

  • Jessabella- has 7 grams of fat :smile:
  • I've accepted the challenge
  • This is delicious. I sometimes add a little sweet chilli sauce. Also tastes good warm or cold
  • Christmas Eve- I'm cooking. We are having chicken "bon bons" filled with cranberry sauce and cream cheese, with roast potato carrot and pumpkin with Italian herbs and a salad....Dessert- hopefully chili dark chocolate mud cake... :love: Christmas- lunch will be prawn curry at the in laws then drinks to a friends house and…
  • Dinners get planned a week in advance, lunches are pretty much the same and breakfast is pretty much the same. That way I know exactly what I'm eating for a week and can plan anything else around that. I've also been known to pre cook up to 2 nights in advance and freeze half of it for later use. That way I have portion…
  • Personally week 3 is my favorite so far :blushing: I love the work out on my legs and thighs! :tongue: I'm 5'5 and weigh 140 and with a HRM i burned 208 this morning. :ohwell:
  • Name: Dominique Gender: Female Age: 29 Lives in: Perth Australia Want to lose: 3kg (already lost 13kgs) Fave movies: Chocolat, Interview with a Vampire, Bride and Prejudice, anything with Jim Carey Fave books: don't read much anymore Fave TV: Swamp People, Pimp My Ride, That 70's Show, How I met your Mother and anything…
  • I love those individual steamer bags for veggies! Makes life so much easier. I had a banana for the first time in over a year the other day. forgot just how good they are :love: hmm and mangoes are in season too :tongue:
  • yep more fruits and veg :wink: Just want to add that I'm jealous that you get to eat all the yummy stuff I'd like to eat haha hmmm pop tarts...... :love:
  • Wait until you hit week 2 :noway: I just did my second day of week 2 and I hurt in a whole different way to week 1 LOL Already starting to see results though so its worth it :flowerforyou:
  • Before : And taken a few weeks ago.
  • I'm not going to make my goal. I had my bachlorette party this weekend and lets just say I'm feeling under the weather and the scales hate me haha But i know its mainly water. But regardless of not making my goal I feel and look great and this is the thinnest I've been since getting together with hubby to be 5 years ago.…
  • Bump.....mmmmm cookies..... :love:
  • Mine actually got worse while lossing weight :noway: I got some HUGE dimples on my upper thighs near my butt for about 4 weeks. I panicked because I wanted to wear a bikini in April while we went to Bali. I had a look earlier this week and now its gone back to being not so noticeable. :ohwell: :wink: I know it will never…
  • So far haven't lost anything this week. which doesn't surprise me after a 2lb loss last week. At least I'm not gaining. Body is changing shape again though which I'm happy about :flowerforyou:
  • oh yum thanks for posting :)
  • and add another 1lb loss to that :bigsmile: 140lbs currently
  • Do you eat avocados or hard boiled eggs? You could maybe add those. They are good for you and half denser calories to help boots your numbers. I had the same problem reaching 1200 cal when I first started i just looked for healthy more calorie dense food. Just be careful. I'm within 8 to 5 lbs of my goal weight and I…
  • I've lost 23 lbs so far and have gone down 2 pant sizes.
  • I'm the "ate 1200 calories or less and now within 5 lbs of my goal weight and stopped losing" person. I've increased my calories to 1450 per day, and guess what after a week of doing that I've started losing again after not losing and actually gaining 1 kg over 3 weeks. Today I'm having a hard time reaching my calorie goal…
  • Whoo hoo I've lost a pound! 141lb currently... official weigh in day is Friday but I'll weigh in with this today and then update again Friday :) Don't think I'll loose 5 lbs by April 1st though :laugh:
  • Yep! I have the same issue :ohwell: there are days were I see "skinny" me and there are days where all i see is the places that still need toning. :blushing: I think part of it because we look at ourselves every day and don't see the changes until we see it in photos or other people comment on it. Weight loss is a physical…
    in Fat Mind Comment by Dom82 March 2011
  • ok i think i may have broken my plateau with a weekend away and eating all the things i haven't been eating haha but won't officially weigh in til Friday i think. Don't think i will make my goal for this challenge though.
  • Yep I have a over grown pony. Rode hunter/jumpers/equitation in Illinois for 15 years before moving to Australia and now compete in Dressage and show jumping. I'd be lost without horses, they keep me sane and its the bit of me time everyday :)
  • Well i've managed to get myself back down to 64.5kgs. I've increased me calories a bit and my body seems happy. I'm not going to make my goal LOL but I've lost heaps already and I'm pretty happy where I'm at. If i lose more then its just a bonus! but i do hope to be able to log at least a few more losses before this…
  • mine is normally between 1200 and 1400mg a day...although i just looked through my diary and noticed on wed i had 2000mg! could be why i didn't loss anything this week lol
  • I buy the small cans of tuna that are flavored and put it over a salad for lunch. YUM sometimes I i put them on pumpernickel bread drained with a bit of light cream cheese as well for a light sandwich.
  • ScalPay- I'm in Australia. So sadly no Walmart for me. Yes I struggle a bit with protein. I was looking at low calorie protein shakes at the shops last night. I may have to consider buying one. they do a latte flavoured one so I might be able to replace my morning coffee with that.
  • Scalpay- mine liked 70kg for about 4 weeks until i got to budge again. I'll keep going with what I'm doing. I'm trying to add more healthy calories here and there slowly. Trying to figure what I can eat has been the hard part. I try to stay away from white biggest weakness. have now replaced them with quinoa and…
  • Still nothing lost....:grumble: Maybe i should start measuring myself... whoever said losing the last few lbs was hard wasn't kidding! :noway: