
I'm eating at least at 4 servings of vegetables a day, 2 servings of fruit, 1 serving of nuts, and only whole grains, but according to the recommended level listed on this site I'm not getting nearly enough potassium. I'm also taking a multivitamin that a few mg of potassium.

Should I consider a supplement?


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You may want to consult your doctor on this one. You don't want to take in too much potassium. I've found that a lot of foods in the database don't include the potassium in them. So, you are probably eating more than you think.
  • maynard46
    I agree about talking to your Dr. first. I just did a search under "nutrition" just punched potassium. You will get a good list of potassium rich foods. You will probably be suprised what it is in.

    I am always under too. I was put on potassium for awhile when I was having problems with my blood pressure. I would rather get it naturally in my foods if I can.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I agree. So much of the nutrition information is added in by us, the users. Some of us include EVERYTHING, and some don't.
  • akaDumbo
    Most of the foods in the database dont list the potassium content so you are probably having much more than you think. The WHO RDA is 2g of potassium, the toxicity level is 18g which can cause rapid heart failure. So becareful when taking multiple suppliments .

    The top 10 sources of potassium (milligrams per 100g) are:

    1 Yeast extract 2100
    2 dried apricots 1880
    3 wheat bran/germ 1050
    4 beans, peas, lentils 1000
    5 dried fruit 900
    6 nuts (on average) 750
    7 sweet potatoes, cabbage, avocadoes, greens 450
    8 bananas 400
    9 potato, courgette, endive 360
    10 meat and fish (on average) 350

    Hope this helps
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    The right amount of potassium is good for your heart and muscles. Potassium balances the PH in your blood and is an electrolyte. It helps your muscles recover quicker from a good workout. Search the internet for potassium rich foods but do consult your doctor before you take a supplement. Beans, bananas, blackjack molasses, papayas, cucumbers (cucumbers have more potassium than bananas!!), tomatoes, oat bran and pears are really high in potassium. My husbands potassium level will drop if he has to take a steroid dose pack for an infection and when he takes it I will always fix things high in potassium to help keep it from dropping. It took a while to figure out what was happening with him and after two hospital stays and various other tests, we finally figured out that the steroid pack/injection was depleting his potassium levels so I am pretty familiar with how important it is to make sure you get enough! One teaspoon of blackjack molasses has more potassium than any other food. It tastes like crap and is very hard to find but whenever he goes on a steroid for whatever reason, he eats a tablespoon of it when he gets home. Do a little research before you take the supplement. You will be surprised the foods that are high in potassium and easily incorporated into your healthy eating!
  • lfholland
    lfholland Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I just went back and looked at the individual foods and as everyone is saying the potassium level isn't listed on several things. I think I'm probably getting plenty as I have been eating avocado, nuts, beans, dried fruit, cabbage or other greens everyday.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'm eating at least at 4 servings of vegetables a day, 2 servings of fruit, 1 serving of nuts, and only whole grains, but according to the recommended level listed on this site I'm not getting nearly enough potassium. I'm also taking a multivitamin that a few mg of potassium.

    Should I consider a supplement?

    I have no idea about potassium, it is not logged on any foods in the UK and it annoys me that's it isn't there.

    Potassium is one of the things for heart beat and I would like to know about the levels of it in my eating too.

    Ironically, I have been wanting to eat bananas in the last few days (so I have been lol), they have potassium in, same with potatoes, I have been craving those too and they also have potassium in.