

  • 1200 calories should be your absolute minumum daily intake, and if you are getting 250-500 "earned" calories through exercise daily, I would suggest eating back at least the 250 each day. Before joining MFP I was sticking to 1500 calories regardless of my daily exercise and was losing slowly but steadily, athough I was…
  • Thanks all for your comments. I think I'm just feeling insecure. I have given my grown daughter the green light to say whatever is necessary if she thinks I'm digressing. She is a bit of a pit bull when it comes to saying what's on her mind, so I'm hoping my willpower and her honesty will keep me going. I've been thinking…
  • WELCOME! You've come to the right place! I also am "big-boned" but started off at 230. I'm just about down to that 140 mark after 9 months. It feels great! There are a lot of wonderful people on this site who will encourage you and even a few who will kick your butt if they think you need it. Good luck to you.
  • Try raw veggies or veggies steamed just until they are warmed through. I always thought I didn't like vegetables, but actually I just don't care for OVERCOOKED vegetables. I look forward to my daily raw veggie plate almost as much as I used to look forward to my daily pint+ of ice cream!
  • I'm a jeans and jeans type person, and I have been getting mine at a thrift store. If there is a consignment/thrift store near you, it's a great place to get nearly new jeans at $5 a pop or so. An extra benefit at my local store is that it's a non-profit for the animal shelter. I've gone from a 22 to a 4 over the past 9…
  • I have to disagree with you here. I have friends who never "exercise" and look amazing. Obesity has become more prevalent in our culture do to general laziness. We have remote controls for the TV, the ceiling fan, the window shades, etc. Movement is exercise. Spending all day weeding or scrubbing or cutting wood is a great…
  • :drinker: First of all, you look awesome, and keep up the good work! I would suggest seing a therapist who specializes in relationships. It doesn't really sound like you are the big problem, but it would be helpful for you to have professional insight as to why those around you are acting as they are. There may be jealousy…
  • I went for about 3 months a couple of years ago, but we live in a small town in the middle of nowhere and our Curves closed down due to lack of business. It was really effective for the time I did go, and I enjoyed it a lot. For the time it was here, there were quite a few women in town who were really successful. They…
  • ABSOLUTELY! I can gain 5 pounds overnight if I have a bad sodium day. I know it's water weight, but it's still WEIGHT!
  • I asked this question a while back in regard to lawn work. Most MFPers suggested a heart rate monitor, which I purchased. Surprisingly, the lawn work was right on, but other things I logged off the general exercise were off. It also changes as you lose weight, you burn less doing the same thing. My advice would be NOT to…
  • I agree with the advice not to deprive yourself but to limit portions. Drinking lots of water and a healthy snack of raw veggies a little while before the big dinner is good advice. I've been working on this since Feb. and have attended a wedding with a buffet, have gone to a potluck barbecue, and have gone to our…
  • Hey, good things come in small packages! :wink:
  • I'm 5'6" and currently weigh149. I'm 48. My pic was about 10-15 pounds heavier. My original goal was 140, but I'm beginning to think I may have gone as far as a I should. I'm wearing a size 6 jeans which is smaller than I've ever been, and I could probably fit a 4. At my thinnest before this (when I was 16) I was at 150…
  • :explode: Dump the jerk. He sounds like a classic abuser. Once you're at your ideal weight, I can almost guarantee there will be something else about you that he will find wrong. NO ONE deserves to be treated like that. Don't make excuses for him. If he cared about you, he would love you for who you are and support and…
  • :flowerforyou: I try to spread my calories throughout the day and evening and not concentrate on three meals. I find that if I eat at least 100 calories every 3-4 hours, I don't get ravenous and overeat at any one meal. I also have a small serving of oatmeal before bed so I don't wake up starving. Good luck to you. If I…
  • By the way, I'm REALLY surprised it was only 400 calories. I would have guessed A LOT more!
  • :laugh: I don't think there is such a thing as healthy biscuits and gravy. It's probably one of those things that you need to treat yourself to once in a GREAT while and exercise off ASAP! (I love it, too!)
  • :laugh: I'm so glad I wasn't the only one dealing with this! I purposely bought candy I thought I could resist. Boy was I wrong! Fortunately we didn't have a lot left over but I did eat enough to make myself sick. The 2-year-old granddaughter didn't have a huge haul and things were back to normal on Monday with not too…
  • I started out at the same weight as you and have more than my share of stretch marks after all the extra weight and three kids. I exercise faithfully and have found that it does help. Your skin isn't going to "bounce back" as quickly as you lose the weight but it does slowly catch up. I joke about my "bubble wrap" belly!…
  • When I got pregnant with my son (born in 1990) I was nauseated at work the MORNING AFTER. All the women at work kept asking me if I could be pregnant, and I kept answering "If I am, it happened last night!" Turns out I was. :bigsmile: No help to your question, but a funny story I like to share. :flowerforyou: Good luck to…
  • :flowerforyou: I buy the individual Meadow Gold sundae cups - 3 oz = 90 calories. I know it's not HaagenDazs, but with a few M&M's on top it's still under 200 calories and keeps me SANE!
  • :flowerforyou: Thank you all. I knew when I posted this that you would look much more closely at things and CALL ME ON MY BAD HABITS. You have confirmed what I actually knew but was trying to deny. I think I just needed it beaten into me! :love: I love this site!
  • :flowerforyou: I am so sorry for your troubles, but I have a feeling you are going to be just fine. I'll leave the food advice to others, I just want you to know I'll be thinking of you. You are a special lady if you can forget your REAL problems and take the time to answer my IMAGINARY ones! I am humbled:embarassed:
  • I've heard that numerous times as well, BUT, also that not enough water causes your body to RETAIN water. Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenerio. :frown: I try to go with the 64 oz of water in general in addition to black coffee, diet soda (BAD, I KNOW) and skim milk. Still, If my sodium intake is too…
  • I started out at 81 lbs overweight. I bought a Total Trainer with Pilates. It's similar to a Total Gym but cheaper, and has Pilates accessories. It came with exercise routine cards. I started with the beginner routine and thought I was going to die! REALLY! I pushed myself every day, and it wasn't easy. I made sure no one…
  • Okay, thanks. I actually love chickpeas. They are high calorie but good for you, aren't they?
  • :wink: Damn body - it still weight 164 pounds - it is NOT starving!
  • Thanks for the help. What IS hummus? I've heard of it but have no idea what it is. The beans and peas sound good. I do the fruit and berries quite a bit even though the tracker I use for it doesn't have sugar included (I probably don't want to know even if it is "natural"). Love jerky, hate the water weight from exceeding…