For the Ladies of MFP- HELPPPPPPPPP!!!!



  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    I get cravings too during that time and quite frankly.. I usually give in one day! I dont eat alot but omg.. you need chocolate. The real kind! Just one day though..treat yourself and satisfy your craving or else your not going to stop thinking about it.

    All the other days... find a low calorie snack that will tide you over. Drink lots of water.. especially during that time of the month and exercise! Maybe when you have a craving that is overwhelming to you.... exercise. get out and walk instead. Dont stand in the kitchen looking at more food! Your not hungry.. you just think you need it but you just want it.. two different things!

    but they do have 100 calorie snacks... how about sugar free chocolate pudding? thats low in calories.
  • wanderinghorn
    Because I really don't like dark chocolate, I always keep it around for this purpose...I get my chocolate fix but am not tempted to overindulge because it isn't my favorite. Dove's dark chocolate squares really help! It has to be the 70%, though. Also, I freeze them so they last a lot longer. This worked when I was thin--I have since given up and just ate Kit Kats for a while, But I am going to go back to this today :O)
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Don't feel bad about giving in a little bit. Your body actually uses more energy around that time due to all the functions your body needs to carry out for your cycle and to prepare for your cycle. Thats not to say go crazy... but don't feel bad about a couple cookies or a chocolate bar.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Chocolate Cheerios really? I think I need to make a trip and see what other cool things I can get south of the border!.
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    I am also a huge fan of the Chocolate Cheerios, but lately my favorites have been the Jello Mousse Temptations in either chocolate or caramel (60 calories each) and the Yoplait Whips yogurt in Chocolate or Chocolate Raspberry (160 calories each). Throw one of those bad boys in the freezer for a couple hours, then go to town! And if nothing but the good stuff will do, I like either a Dove milk chocolate bar or a nice hot cup of cocoa. You can do either for at or under 200 calories, and both are divine. The real key is to savor the taste, enjoy it, and make it last; a little can go a long way!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I buy those teenie containers of Skinny Cow ice cream when I'm having a sweet tooth. They have SO MANY delicious flavors and their only a buck at Wally World! I bought 2 about 2wks ago, I ate half of one (of course the day I started, their only 5.8oz) and I was satisfied, for the whole container it's 150cal. 1g. fat & 4g. fiber, Like I said half satisfies me so that's only 75cal, My favorites are Strawberry Cheesecake and Dulce De Leche, mmmmm. . . think I'm gonna go eat that last half now :bigsmile:
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    Am I the only person who doesn't really like chocolate, much less crave it when I'm PMSing? Wow, I feel defective haha
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Am I the only person who doesn't really like chocolate, much less crave it when I'm PMSing? Wow, I feel defective haha

    Nope I hate chocalate too, unless it's a truffle or a Reese's Peanut Butter cup, which I can only stand one of anyway! My hubby is the same way, your not alone!