Being fat is just easier..



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    And what keeps you motivated??

    I WANT to be lean, fit, healthy, and strong.
    I use to not want to, so I was fat, out of shape, unhealthy, and weak.

    Decide what you want out of life, and go get it.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    If your eating sugar at is very hard to stay on track. At least that is how I am. I had to give it all up! All processed, pre made & fast foods. I know if I eat junk, I might not stop. I make the choice not to eat it!

    Find a pic, a song, a old pic of you thin, something or someone's pic that keep you on track.

    Good luck
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    Lame excuse.
  • MerBear1FL
    MerBear1FL Posts: 32
    Have you tried searching for a running club in your area?
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I just like how I look better when I'm fit.
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    look.. if i lose weight.. i will lose the moobs.. and i ask pray tell what will keep me occupied at night?
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    Being fat is easier.... AND you are less likely to be kidnapped. BONUS!!!

    you NEVER hear about fat chicks getting raped and don't think me and my plus sized sister haven't noticed that. MUCH fewer creepy looks when i am fat vs thin
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    You know, I used to think that also... until I realized how much pain internally I've felt being fat. NOTHING can take that pain away other than being the person I want to be.

    So really, you have to change how you view things- yeah it's easier to grab fast food.... but wouldn't it also be easier to go shopping and be able to grab an article of clothing you like without worrying about "how" it will fit? Or, later on in the years will it be easier if you develop health problems associated to living an unhealthy lifestyle? No, it most certainly wont.

    It's easy to become discouraged because this is not something that you can change overnight. You have to keep reminding yourself that YOU are worth it and all the reasons why you want to and need to do this.

    Good luck, and know that you're not alone!!
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Being fat is perhaps easier than the process of getting into shape..... But once you are there everything is easier.

    Sure there is a little bit of a hurdle to get to the other side but what else do you really need to do in the meantime?
  • casslynn298
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Life doesn't need motivation... it'll keep going one way or the other... Make this your life!

    Change your life! Not your motivations!

    love it August!
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    Keying in on the motivation piece, I have found that the more days I go without exercising, the less I want to do it. My solution? Whenever possible, go every day. Even if I just to a short 20 min of cardio or go for a walk. Sometimes life gets in the way, but, then I have to force myself to get back to it as quickly as possible. I know I feel better when I exercise consistently.

    It is the same thing with food. I've found it easier to avoid refined sugar all together (well once I'm through the "detox" stage). If I eat it, I'll want it again the next day. The more times I eat it, the more I want it. So, I try to be as strict with my food choices, sugar, fat, junk v. "real" food as possible because it keeps me motivated longer.

    That said, over time, my motivation does wane. I'm trying to get re-focused now after about 4 - 6 weeks of less than pristine (for me anyway) eating. So, I know I have about a 3 - 5 days of it being harder, then it smooths out.
  • tlynnclemmons
    tlynnclemmons Posts: 79 Member
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Maybe you're just not ready for this. Weight loss is a major commitment.... and living a healthier lifestyle is an even bigger one. I had to be fat for a while before I was ready to go for it. If you're not ready, no judgement... you cannot force yourself to do something you don't wholeheartedly want. Take you're time.... process it.... regroup... and attack it on your terms.
  • agerena007
    agerena007 Posts: 51
    Your a pretty lady and being secure with yourself is what is important. Its a challenge to be healthy, do you like challenges? Thats what makes it fun, its hard work but its a challenge. How great would you feel when your a few sizes smaller and you dont have to worry about a hot outfit fitting you? I know you can do it and mfp friends are so helpful. Wer all have our down days, they arent here to yell at you or look down on you, they are here to support and motivate you. I love this site and mfp friends, they are so awesome. If you have a great support team, it will be a piece of cake.... Yay!!!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Being fat is easy.... You know what else is easy? Nothing in life worth having.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Being fat is easier.... AND you are less likely to be kidnapped. BONUS!!!

    Hahah and more likely to be eatin by the aliens first!

    and you are much more likely to be caught by zombies. Fatter also equals slower
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    In my own personal opinion the key is to lose the weight quickly then stabilize at your new lower weight and figure out how to stay their. It seems to be much easier losing 4-5 pounds a week to stay motivated then just losing a pound or two. I go against the traditional advice but never the less the important parts are staying with the plan and maintaining the new lower weight. Lose the weight fast that will keep you motivated.

    How does that work out for you? Have you lost your weight and kept it off?
  • Pattinan
    Pattinan Posts: 42 Member
    I understand completely. I began in December and thought I had my food/weight issues licked. I was within 3 lbs of my goal weight and then lost all motivation..this has happened before. I remember when I would never think of eating cake or a candy bar and lately I have been out of control. It is a curious thing. I recommitted to recording my food and may even weigh myself again one day soon :) I am afraid to see what damage I have done in the last month. For me, stress and anxiety of any sort can set me off course. I think we just need to remain diligent. I get too comfortable and think that I have acheived normalcy but I have eating issues that will be with me all my life, I suppose. I need to remain on top of things and not take that first little taste of a food that I know will set me off. I do best to stay away from sugar and white only leaves me with craving more. Hang in there..motivation will return. Love yourself more than the food. Good are not alone.
  • Tmeden
    Tmeden Posts: 11
    I have been the Queen of losing motivation so many times! I have tried and failed to lose weight for YEARS! I too thought that being fat was easier. It was easier then finding the will power to eat right, because I *LOVE* food! It was easier than finding the energy to get the exercise I needed. I hated that walking only 5 minutes on my Elliptical made me want to die. Being fat *was* easier. Then almost 7 years ago my Mom passed away at 52 years old from complications of her Diabetes that would have been non existent if she was so horribly over weight. My Grandmother died at 67 from heart and lung problems from her obesity too. I continued to "ignore" the fact that this would be my destiny if I didn't take control. I wasn't near as heavy as my Mom and Grandma...yet. I knew I could easily gain that weight in time. Then I had a baby two years ago at the age of 37. He was my beautiful little surprise and all I could think of was that if I died as young as my Mom did, he would only be 15. My other two boys would be 19 and 30. I know that sounds morbid, but I felt heartbroken and knew I couldn't do that to my kids. It was really hard losing my Mom when I was 33.

    So long story short. My motivation is my family. I have had times over the last year where I have cheated like crazy, felt terrible for eating that piece of Cheesecake or eating that whole plate of Nachos....but I knew it was just a hurdle I had to get over. I didn't gain all that weight in one day, with only one meal, so I knew messing up once in a while wasn't going to make me gain back all that I had lost. I just know that I can' t do it all the time.

    Don't feel guilty for losing motivation. Just find what it is that keeps you motivated, If its your family, look at a picture of their loving faces everytime you feel like you want to give up. If its just to fit in that dress that you are dying to show off....take it out and look at it. Don't give up! This journey is hard as hell, but it is worth are worth it!