jshaps7 Member


  • I just started it yesterday as well. I've done the program quite a few times - sometimes stopping due to injuries or lack of motivation, but I've also completed it twice. I keep coming back to it because the program is very doable even if it seems daunting. I'd also stick with 3x per week mainly because even if you feel…
  • Center cut pork bacon is the way to go! Has the same grams of fat as the turkey bacon I tried and I just can't get over the texture of turkey bacon. Didn't even think about the processed food issue. Also - if you follow any Hungry Girl recipes she uses center cut bacon and turkey bacon interchangeably in her menus as many…
  • I love that site! I also love the oven fried chicken and mashed potatoes - it's made at least once a week in my house (just thinking about it is making me hungry!)
  • I'm curious to see what people say... I did stage 1 of new rules of lifting for women and enjoyed it. I've had to take a break due to scaitica and back pain. I have friends who love Starting Strength and I've heard good things about Stronglifts. Have you looked through the groups on MFP? I know NROLFW has a dedicated group…
  • I've also done push-ups on the smith machine when I couldn't find something at the right height. plus I thought it was a bit easier on my wrists. That being said, I've *just* transitioned to doing full pushups on the floor and I don't go *all* the way down. I go until my elbows are at 90 degrees. Maybe I'll progress to…
  • I fully agree with the C25K recommendation. I finished the program on the treadmill and am working on transitioning to running outside. While I agree with another poster that the elliptical is no replacement for running, it will help with your endurance. Regardless of how much time you can do on the elliptical and at what…
  • ^^^ This! Try the next week and see how it is. If you keep doing what you know you can do instead of striving for your next goal, how will you see any progress? I finished C25K a few weeks ago and I really surprised myself in the process as far as what I could do even though I didn't think I could. It's really a great…
  • I'm using NROLFW and have lifted quite a bit in the past but this is still a challenging workout for me because of the variations the author suggests and the amount of weight I use. So I'm a bit surprised at your assessment. And I thought having prior experience with lifting made it easier to do the program but not easier…
  • How fast were you trying to run during C25K? I use the term "run" loosely - I totally jogged, definitely not sprinting or anything resembling a fast pace. I finished the program with bad knees and a bad back. It certainly takes some time and perseverence to build up your endurance, but it can totally be done. I found most…
  • Different things work for different people. I was talking with someone who does triathlons and he takes the 2nd day before a race off and does an easy workout the day before. He considers it something of a warm-up to make sure he's loose on race day. I'm sure there are other people who prefer taking the day before off.
  • I second the packing a cooler - keep healthy snacks and drinks in the car. At least it gives you some backup if you can't find anything healthy. I love subway and they make it easy to figure out in advance what the nutritional content is of their food and it's customizable. The hubs is actually a fan of McDonalds chicken,…
  • I noticed this *a lot* on Pinterest - people post pictures of models and celebrities and say they wish they had their abs or butt or whatever. Personally, I don't find it motivating. I may think sure, that's great, but I know no matter what I do, I'll never have those exact abs or whatever. So I think in some sense you're…
  • I used the couch to 5K program (which is basically just intervals). If you'd like to do it without a program, you can try running as long as you can, walk until you can control your breathing again, then run again. Just try to keep it up and slowly extend the running intervals.
  • I'd only add elliptical to that list. :-)
  • Today I put a thick exercise mat under me and the ball during the jackknifes and it helped my wrists a lot! The cushioning of the mat also helped keep the ball from rolling. So if you're putting together a home gym anyway, might want to give it a try? Could make using the 65cm ball much more successful :)
  • I would say start off walking at a brisk pace for 5-10 mins and see how you feel. Do your muscles loosen up and feel better? If so, I would try running for a bit and stretching well after. But a day or so off might help as well. It's important to know the difference between soreness and injury. So just doing some warmup…
  • Are you exercising at home or at the gym? The gym should have a variety of sizes. I think the size you should use is based on your height (at least generally speaking... of course you can use a different size to go with your ability level).
  • I was thinking of trying this or possibly using a couple hexagonal dumbbells (so they don't roll) and my hands stay in fists. Might try both! Thanks for the suggestion :)
  • I just finished C25K and overlapped with NROLFW by a couple weeks. Here's what I did: Mon: Elliptical & NROLFW Tues: C25K Wed: Bike & NROLFW Thurs: C25K Fri: Elliptical & NROLW Sat: C25K I had already been doing 6 days of cardio a week and was lifting M, T, Th & F so this was actually much easier than what I was doing…
  • I do these on a carpeted section of the floor rather than on the smooth area so it helps keep the ball from rolling around too much. I wonder if you could try using a smaller ball and resting on your forearms rather than have your arms fully extended? Might give you some more stability. My problem is these hurt my wrists.…
  • I've been doing it for 3-4 weeks and I'm a fan. I've done weight training before and wanted a better approach. The book is on amazon for ~$12 so it's not a large investment. Or head to your local bookstore and read a bit of it to see if you like there. NROLFW also has it's own forum on here.…
  • Are you drinking enough water too? Fruits and veggies are great but you need a balance otherwise you'll still be hungry. Carbs and protein are important and you need to get enough to fuel your body. Especially if you're trying to workout as well. That's why a balanced diet is always promoted long term over one that cuts…
  • allrecipes(dot)com has some great recipes. That's where I got mine from. Basically I used a can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans) 1-2 cloves of garlic, splash of lemon juice, and some of the reserved liquid the beans were packaged it (just enough to get it to the consistency I like). Then I added a bunch of cumin, prob ~1…
  • She's partially right to be honest. Running puts a lot of impact on your knees and other joints and can cause problems (or if you already have joint problems, make them worse). I just finished C25K and I have bad knees. My dad (a physical therapist) has said for years I should stick with walking and avoid running at all…
  • We have 2 rescue dogs, both mutts. Cassie's who we think is 4, we were told she's a German Shepherd mix but there's definitely some pitt in there too. Hoping to start taking Cassie for some runs this summer! She's a really strong dog so I'd love to get her much more active than just walks around the neighborhood. Cora we…
  • Agree with this completely. You may need to tighten the strap and I've found the wetting part is essential.
  • I'm almost always over on protein by ~50%. But I've been doing a fair amount of weight training so I need it. And my calorie intake stays within range so I'm not worried about it.
  • A lot of protein bars have a lot of sugar in them to make them taste better, so that's probably why some people tend to shy away from them. It all depends on which protein bar you pick. Same goes for any type of food - there are healthier versions and not so healthy versions. But it's all about balance too. I eat some high…
  • I LOVE hummus!! I eat it everyday for lunch with some crackers or tortillas. It's usually refrigerated - like others mentioned it's usually by the specialty cheeses, or possibly fresh pasta.
  • Generally I'd say you want a balance - MFP gives you a goal based on a certain percentage of your calories coming from fat, protein and carbs. That being said, everyone is different. My mom loses weight best when she limits carbs (or now maintains her weight), but her brother (my uncle) lost a bunch of weight watching his…