Being fat is just easier..



  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    I love looking fit and being strong. I've always been one to be strong, but being in a fit 'shape' is awesome!!!! When I get tired or feel like stopping during a workout I think about my friend who got me on this site. He may not be working it, but I want him to see me as I want to be. does that make sense? he's the reason I keep pushing the elliptical pedals when I could just as easily stop and walk away. :)

    I also don't want to take meds... high triglyceride levels are genetic and my could easily jump into the 400+ if I don't exercise. I'm at a very low 80 right now. :) PUMP IT! PUMP IT! PUMP IT!
  • Sayli87
    Sayli87 Posts: 18 Member
    The best reason i have to stay motivated is because 3 months ago when i went to the fair i was unable to ride the rides with my fiance because i was to big and frankly i don't want to be that person anymore. We are always going out to amusement parks and concerts and i don't want to have a reason that i can't do something i love. At first i felt like giving up because its easier and i don't have to push myself and people will still accept me the way i am but i won't. After the first couple of weeks it got easier i noticed my clothes were fitting looser. So that kept me going. Then the compliments at work began so that gave me an extra push. Then i started going down in pant size which got me all excited and made run a marathon, which i can't but maybe someday. The biggest thing that kept me going was just a couple of weeks ago my fiance and i went to busch gardens and to my surprise i fit on all the rides. I haven't fit on some of the rides in three years. Now that i've reached that goal i just want to keep going. That was the best motivation for me and now you gotta find something deep inside that works for you. :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think it's way easier to spend one hour 3 or 4 days a week and do something strenuous than it is to sit on my fat @$$ doing nothing. I often wonder what people do with their time; eat twinkies? I have no idea. It seems so lazy and sluggish to do nothing.

    Is it easier to be fat? I don't think it is. I think it has the appearance of seeming easier, but winds up harder down the road.

    But, in order to be successful, you have to have a true purpose and reason that resonates with you. When you feel weak, or like quitting, you think about that thing, and it motivates you to do it no matter what. After a while though, after years of doing it, it becomes like brushing your teeth. You wouldn't just not brush ou teeth because it's easier not to. Working out is the same. It's just the right thing to do. The more you do it, the more you see it.

    You need to find some sort of higher purpose for why you want to get healthy. Otherwise, you may not stay with it.
  • davinahilary
    davinahilary Posts: 48 Member
    I truly forget how much motivation and help is on here! You all gave such great advice. I realize that I make VERY unrealistic goals for myself. I usually try to push myself to lose 10lbs a month when I should know that it could take longer than that. It's not the only unrealistic goal I so sadly try to attempt but it shall be my last. From now on I think I'm going to make mini goals for myself. Such as: eat a healthy meal, drink more water, exercise for an hour etc.

    Now, psychologically I know I have reasons for why I put on the weight and keep it on. They're just things I push to the back of my head because I do not want to recall them. Perhaps I need to see a psychologist so I can move on from those things. As for now, I'm going to stay as postive as possible and keep pushing myself.

    Obviously I know being fat isn't really easier it's just more... convenient, per se, but I'm so over being fat. I hate being extra hot in the summer and still hot in the winter because I have too much weight. I hate not being able to just jump on a roller coaster because I'm afraid of not fitting & being asked to get off (happened to me when I was about 8/9). And I definately hate being self concisous when I'm intimate with a boyfriend. I wanna feel good about myself from the inside out and in order to do that I gotta start small and MUST be strong.

    Thank you ALL for you support advice. Feel free to add me as well 'cause I'm sure I might need the continued motivation or just someone to chat with. Good luck to all of you on your journies!
  • davinahilary
    davinahilary Posts: 48 Member
    The best reason i have to stay motivated is because 3 months ago when i went to the fair i was unable to ride the rides with my fiance because i was to big and frankly i don't want to be that person anymore. We are always going out to amusement parks and concerts and i don't want to have a reason that i can't do something i love. At first i felt like giving up because its easier and i don't have to push myself and people will still accept me the way i am but i won't. After the first couple of weeks it got easier i noticed my clothes were fitting looser. So that kept me going. Then the compliments at work began so that gave me an extra push. Then i started going down in pant size which got me all excited and made run a marathon, which i can't but maybe someday. The biggest thing that kept me going was just a couple of weeks ago my fiance and i went to busch gardens and to my surprise i fit on all the rides. I haven't fit on some of the rides in three years. Now that i've reached that goal i just want to keep going. That was the best motivation for me and now you gotta find something deep inside that works for you. :)

    I am soooo afraid of that! I've stopped going on them. When I was about 8/9 that happened to me at Knott's Berry Farm and my brother who is twice my size could fit and I couldn't. I had to get up and walk off as all the other kids laughed. That's tough to deal with already but being a young girl and your brother fit but you? Now that's humilating.
  • morgan9
    morgan9 Posts: 22

    ''being fat is hard.
    losing weight is hard.
    pick your hard.''

    True story! I will use this myself. Thanks!!

    We all have different types of "fat"; each our own battles. If you are comparing yourself to who you once were, you may find your motivation there. It is only fair to yourself to compare to who you know you can become. All else is just pipe dreams of who you may want to be but may not have the ability. I, for instance, will never be my best friend with her big beautiful hips. I am not built that way. But I can be a better version of me. What is the better version of you? Can you describe how happy she is or how energetic she is with family and friends? Is she, maybe, an inspiration to those around her and to herself? Love you for who you are now! Don't beat up on yourself for faulting but know there is a better you just around the corner. A little work and patience is all you need to get there!

    The best to you!
  • davinahilary
    davinahilary Posts: 48 Member
    It's hard working out alone. I know, it happened to me before. I started working out with my girlfriend and it got a lot easier.

    It also makes me feel better if I have a specific nutrition guideline to follow everyday and know what to eat, what not to eat. Also knowing what to do for a workout each day is essential to consistency. What's your exercises like? Biking? Running?

    I used to have someone to workout with but they quit long before I did. I am a runner. I just absolutely love to run! When I can motivate myself I run alone but mostly I try to get someone to go with me and everyone declines. I think I just need to get some good music, headphones and then I'm off on a run alone!
  • someonefromny
    In my own personal opinion the key is to lose the weight quickly then stabilize at your new lower weight and figure out how to stay their. It seems to be much easier losing 4-5 pounds a week to stay motivated then just losing a pound or two. I go against the traditional advice but never the less the important parts are staying with the plan and maintaining the new lower weight. Lose the weight fast that will keep you motivated.
  • davinahilary
    davinahilary Posts: 48 Member

    ''being fat is hard.
    losing weight is hard.
    pick your hard.''

    I love this. I think I just found my new mantra :D
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Being fat is not easier. It's harder actually, just imagining the mental abuse we'd go through, the what if's and the psychological effect every time we'd see our fat selves in the mirror. It makes us miserable and it's hard. Just knowing that I am trying to lose weight the best way I can. The endorphins I get from exercise and eating right makes this lifestyle change worth it and alot easier than going through the torture of seeing myself in front of the mirror and hating what I see when I know there are so many things I could have done to change this.

    Stick with it. It may take awhile to get used to and you may feel that it's not working the way you want it too but don't give up. It's all about your mindset. Change your attitude about weightloss and everything will just fall to place.

    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every oppurtunity. An optimist sees the oppurtunity in every difficulty. - Winston Churchill
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Why do I lose my motivation so quickly?!?? I have my days where I get so pumped up to exercise and eat healthy but then a few days later or even weeks I just completely lose it. Idk if anyone can help ('cause I'm sure this is more of a mental thing) but, why can't I stay motivated? And what keeps you motivated??
    You aren't COMMITTED. People want to lose weight, look good, feel good etc., but only a few will truly COMMIT to doing it. Commitment means "hell or high water". No matter what tries to derail you, you stick to the commitment. If a person TRULY wants something, they will do WHATEVER it takes to achieve it.
    Until you have that commitment, then you'll be like a ship without a'll wander aimlessly. You'll hit land every once in awhile, but without a rudder, you don't steer.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    As for myself, I think about my diabetes, PCOS & those heavy TOM moments before & how my new lifestyle help improved it. That if I slip back into my old habits then my condition would get worse.

    Did the weight loss really help the PCOS and heavy TOM moments? The biggest problem I have with PCOS is the hair growth and I'm hoping that if I lose enough then it will stop growing!!

    YES. Well I did had a hard time losing weight & in fact it took me 3 years just to lose those 22 kilos (50 pounds). As for hair growth, I don't think that will have an effect at all because I still having those facial hairs specifically on the mustache & chin area. PCOS happened because we have testosterone levels that is above average for a woman which is why we are having some unusual things such as hair growth. However the other problems of PCOS such as insulin resistance & the heavy period greatly improved with the weight loss.

    By the way I lift heavy but the testosterone levels hardly gave me an advantage of building muscle quick.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Being LAZY is easy, being fat is really hard, hard on your knees, hard on your motivation, hard on your mentality, hard on your life. Being thin & healthy is much easier, it just takes a little hard work to get there. I agree with the earlier post, make small changes, park furthest away when you go to the grocery store or work, use a small plate when you serve yourself food, and dont expect to be 10 pound lighter in a few days, that only happens on TV and its not realistic. Watch for small victories, like "It was a little easier to tie my shoes today", or "my jeans weren't as uncomfortable today".
    Best wishes on your journey! ~Bre
  • lnguyen578
    lnguyen578 Posts: 39
    Of course being fat is easier, if it wasn't everyone would be lean and have sexy bodies! :p
    From what it sounds, you might be eating away your emotions. It's not what you're eating, it's what's eating you. People who have a tendency to fall off track like that are usually eating out of stress. Before you reach for that "cookie," or whatever it may be, stop and ask yourself, what are you feeling, writing it down will help a lot too! If you feel like you have to have the need to cheat, do it only once a week and only 1-2 meals, and keep it controlled and portioned out so you won't feel, "deprived."

    What keeps me motivated are a lot of things. The envisioned self of me having a sexy muscular bod with abs of steel! :p I look at a lot of female body builders and it motivates me a lot too to be like them one day. My boyfriend also motivates me a lot, I really want to look my best and feel my best! Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels! I also reward myself here and there by shopping like I would buy a new workout top or shorts/etc. Also looking back at what I was before the weight loss helps tremendously. It shows how far I've gone and makes me realize I've come a long way! :) Don't give up, motivation comes from within you. You have to love yourself and want to do this for yourself.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Being fat is way easier.
    There's also nothing wrong with being fat. It doesn't make you lazy, ugly, worthless, etc.
    If being fat is really what you prefer, go with it. If weight loss is something you really want deep down, then go with that. :) Do what makes you happy.
  • Samstudent88
    Samstudent88 Posts: 135
    The more you exercise, and eat healthier...the more you'll crave it. I seem to have swapped one addiction for another....I still like food and at times I am more hungry than normal.
    Exercise really does make you feel releases endorphins...yada yada...this isn't a science class. Experiment..just do a little bit everyday and eventually it turns into a habbit.
    Keep your head up...and do it for yourself!!!
  • xxxMumof2xxx

    ''being fat is hard.
    losing weight is hard.
    pick your hard.''

    :laugh: Love it!
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    <---- THIS!
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I think getting over the hump and to a point where you see real and feel the results- more energy- clothing fit- people noticing- etc. is the hardest part. Once the results start popping up it always adds to my motivation anyway.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    At first being fat is easier, but it doesn't take very much weight loss to feel like a rock star. When I decided I wanted to make a change once and for all, I made a list of all the things I couldn't do because of my weight and all the health problems I had. It had major things like my blood sugar creeping up past normal to little things like not being able to bend down without huffing and puffing. I have a lot of weight to lose, but It only took a short amount of time before I was able to start crossing things off the list.

    Then I got rid of my all or nothing mentality. I've had a ton of slip ups along the way, but the important thing is to just keep going. No matter what. When I feel like it's all too hard, I make myself log my food and get some exercise anyway. No excuses. I do it even if everything in me is screaming that I want to quit.

    You've lost 23lbs so far - that's amazing! When you want to give up, focus on that accomplishment and how much better you feel. Think about how hard it was to move around when you were heavier - you don't want to go back to that!