CassieLeigh86 Member


  • I think the idea of keeping a "menstrual diary" sounds beneficial...albeit slightly funny. When this happened to me last year, the pill I was on was triphasic, so I'm interested to see if the spotting follows a similar pattern now that I am on a monophasic pill. Anybody else wish they'd hurry up with the male bc pill…
  • Yea I think I'm definitely eating enough! Interestingly though, both times I STARTED lifting heavy I did up my caloric intake...this time from 1700 to 1900. However, the reason I changed from 1700 to 1900 this time around was because I'm giving the whole TDEE-20% a try, instead of eating close to my BMR and eating back…
  • I'm definitely not working out at a level that would be called excessive or too much...half an hour to an hour of cardio and/or strength training 3-4 times a week, usually every other day. They are hard workouts, yes, but nothing insane! I've actually ALWAYS had trouble finding pills that work for me...but the last two…
  • I tried to Google it, and there is pretty much nothing out there. There are a lot of topics on birth control and weight gain (shocker), and a few on birth control possibly inhibiting muscle growth in women, but I wasn't able to find anything that even mentioned weight lifting changing the effectiveness of birth control.
  • Oh that's weird! That would freak me out a bit too... I will definitely talk to my doctor, I'm just so curious to know if anyone else has had this problem! Damn hormones...
  • If you weigh the potato raw, then log it as "potatoes - white, flesh and skin, RAW"....not baked. If you weigh it raw, log it as raw.
  • You can also buy "lite" salt (I believe Morton's makes some) that has less sodium in it...still tastes the same. So if you are worried about adding regular salt to things like soup, this is an option too.
  • When I was younger I used to have popcorn and orange juice during movies. Haven't had that combo in a while, but it still sounds tasty!
  • pun intended? :)
  • Bigelow makes some really good herbal teas. Orange Spice, Cran-Apple, and Mint Chammomile are my favorites!
  • This used to happen to me when I ran too...then I worked on my breathing and it went away. I have no idea if the two were correlated, but it's something to consider! Make sure that you stay relaxed not only in body form, but also in least as much as possible! :)
  • My goal is 1700 but I eat back exercise calories, so depending on the day I eat well over 2000. My diary is also open, so feel free to take a look!
  • As far as making you get a "gut" or something, my vote would be no... However, because popcorn is so full of fiber and sort of "rough", it can cause flare ups of certain stomach/intestinal ailments. The one I am specifcally thinking of is diverticulitus (didn't check the spelling, so that's probably wrong). Anyway, flare…
  • I DO THIS ALL THE TIME! I actually never did it because of calories, but because I always think there is WAY too much dressing on restaurant salads...I like to taste the produce! Glad I'm not the only one...I've been told it looks a little strange haha
  • I'm currently doing the New Rules...I love it! There is a group for it here on MFP, which I found very helpful when I was thinking of starting it. As for Body for Life, I've never heard of it, so I can't comment! Good luck with whichever program you decide to do!
  • Hello! As far as adding more exercise, I think that it is pretty much up to you...if you feel like your body (and mind!) could handle a couple more workouts a week, then I would by all means give it a shot. I am also doing New Rules, and currently training for a half marathon, so I work out 6 days a week with one rest day.…
  • Well, it seems like you are right to be worried. My mom is going to be 55 in the fall, and for the last several years has complained that she doesn't like the physical changes that are happening to her body. Unfortunately, I think much of that is age. Metabolism slows and your body starts to shift where it holds fat and…
  • I just tried Seagram's White Peach seltzer water (no sodium, no sugar, no calories, etc.) and it is AMAZING!! Really refreshing. As far as drinking carbonated water "on a diet", I don't think that it is a problem. The only thing that I think you may find is that bloating is much more likely with all the least…
  • mine is open too! my goal (before exercise) is 1700 :)
  • Yes, doing it in Minneapolis! I am SO pumped!
  • I am so glad I just found this post, because I weighed in this morning and measured, and am in the exact same position that you are! My clothes are tighter, I weigh more, and I have gained inches. I was feeling pretty bad about it...but reading all of these responses has made me realize I just need to do a little tweaking,…
  • If you haven't already, you should join the New Rules Of Lifting For Women Group! I just started the program a couple of weeks ago, and reading some of the posts in the forums there helped calm me down about upping my calories and such :)
  • Congratulations on your cute new workout partner!!!!
  • I don't log the food if I do a tasting menu...mostly because I'm pretty sure it would take me several hours haha. I usually just don't "finish" my diary and go back to logging the next day. Enjoy all those delicious courses!!
  • I actually have a cousin who battles an ED, and she has said that she is almost always FREEZING and has a very hard time warming up. NOT suggesting you are starving yourself or anything of the sort, but it does make me think that there must be some correlation between how much you eat and your temperature? As for me, my…
  • YES. I made this mistake once too...I always buy either Fage (preferred) or Chobani...instead of the nice, creamy taste of REAL Greek yogurt, the Yoplait tasted like some sort of chemical. ISH.
  • I just started lifting heavy after reading New Rules of Lifting for Women. According to the book, it isn't necessary to do ANY cardio. That being said, I actually enjoy a good cardio workout, especially running. So I've been lifting heavy 3 times a week, and then either walking or running 1-2 times a week. Basically, since…
  • Hello! I'm Cassie, and I'm going to be starting stage 1 on Monday next week. I just finished the book yesterday, and I can't wait to see how the first workout goes! I'm a little bit OCD, which is why I have to start on a Monday haha. Good luck to everyone!!
  • You're welcome!
  • Does 17.35mi mean 17.35 minutes per mile? If that is your time per mile, then the pace would be about 3.46 MPH. To figure that out, all you need to do is divide 60 by 17.35! Hope that helped :)