Pretty new: Would love suggestions!

Hi! I'm pretty new to this site and have been loving it so far! One question that I have regarding eating my exercise calories. Due to my schedule and family I have to do my workouts after I put my little ones to bed around 7:30 or 8:00. After my workout I generally have 300 or so "workout calories" to eat. With it being so late at night, are there any suggestions for good snacks that might be better than other "good snacks" to have that late at night? Obviously I wouldn't grab a bag of chips, etc. but wondered what types of things might be best to eat that close to bed time....I hate eating at all within 2 or 3 hours of going to bed, but don't want to get into the habit of not eating any of my exercise calories. Thanks for any suggestions!!


  • philipjhill1
    philipjhill1 Posts: 7 Member
    I am no expert, I would say proteins after a workout will help you build muscle better than carbs will. Egg-white omlette with chopped ham might be a good example? Also the higher % of body weight you have as muscle, means the more calories you require to maintain your current weight, therefore there should be an additional benefit on terms of having to 'diet' less to keep it off in the future.
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    Late at night if you can eat something with some protein, turkey, chicken, eggs...your body will actually burn that protein while you are sleeping...anything else you eat that late, may just sit there and your body won't know what to do with it...
  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    Laughing cow cheese and Special K crackers
  • momof3babes
    Thanks guys! I suppose a serving of almonds might be a good one too! I LOVE laughing cow cheese and crackers. I usually eat it with Kashi, but will have to try it with Special K.
  • florange323
    florange323 Posts: 50 Member
    I say eat your calories during the day then that evening you work off what you ate. If you prefer to eat after a workout, Progresso Light Soups may be an option and or Kelloggs Fiber Plus granola bars. Keep up the good work.=)