What are your favorite snacks?



  • fresh strawberries 100 cal. + Jello Chocolate Mousse 60 cal. YUM
    or fiber one bars :)
  • nmhawkins
    nmhawkins Posts: 19 Member
    I love Blue Ginger rice chips with fresh salsa. Skinny cows are great too for the sweet tooth!
  • lfholland
    lfholland Posts: 37 Member
    I try not to eat too much during any one meal, so I have to snack throughout the day to get in enough calories.

    In the morning I usually have 1 oz of a roasted nut and some dried fruit. I have been eating alot of Apricots recently because they have a very high amount of potassium which helps balance out sodium.

    In the afternoon I have a Laughing Cow Light Cheese Wedge (several different flavors available) with whole grain crackers, some baby carrots or celery, and some roasted vegetable chips from The Fresh Market (similar to Whole Foods).

    After I exercise I will usually eat some string cheese, yogurt, and/or drink a protein shake with some almond milk.
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    I love blue diamond wasabi and soy almonds. Not low fat, but good fat.
    Beef jerky is low fat, high protein.
    I also like triscuits with cheese and hummus with pita.
    And oh yeah, if I'm at home. Grilled cheese sandwich on 35 calorie bread
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Nuts are NOT low fat.

    Fruit is always good. I love the single serve broccoli with cheese and cauliflower with cheese. 100 calorie packs.
  • I like the 100 calorie snack bags, pretty much any one of them, lol. They have smart choice cheese popcorn, baked cheetos, sunchips etc. I like to just grab a bag quickly and know that its 100 cals!

    Also like the pringles whole wheat cheese stix, again convenience!

    When I'm craving something sweet I like the Bryers chocolate brownie 100 calorie ice cream containers!

    And yes of coarse the usual fruits and veggies!
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    Recently discovered Wheat Thin sticks! Very nice but a bit high in sodium!

    I like honey wheat pretzels, puppadums and roasted almonds (all have quite a bit of fiber and the latter two are gluten free). I try to eat more fresh fruit than anything but I find myself looking for those savory and munchy snacks......
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Smart Pop 100 cal bags, its a ton of pop corn and its salty and buttery and yummy. Sometimes you just gotta have something to busy eat.
    And granola bars, kashi, natures valey, etc. So good!
    And Hard boiled eggs are awesome! I love the yolk or I'd eat more of them!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    You have to be careful with 100 calorie packs. Just because it's 100 calories doesn't mean its GOOD. They make twinkies in 100 calorie packs...umm..hello? lol

    I like almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc..though they aren't low fat..they do have good fats in them, still have to watch the fat though.

    I also like grape tomatoes, cucumbers, any crunchy veggies, grapes, apples (with or w/o PB), string cheese, celery and laughing cow cheese, rice chips (taste like fritos to me) with salsa

    I also LOVE Vitamuffins/vitatops! They are sooo delicious! All organic, very good for you. They satisfy that sweet tooth.
  • I just found out I lOVE LOVE Honey Nut Cherios, or just Cherios! (Regular are lower in cals about a 30 cal difference!)

    P.S. No milk!
  • suzannexxx
    suzannexxx Posts: 6 Member
    caramel snack a jacks with a spread of peanut butter -
    if i having to use some of my exercise calories i have mixed nuts and raisins
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