lfholland Member


  • While that maybe the most accurate way, the chicken and vegetables are going lose water and that will be mixed in with the oil that you are seeing. I would not deduct the full amount leftover from the original amount.
  • Avocados are a good (healthy) fat that have high levels of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats as opposed to saturated fat. Since your body needs fat, it is healthy to use avocado oil as a source of that fat. Be aware that just because it's a good fat, a small amount contains a high levels of fat and calories. Approx…
  • Well I haven't done anything but level one, but my advice would be to ease into it if you are not doing any type of strenuous exercise right now. My legs were extremely sore for several days after the first workout. I will add another caveat that I am not trying to do it everyday for 30 days. I have been doing it 3 times a…
  • i have a polar hrm, can't remember the model off the top of my head, and it seems to accurately measure my 30 ds results. I don't think it accurately measures weight lifting though. From what I have read, using METs is the best way to calculate the calories you burn while lifting. I am no expert though, feel free to…
  • Ghee is just butter with the milk solids removed. it is popular in India and Indian cuisine. I like it and as long as you use it moderation, you will be fine.
    in Ghee? Comment by lfholland April 2012
  • I run into this problem too. I don't go to chain restaurants unless I am forced to and most local establishments don't have nutritional information available. You really just have to guess on most of it. I always assume they use about twice as much butter, oil and salt as I think they do. Drink as much water as you can,…
  • I don't think that should ruin your diet as long as you eat pretty well the rest of the week. The lack of weight loss could easily be caused by the restaurant using a significant amount of salt. Drink lots of water over the weekend and try weighing yourself on Sunday or Monday. If you still haven't lost weight, there is…
  • you could do an Asian style wrap with cilantro, ginger, carrots, cucumber and or cabbage. Could dip them in a thai peanut sauce. I found an organic peanut sauce that only had a few grams of fat per tablespoon and was very flavorful at winn dixie. or you could make a sauce out of sesame oil and seasoned rice wine vinegar.…
  • I take some of the following everyday to work: carrots, greek yogurt, roasted unsalted nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit, dried vegetable chips, low fat cheese, whole grain crackers, pretzels and other things i'm sure. I weigh them and put them in individual zip locks every morning. Takes a little extra time, but it keeps me…
  • I'm far from an expert, but negative net calories doesn't sound healthy to me.
  • Any restaurant without published nutrition facts is hard with MFP. I hate chains restaurants too, so it's always hard for me to accurately log when I go out to eat.
  • I made this a few weeks ago and it was good. I heated up the rocco's secret weapon too much before stirring in the cheese so it wasn't very smooth.
  • I grind 1 tablespoon of whole seeds and put it in my breakfast smoothie everyday. Good Stuff. I do feel better than I have in years, but I'm not sure how much the flaxseeds have contributed to that.
  • If you can get your heart rate in the 60-70% of maximum heart rate while walking, then it is great for weight loss. In fact, it will help your body burn fat reserves. I lost my first 20 pounds by eating right and walking my dog for 2 miles 6-7 days per week. I can no longer get my heart rate that high by walking, so I have…
  • I try not to eat too much during any one meal, so I have to snack throughout the day to get in enough calories. In the morning I usually have 1 oz of a roasted nut and some dried fruit. I have been eating alot of Apricots recently because they have a very high amount of potassium which helps balance out sodium. In the…
  • I have hated and thrown away about ten different boxes of whole wheat pasta, but the healthy harvest brand is pretty good.
  • When I was first starting, not that I have been doing this long, beans really helped me out. For example, I would add shredded chicken breast season with something similar to taco-seasoning to black beans with garlic, onions and peppers. You can add a piece of turkey bacon for a little extra flavor too. This would keep me…
  • The way UGA has been playing, you might want to save your drinking for after the game. On a serious note, I have had a few drinks (whiskey on the rocks) every weekend since I started and I have still lost weight every week (knock on wood). Just don't make bad food decisions when you are intoxicated.
  • I really struggle with sodium too. I usually try to eat a little over 2000 calories and I love salt, so it is the most challenging part of changing my eating habits. I have heard that you can buy potassium chloride at the Health Food stores and use that as a substitute, but too much potassium is dangerous and it is hard to…
  • All fruits are not created equally. Bananas have a high sugar content, so that is the reason for the amount of Carbs and Calories. Berries on the other hand have a low sugar content and thus have lower calories, carbs, etc. I personally eat a banana just about every day with breakfast, but I'm a pretty big guy and I have…
  • Kudos on the ranch idea, that sounds amazing.
  • I haven't read the entire article yet, but I completely agree with the introduction. The best diet is just modifying what you already eat and making rules that work for you. I have tried several of the commercial diets, some I had success with, some not so much. This time though, I have just created a few simple rules to…
  • You can use the spray butter and PAM for some things, but I struggle with this too. To me, nothing tastes as good without a little oil, it just doesn't have the same texture or depth of flavor. Most of my fat comes from Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, and lean meats. I guess I try to eliminate fat by using low fat ingredients so…
  • I know its hard and I haven't been doing it long, but I try to eliminate all the artificial sweeteners because they distort my view of sweet. I have had an extremely low amount of added sugar, natural or artificial, in my diet for the past month and things taste so different. I think several vegetables are sweet and enjoy…
  • I haven't been here very long, but the general consensus that I have seen is, no you shouldn't be concerned. Keeping track of your Added Sugar is much more important. Like fat, some types of sugars aren't as bad as others. I go over all the time, but its always from fruit, so I don't worry about it.
  • Is there a good lettuce to use for these other than iceburg?
  • I totally agree with you and beans are pretty much the only thing I ever eat from a can, but I have really been trying to eat a lot of fiber so I have been eating cans of beans regularly. Beans are just a pain unless you can buy them fresh. Having to remember to put them in water the night before just never crosses my mind…
  • I wish I could give you some of mine. Eat just about anything out of a can and you will not have that problem. I'm pretty much the opposite. Once I discovered sea salt, I started putting it on everything I cook. It has probably been the hardest part of my diet to change. I failed miserably today too because I ate a 1/2 cup…
  • To me your problem sounds more like acid reflux. Basically what happens is the muscle that is supposed to keep the acid in your stomach is malfunctioning. Losing weight helps more than anything, but there are somethings you want to stay clear of: Carbonation Smoking (nicotine causes the problem, not the smoke) Foods high…
  • Thanks for the replies. I just went back and looked at the individual foods and as everyone is saying the potassium level isn't listed on several things. I think I'm probably getting plenty as I have been eating avocado, nuts, beans, dried fruit, cabbage or other greens everyday.