy. Kids will understand completely. They care more about you than they do the snacks or foods they cant get. Who knows.. maybe you will set an…
  • The one thing I have learned is.. dont try on the clothes. You will start to see a difference in clothes you wear now... and then you will start believing things are changing! I get that your feeling low.. everyone turns to some sort of comfort when they are down...food being the choice of many. You just have to put…
  • let us know what you find out! thats exciting!! congratulations!!
  • how do you figure the percentage of body fat gone?
  • sorry that 130 calories
  • My oatmeal this morning was 125 calories. quaker instant oatmeal is what I have. 1 package
  • so the key to water retension is to drink more water? I want to see the scale go down.. not up because this god awful time of the month has arrived! But I should add.. I did not give into my cravings at all. I am actually doing pretty good! Surprising
  • I weigh right before i get into the shower in the morning.. so naked totally. Wearing clothes makes a difference in your weight. so does wet hair.. so dont weigh in after taking a shower.
  • Well working at a dry cleaners is like sitting in a sauna... its extremely hot in there. I know I worked at one before and with all the running around you have to do... I would think that it burns calories. I do have to agree with everyone though... you should update your profile to project that you are on ur feet most of…
  • thats really cool! I am sure that feeling was super good! My BF told me the other day.. You know I was looking at pics of you on our sons bday (about 2 months ago) and there is a huge difference. I dont see it yet but he does..so atleast that is telling me its working!
  • I think it is just that each person gets so comfortable with one another and whether they gain weight or whatever the case may be.. its not because its one of their faults solely.. its just how close you are with them and how much you stop caring. Bad choice of words but hopefully you know what I mean! On a side note: I do…
  • that was really nice of your friend to do that for you! Its great to have an awesome support group to help keep you on the right track! Good for her for doing that for you and good for you on sticking to your goals!
  • a salad
  • since its only for an hour or so everyday.. I would count it! its like cleaning your own place for that amount of time. If you breaking a sweat.. your burning something. I dont know what you do the rest of the day... but I would count it
  • I heard from someone that it doesnt... due to it being strength training but i dont know why. sorry
  • try and change your exercise routine...to keep your body guessing. I was at that stupid plateau too for 2 weeks I couldnt lose anything and then a friend on MFP told me to do the same thing and almost 2 pounds lost since I switched it up! Plus..as I agree with some of the posts.. your body is making muscle and replacing…
  • I am down! I think it can be done with a little bit of dedication! I am also doing the Halloween challenge. so this will be an even better motivator to be at my goal weight by xmas time!
  • yes and this way.. people can actually see what their eating!
  • I feel your pain also! when i make something for myself.. whether its dinner or a snack.. I am usually sharing it with someone. My 1 year old son or my boyfriend always wants to eat what I am eating! No biggy though.. keeps me from eating all of it! Too bad about the dog! I had one that would not stop begging and he would…
  • WOW LOOKING GOOD! way to go!! i am sure you are pretty proud of yourself!