I weigh every day and try not to worry about fluctuations. It keeps me on track. When I do not the days and weeks go by...I don't want to see the number. For me, every day keeps me honest. It is what it is. Can't deny when you see it every day. I am at goal and need to be reminded of how far I've come and how hard I've…
My name is Patti. I am 55 yrs. old. 5'10" 146-148 lbs. depends on the day:). I did the 28 day diet this last summer and was encouraged. I lost 7 lbs that brought me very close to my 145 lb. goal. Best of all, I really feel that I did my body a great favor by sorting things out and being careful about the foods I ate and…
My name is Patti. I am 55 yrs. old. 5'10" 146-148 lbs. depends on the day:). I did the 28 day diet this last summer and was encouraged. I lost 7 lbs that brought me very close to my 145 lb. goal. Best of all, I really feel that I did my body a great favor by sorting things out and being careful about the foods I ate and…
Where's the protein? A grapefruit for breakfast and a salad without protein for lunch does not seem to be in your best interest nutritionally. Be safe. Feed your body a little more. Not harping. Just a little startled and concerned for you.
I understand. You are fine. People without food issues might not understand that for some of us, we must have vigilance or we get right back to where we started. Do what you must do to enjoy continued success and try not to let what others say or think affect you negatively. For me, I am not a "normal" eater. I must be…
Relax just a little. You will be OK. This is a long and sometimes unpredictable journey. Do your best to fuel your body with the amount of food it needs. Be patient. Your idea of giving up diet soda is a wise one. I too am addicted to food and know how easy it is to give in to temptations. Just make it from moment to…
1 month/December 2013
Good to know. Short cuts can be tempting. :(
You can do this without extreme measures. Small portions of a variety of good for you foods will do the trick. Jumpstart usually means deprivation and water weight loss. Hold out for the real thing. Baby steps :)
I have the same issue! It's crazy! I am sorry to say that I offer no solution. The only thing I have found that helps is to plan the leftovers for my lunch the following day or to ask my husband to store them away into containers so that I do not have to touch it again.
Me too. Lost 40 last Dec-April then gained 39 :( I am back as well.
I understand completely. I began in December and thought I had my food/weight issues licked. I was within 3 lbs of my goal weight and then lost all motivation..this has happened before. I remember when I would never think of eating cake or a candy bar and lately I have been out of control. It is a curious thing. I…
I too have fallen off the wagon with the eat more philosophy. I was doing just fine before. Giving a compulsive overeater permission to eat more is disastrous. It started with just a little more of the healthy calories then went to the binging on unhealthy disappointing! I am going back to my 1370 cal to lose. I…
I need to head upstairs and get ready for bed early...if I come back down those stairs...its all over :)
I have been wondering the same thing.
I am in your exact position right now. Spring break in Vegas for 9 days left me with 6 extra lbs. that I had worked so hard to lose..amazing how fast it returns and how hard it is to take off. I am trying to eat clean..sort of made it yesterday but added 2 T almond butter before bed..not much but still unplanned and…
Lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains...all "normal" food. There is plenty of great food choices out there. No need to buy the processed, packaged, convenient "diet" foods. You will be healthier eating "clean" :)
Love peanut butter..have recently switched to almond butter..I find it worth the calories!
Love, Love, Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
To answer your is not a real painful process. The numbing shot smarts a bit I have biopsies done 3x a year. If it has bad cells you will go back for an excision or Mohs surgery if needed. Those require stitches. Time heals it up.
Get it removed!!! A biopsie let me know I had late stage melanoma 3 yrs ago...SOOOO important. Take care of it..and wear sunscreen!!!
Sounds delish..but also sounds like my calorie allowance for the whole day!!! :(
Congrats! I know that it is only a number but I feel the same. Whenever I hit a new number in the "tens place" I get really excited.
read later
Love Dr. Oz
A good read.
Like this!!
I guess today is my cheat day. I am sitting in the airport for a 3 hr lay over in CHicago..Red Carpet Club wine, cheese, nuts. I went only slightly over my calories though. While trying to reduce I do not drink wine much..this was a planned indulgence.
After a time away from it the cravings will subside for the most part. My advise is don't take that first bite. For some of us there are trigger foods that can start the binging cycle. I know exactly how you feel. (One bite is too much..the whole loaf is never enough)