Need a sympathetic pat-on-back

Official weigh in tonight after 2 weeks. Going to be a bit of a let down I think. That scale weighs higher than mine, and mine has been under the 200 mark for the last few days (yippee for me). While I am expecting a loss, I am assuming that the TOPS one will weigh me a bit over 200, and it will be sad to see that 2 at the front again. Can't wait for the day that I never have to see that 2 again.


  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    Its such a good feeling! I had to look at that # for the first year of my sons life. I couldnt seem to lose anything no matter what I did. I started this site and everything fell off! Now I have lost 17 pounds! Very exciting!!
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    I hear ya. I hate going to the doctors office and having to tell the nurse to just go ahead and push it over to the 200 mark first. They always act all uncomfortable which makes it worse. HOWEVER, you have LOST THIRTY FOUR POUNDS!!! That is awesome! Seriously, Way To Go! You should be proud of yourself! ^.^