4 weeks.
Here! Love your attitude. I am at goal weight but don't weigh myself anymore. I lift 3x and run between 3 and 10 miles 2-3x a week. I have 5 kids between 2 and 11 and I homeschool as my job ;) I get up at 4.45, grab coffee, go through my to do list/emails/news, meditate by 5.15, workout 5.30-6.30, every day but one rest…
I understand now, thanks!
Illusion or different taste? ;) You're talking to a girl here, I know that you guys can't get big enough ;) Anyway, yes, I'll just keep going, maybe lowering my rep range. I had forgotten that fat loss would make them look bigger, good point!
There is a ...fold? on the back ofmy thighs, where the saddlebags start. I want that to go away. Now! That's all. Of course, half marathon in under 2h would be awesome just like squatting 1.5 bodyweight and more than one pull-up
My lifts a very similar and I am eating on a deficit but I do a 14 day period of surplus here and there... (Which translates to falling off the waggon and declaring it a dirty bulk :)) So yes, I am still progressing but very slowly. Only when I look in my charts from a month ago I see progress but not week to week.
I run 3x and I lift 3x a week. Typically by the time if the rest day, I really need it, but I am itching to go back the next day, so it is perfect.
I am working hard on that. Tell my daughter to not get caught up on her friends phone addiction. I don't make many friends among my kids' friends insisting on playing OUTSIDE, limiting treats and screen time. I do it anyway - but other families have different rules...
Thanks everyone. I know it is not my kid, and her parents should take care of it. I asked some more. Her parents take her to planet fitness and she seems to like the machines more than cardio. Maybe she likes the feeling of her muscles being this little big sore? I know I like it! My oldest daughter (her age) has been…
Hi I never felt a big contribution from breastfeeding to my weight loss. So I even if you're supposed to make up for it, I never did. If you're really starving, then see what you need to add to feel better. Then stick with that and see if you still lose. If not, you're in the same boat as many others who are not…
Fine but: if I do that more than once or twice a week, I get sick or burn out.
Google 5x5 stronglifts. Follow plan.
Got me hooked, now I do a 5x5 variation, adding hip thrusts but focusing on squats. So, yes, you should be excited :smile:
Es gibt auch eine deutsche Platform von mfp. Auf dem smartphone finde ich sie nicht, aber im web-browser auf dem Computer kann man oben in einem Menü die Sprache anwählen. In der deutschen Version ist aber nicht so viel los wie hier!
Well, that's what I have been doing. And it did not work, so I have to change something. My thinking was to binge but keep it under control so it is still loggable. I HAVE to stay on the logging wagon, otherwise I lose control. And after all, it is only about control, right?
I get up 2h before everyone else and run 3x and lift 3x a week.
Yes, I definitely need an exit strategy right when it starts. I never binge extra 2000 calories in one day. More like 1000 maybe? But 1000 too many a day for a week, that's too much. It feels out of control and it does not feel good. So, next time it happens, I will (a) go brush my teeth or to the bathroom (b) while…
I like that you are trying to work with your strengths instead of working against your weaknesses :) All this makes total sense to me. I have thought about it myself because I am a person who needs to know the why as well. I have been following a few blogs and read a lot, and now I feel like at least I should spread some…
Thank, exactly that. I had not been pushing my bench because I had no idea it was a weakness of mine. Now I focus more on that.
Me! I have been lifting for a year (strong curves, stronglifts), running on and off, counting calories on and off. Would like to lose another 6lbs but cutting and lots of exercise does not work well for me. I guess I still need to do it to feel 100% confident in a bikini. My body looks strong even though I have been…
Yeah, my 5yo really wanted to but during practice runs she fell behind after 1-1.5 miles and got frustrated. Another year and she'll join us!
They loved it. They want to train for another one in four weeks!
As for the achiness - take it easy for a week. Maybe you're fighting something. I had that achiness once, while everyone else was sick, and it went away by resting more.
Here is what helps me: focus on what I am eating instead of focusing on what I should not be eating. Plan your meals, plan them well, and plan yummy meals! Give eating a priority and don't just let it happen. You can treat yourself well with good food and still be within your calorie budget if you plan ahead.
Sometimes I don't schedule rest days but wait till that happens ;)
Snacking makes my scale go up. High fat, high protein, low carb makes me feel full for 4-5 hours after breakfast. Give it a try. Oh, and if you pre-log your food in the morning you won't have to think about it anymore.
After every baby, and I have 5 kids... Not that much though, more like 30lbs each time. It's frustrating - but what's the choice?
Here! I have 5, the youngest just turned 2, the oldest prepuperty (so grandchildren to get healthy for seem FAR away ;)) I get up early to workout, then the 14h shift as a mom. I am typically in bed before my two older ones... Sometimes it is hard because I am preparing other people's food all day but right now I am riding…
That cycle sounds familiar. But - if you give and, you'll gain weight back. Is that what you want?
Not being as spontaneous when it comes to eating out. I often leave only 300 cal for dinner, and then I am simply not happy when someone suggests we eat out, or if someone invites me over to dinner etc. That's sad because it's part of life but I really don't want to ruin my day at 6pm when I've done so well until then. So…