Being fat is just easier..



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I know someone else has posted it already, but this saying really helps me:

    Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining weight is hard.
    Being fat is hard.
    Choose your hard.

    I don't think that being fat is easy, but it is often easier to stick with the particular brand of unhappiness that we are familiar with and comfortable with. Losing weight is definitely not easy. I have days and weeks where I really can't be bothered, don't want to exercise, am dsick of counting calories, can't be bothered eating healthily and just want to go and hide somewhere and eat. These are the times you need to be prepared for. On the good days, your motivation will naturally carry you through. It's the bad times that you need strategies for. Try to figure out where you really have problems at those times. Get into the habit of making yourself go and exercise - even just for 10 mins - when you really don't want to. It's so easy to skip one time, and then let it spiral. With food, try to plan your meals so that even if you're feeling low or stressed, you know what you have planned to eat and don't have to think about it too much. Don't expect to always be in that great, motivated frame of mind. I think the difference between the people who succeed and the ones who don't is that the successful people learn to somehow drag themselves through the bad times, keeping on track. I've found MFP to be a great tool, especially when I feel the least motivated. I know that as long as I log eveerything, I can kep on track with my eating.

    Never forget why you started trying to lose weight in the first place. Think about all the reasons, and which ones are most important, whether it's health, confidence, being able to wear certain clothes. Write them down and dont let yourself forget why you're doing this.

    If you think you might need to talk to a psychologist about some of your issues with food, then go for it! It might be the best investment you can make in your physical and mental health. There's a great guy on here who lost over 300 lbs who says that he knew from the beginning that he had to fix what was going on in his head with regards to food, otherwise he would never be successful. Check him out: I'm not saying you're in the same place, mentally, as he was, but getting some extra help with food issues can't hurt.

    A big part of this process is about forming habits. As boring as it is, you just have to keep doing things that feel uncomfortable until they become a habit. Make exercise a non-negotiable part of your life. Success isn't about never messing up, never taking a step backwards, it's about having the determination to just keep on going until you reach your goal. You can do this!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I truly forget how much motivation and help is on here! You all gave such great advice. I realize that I make VERY unrealistic goals for myself. I usually try to push myself to lose 10lbs a month when I should know that it could take longer than that. It's not the only unrealistic goal I so sadly try to attempt but it shall be my last. From now on I think I'm going to make mini goals for myself. Such as: eat a healthy meal, drink more water, exercise for an hour etc.

    Now, psychologically I know I have reasons for why I put on the weight and keep it on. They're just things I push to the back of my head because I do not want to recall them. Perhaps I need to see a psychologist so I can move on from those things. As for now, I'm going to stay as postive as possible and keep pushing myself.

    Obviously I know being fat isn't really easier it's just more... convenient, per se, but I'm so over being fat. I hate being extra hot in the summer and still hot in the winter because I have too much weight. I hate not being able to just jump on a roller coaster because I'm afraid of not fitting & being asked to get off (happened to me when I was about 8/9). And I definately hate being self concisous when I'm intimate with a boyfriend. I wanna feel good about myself from the inside out and in order to do that I gotta start small and MUST be strong.

    Thank you ALL for you support advice. Feel free to add me as well 'cause I'm sure I might need the continued motivation or just someone to chat with. Good luck to all of you on your journies!

    Everyone has pretty much hit the nail on the head. Change is difficult, when you are young the prospect of having long term health issues related to weight as you get older just doesn't click; having unrealistic goals that negate a lifestyle change versus a quick fix, etc. Staying motivated is not easy, particularly if an individual pins all the happiness and satisfaction in the world will happen with weight loss. (If I only lose weight, THEN I'll be happy). There really isn't any guarantee of that in the long run.

    Oftentimes being overweight or having "weight issues," or "eating issues," are manifestations of deeper psychological issues and even trauma, not just bad or uninformed eating habits. Even for a few sessions you may want to explore your challenges and the feelings you struggle with a psychologist or a social worker with an advanced degree in counseliing.

    The very best to you.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Everyday I'm alive is my motivation.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    eh, some aspects of being fat is easier.
    most suck. maybe when you get older you'll realize it!

    i do low carb. i know it works, so i stay motivated. losing inches and seeing the number on the scale go down is the best motivation.

    ''being fat is hard.
    losing weight is hard.
    pick your hard.''

    may not apply to you, but i repeat this over and over when i workout

    Oh, I like this!!
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    <---- THIS!

    I like this too! "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!"
  • DirtyOldLady
    Birds who decide breaking out of their shell is too much bother, never get to spread their wings or breathe the fresh air. :) Keep going, one piece at a time. Forgive yourself if you backslide and keep moving forward--and you will get there! :)
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member

    We've all been there... read my blog see how my journey changed, hope it helps.



    Dieting is a life choice not life sentence, so don't punish yourself.
  • amykins514
    amykins514 Posts: 12 Member
    Like someone else said, you have to remember why you want to get healthy. If you can remember your why, you can tolerate any how. (I totally stole that from Jillian Michaels, BTW.) I have that on my computer monitor at work on a Post-It, and at home on my refrigerator to remind myself when I feel like I'm losing my motivation. I want to feel sexy for my husband, I want to be a good role model for my daughter, I want to live to see my grandchildren, and, well, I'm just plain sick of having to spend so much more money than my friends on clothes. (I mean, is it just me, or is it really hard to find cute plus size clothing on clearance like all my smaller friends seem to be able to find in their size?)

    Also, use MFP and anyone around you that you know will be a good motivator. I tell my husband to push me, to not let me give in, to not give in to me when I start to get whiny. All of my co-workers know I'm working to lose weight and are supportive, but there's one in particular who pushes me and will really call me out if I seem to be slacking or not eating right. There's no shame at all in using other people for this.

    Also, don't beat yourself up. This IS hard. If it was easy, we wouldn't all be here. But it is definitely worth it in the end.

    If you need another motivational friend, please feel free to add me, and hang in there! :)
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    Its much harder to be fat! this is crazy talk. I cannot even count the ways my life has become easier in the past few months.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Being fat is easier.... AND you are less likely to be kidnapped. BONUS!!!
  • emisu2
    emisu2 Posts: 53 Member
    Read Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes and go on a low-carb diet. Then you will very quickly find motivation. Thanks.
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    I don't believe in God or anything so I think of it like - you only live once...and even if you do believe in God I suppose the same thing can be said!
  • cjstrong
    cjstrong Posts: 54
    the members of the opposite sex that want me now that i look completely different.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Health keeps me motivated. If all I cared about was being thin, I'd lose motivation pretty quickly. But outside quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet and exercising to maintain a healthy weight is about the best thing you can do for your overall health. Carrying around extra weight increases your risk of so many diseases.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I associate pleasure with being fit, and pain with being fat.
    It's just that simple.
    It's an internal drive that is unstoppable. People who find this reach their goals in any situation.
    Those that do not remain in the large herd of failures that populate the majority of planet earth.
    Decide right now where you want to be.
    Success is a choice. Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Life doesn't need motivation... it'll keep going one way or the other... Make this your life!

    Change your life! Not your motivations!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    I don't know if being fat is easier, but I had more free time since I wasn't exercising and meal planning was easier...

    definately! but the clothing options and being able to cross my legs again is making it worthwhile. My biggest motivational issue is the limited menu i was using... so this time around i am not changing what i eat, but tweaking to make the meals healthier, entering dinner into my menu first and planning the rest of the day around that. Everybody has things they aren't willing to give up. MAYBE your diet is too strict and you get to the "eff it" part too often?
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Why do I lose my motivation so quickly?!?? I have my days where I get so pumped up to exercise and eat healthy but then a few days later or even weeks I just completely lose it. Idk if anyone can help ('cause I'm sure this is more of a mental thing) but, why can't I stay motivated? And what keeps you motivated??

    Find yourself great support! Hold yourself accountable. I'm guilty of roller coaster dieting and fads! Every morning that I wake up sluggish I take in the coffee and I call myself not nice names LOL and say time to get moving!! Then once you start moving it's grand stuff! I am probably the biggest sloth ever LOL...I love sleep and video games! Well no video games or anything "fun" for me until I get in my exercise.

    So in the morning when you wake up tell yourself first thing "Today is going to be EPIC! I'm going work out and eat right!"

    Keeping positive is the best form....and like I said I'm one to give up quickly...and so is my partner and she's doing great! You can do it!!
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Being fat is easier.... AND you are less likely to be kidnapped. BONUS!!!

    Hahah and more likely to be eatin by the aliens first!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    What a freakin' copout.

    Being fat is easier - so is dying from several obesity-related health conditions at a young age. Being fat is easier - so is hiding behind your inadequacies for the rest of your "good enough" life. Being fat is easier - so is avoiding mirrors and human contact and shopping and inhibition-free sex and fun and adventure and *happiness* for the rest of your easier life.

    Go ahead, take the easy way out.