RealChange31 Member


  • I vote for overnight oats! Also, a good ol green smoothie with mango and lemon juice! Add seeds if you like.
  • Hi! I had my second boy in December 2014. I have another 5 to get to pre-preg, then 15 to goal weight. I'm on work leave until December 2015, but find it hard to put my all into working out! So tired!! Please add me as I could use mommy friends too.
  • I've taken my babe outside since 3-4 weeks old. Bundle them up, and it's perfectly safe :) But, I've been told to feel the neck folds for OVERHEATING. Overbundling can cause as many probs as underbundling. They have a lot of chubb on them for a reason! Enjoy your walks :)
  • Hi hun, You sound like me. I have an "all or nothing" attitude sometimes, i.e. if I don't get a workout in, then I may as well EAT! I know it sucks; the feeling that you've "ruined" your day. I find that a power walk outside helps me to take more pleasure in exercise, as opposed to obsessing or using it as punishment. (One…
  • I'm curious about supplements as well. According to Dr. Jack Newman's site (recommended by my midwife), fenugreek can be taken on top of tea, etc. I believe that the tea is the weakest form (and WAY overpriced; I agree). I've been taking 1 tsp fenugreek powder, 3x per day. You know you're getting enough fenugreek if you…
  • So far I've lost only 19 of my 30, and I'm almost 5 weeks PP. I too don't believe the BF hype! Everyone keeps telling me not to worry; however, I think extra work is required for those last few pounds, and in some cases Breastfeeding will actually cause you to retain a bit of extra weight for back-up.... Anyway, as soon as…
  • Thaks ladies! So far, so good. I'm hoping to go on our first "outing" today by myself. I'll start with walking and take it from there. What sort of exercise are you girls doing? weights? cardio? Amber
  • I TOTALLY have a case of "The Pregnancy Stupids". I keep forgetting to do simple things: locking my car, bringing my wallet to the store, yadda yadda. I'm a bit worried about m/s too, but all we can do is hope. Sending sweet baby vibes to all! Amber
  • Hurray for babies!! Congrats to all! I'm about 5 weeks along, according to my ovulation date. Due date is October 18! This will be my first, and I just can't wait for my ultrasound. I'm super-nervous that something has or will go wrong and I won't know about it. Time seems to be passing SOOO slowly!! It's a waiting and…
  • Hello dear! I'm so sorry you had a bad week. Remember that -- with change -- comes relapse from time to time. It can be tough to kick the binge eating cycle when your calories are too low. It sounds like you know what's going wrong in your current methods, so listen to your heart! Keeping busy and gymming does help! You…
  • Hi everyone! Happy February! Like Emily, I feel that this is a fresh start! Let's do this together!!
  • I slowly lost about 10 pounds over the first year, but I think it was due to increased activity rather than my diet.
  • I made this elegant tempeh bourguignon recipe (minus the dumplings), and it was TO DIE FOR!
  • Hey girl, I've noticed that sometimes weekend posts get "missed", i.e. a lot of people don't check group posts over the weekends for some reason! For example, I just saw your post now because someone responded to you. Welcome! and no, you are not the only one. Feel free to add me - I know ALLL about stress eating in…
  • Hello and congrats on your new lifestyle! It can sometimes depend on how you ate before becoming Vegan. Did you eat much meat and dairy before January 1? If not, you might not see a huge change right away, but keep with it and you will. When I became Vegan, I started feeling really good within the first month. BUT I had…
  • Wow - thanks for the responses, everyone! I can't wait to hit up the local library to try some of these out!
  • Thanks ladies. I will try to go easier on myself today.
  • Hi hon! Just try to learn as best you can from your binge. Each time you slip up, it's an opportunity to understand yourself better. New day!!
  • My recommendation: Hemp seeds!! Hemp seeds and oil have the perfect ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3. This is important, as the two types of omegas compete for absorption in your body. Hemp seeds are a lot softer than flax, and therfore don't need to ground before you ingest them. They are tasty to boot! I like Brendan…
  • Hi Oceans, Please add me and maybe I can help you as well :) If you're super tired for over 1 week, I'd have your Doc do a full bloodwork panel - it sounds like you're possibly having a deficiency. D and B12 are KEY supplements for vegans, and if you aren't eating many leafy greens, grains, and legumes, iron could be an…
  • I'd recommend licorice root tea. Or - temperarily while you get in the habit - installing a "deterrent", i.e. lock cupboards if possible or just tape them shut, or hang a stop sign, lol. It works.
  • I'm impressed by that, BUT also suspicious. I mean: how much time time he spend on himself? Just my take!
  • Looking awesome! a lot of people have had success with that program. Maybe I'll have to check it out :)
  • 140 is my goal as well. Seems so far away....
  • Hey hun, It sounds like you are panicking. The best advice I can give is that you can and you will lose weight. Take it one day at a time. Can you eat according to your plan and go on a 30 minute walk, just for today? Then tomorrow try for the same. Eventually the days turn into months, the months into years..... Be…
  • I heard on the radio that most women were found to think about food more than anything else! One thing that helps me is to eat less meals per day (just breaky, lunch and dinner). That way Im not always checking the clock to see whether it is snack time or not. I've tried the 6 meals per day and it just gets me obsessed!!
  • AMAZING! Thanks hun.
  • Height: 5'8" CW: 152 GW: 140 age: 31 Anyone? :smile:
  • Some other great calcium sources (you can add seeds to salads, cereal - anything!): Sesame Seeds, Dark Green Leafy Veggies (kale, spinach, bok choi), Beans Sunflower Seeds Blackstrap molasses
  • And don't forget Hemp protein: full of wonderful omegas and chlorophyll! I mix it with cooked oats and berries in my morning bowl.