snowflakes Member


  • Hi girls, Wow a bit quite around here. Glad to see the few of you today, you always make smile. timbotina: The lake?!? I'm in... Sounds like a great way to spend the day with the kids. The lake we have access to is frigid cold into August, but it doesn't stop us. Solndra: Goodness that is long hours at work. I am afraid…
  • Hi friends! Had a great road trip with DH. I was beat tired yesterday. The infection I had seems to be gone and I am feeling like it is easier to put on foot in front of the other. Whoow You gals are doing great. It is all about choices and nobody but you can make them. Eat healthier calories and move more. This is DOABLE!…
  • selby: way to bring on the exercise!!! What great results you are seeing in a short amount of time. Envious of your numbers. Great job. bluenote: CONGRATS!!! 1 mile girl, and in the heat. Look how far you have come. I cheer for all your success, so darn proud of you:) momma: Never could we forget you. Hope it is everything…
  • The two companies that draw blood in our area serve juice, water, granola bars, pretzels or something while you sit and wait after you donate. That is plenty, I usually choose water and granola bar and feel fine. Somewhere in my reading it said that you lose 1 lb. when donating blood. Good for you for donating my niece…
  • timbotina: Hope you have great success with the garage sale. selby: It sounds like a much needed rest. Listen to your body, you are doing great. diet45: Welcome to this great group of ladies. To find us again click on My Topics and it will show where you have last posted. I sure understand about the snacking calories…
  • You girls be safe and have a great time. Look forward to seeing you when you can. Solondra: You are giving your step son the gift of a much better life. Kudos to you. He WILL thank you later as he heals and gets perspective. Today is a cleaning day and I want to avoid it. Shocking I know. lol Have a great day.
  • Pos - Oh you brought back a flood of memories. There was an old lady who swalled a fly that I am crazy about and I can't find the book tell you the artist but the cover and pages has a lot of black and bright bold colors. It was one of my favorites because of the pictures that went to the lyrics. My oldest is in college…
  • PositivelyMe thank you that is sweet. Truth be told I didn't do well on my own. I did okay maintaining, but I did not lose, so I am back to tracking my foods. I am trying to get a plan down that I want to and can still do in my later years in life. A lifestyle that I can maintain, so I decided I needed to change things up.…
  • Hi ladies, Had a great day out picking up my son from Engineering State. The banquet was a buffet and I was so proud of mysealf only taking veggies and salad with the turkey breast. No mashed potatoes, roll, and only a bite of cake, but.... by three hours later I was starving and we had a ways yet to travel, with no towns…
  • Hi friends, Just popping in to say hello. bluenote you just made my day!!! And Jess I LOVE your boots. Keep up the great work you all are the greatest!
  • So happy I came across your post! You have the WOW factor going on girl! Your hard work is paying off, and you passed me right up. You are FABULOUS!
  • Ditto! Lost 2 pounds this week. I hope that it stays and is not because of being sick. Kintegra fantastic progress for you!!! Keep up the good work. Called2praise welcome. Tracking in the food diary every single thing I eat and the amount was a huge eye opener for me and I feel like that is been how I have had the success…
  • Hello Fit Women! Ended up with a sinus infection and taking it easy today. You are all remarkable and I love reading all the challenges and triumphs. No exercise for several days, tender head and body but I have been doing great on the calories and the pretty well on getting enough water. momma2four: You are one terrific…
  • Hi friends! I began this lifestyle change in Sept. 28, 2009. My husband and I had just returned from a trip to Arches National Park where we hiked Delicate Arch and I had a real wake up call as to how overweight and out of shape I was. The hike was so much harder than it should of been. I had to stop regulary and rest. I…
  • SHAZAM! Thank you for sharing your success. You will be so glad that you got the weight off while you are in your twenties. The older you get the slower the metabolism. Congratulations and your graduation from collage too. Educated, healthy, and beautiful, enjoy life.
  • You are making a tremendous lifestyle change, and you have a beautiful family to enjoy life with:) Thank you for sharing!
  • Stalking? did someone mention stalking....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :heart:
  • Hi my friends! Love seeing your continued progress. On the home page when I logged on this morning I was shocked to see a NUDE man. If you are offended or think that it is not appropriate. Please join in getting it removed. The user name is Phunkydi's. I started a new thread titled "No nudity on MFP". Thanks:) edit: Within…
  • Hi girls, Glad that I found you. Just wanted to say hello. I am about 16 pounds away from a healthy weight so I am seeing if I can do this on my own without posting every single thing. Thanks for all the support this group has given me. I will stop in and say hello from time to time. There are some of you that I realized…
  • Hello girls, Just wanted to say a quick hello. I have been much busier than I like to be! My life if full of great things, but I feel like I'm spinning and can't keep up. I will be gone till after the fist May. I wanted to say thanks for all your encouaging words and support that has helped me get this far. Still a ways to…
  • Welcome to the new gals! Life has been extremely hectic that past couple of days. Looking forward to a weekend at home. Thanks for the compliments on the size 14's but it is only a couple of pairs. In browsing through the posts if I remember right Jess you asked about a good brand of scales. We bought a digital TANITA…
  • mstahl...........................0 0% Jess...............................0.0% lildebbie........................0.0% cris20056.....................0.0% bluenote................-2 = .47% jenn.....................-2.6 = 1.04% Littlespy/jlb.........-2.0 = .97% snowflakes.........-1.2 = .65% Will catch up from yesterday later…
  • Good evening, All the talk of running has given me a side ache.:laugh: You gals are doing all kinds of great stuff! Momma I have done well with the squats but the lunges....holy moly that is another story. :noway: Let's just say that it is not a pretty site and leave it at that.:blushing: littlespy: love the skirt. You are…
  • Just a quick hello, Been doing well with tracking calories, water, and exercise. Mari: Love Japanese food now I am craving it. In the next week or so Hubby will have to take me to get my fix. lol Cris: I haven't seen the inspiring post you referred to. I will keep looking. Everyone have a great day.
  • WATP is low impact (I love it for that reason) and if I add weights for a mile or two it bumps up the burn. I use the dvd once or twice a week. I get bored easily so I mix it up and try to do something different every day.
  • 50 squats?!?!? Impressive!
  • Glad to know another Monkaholic:) We are so bummed that it is over to. We come up with all kinds of phobias and scenarios that Monk could continue to pursue, the writers for that show are fantastic. Yes, FINALLY Trudy's case is solved! littlespy: Thank you for the steps to change my settings. That was so easy, but I could…
  • Good morning gals! You got my attention with arachnophobia (sounds less creepy). Speaking of phobias do any of you like to watch MONK? That is one of our favorite shows!!! When you watch you will see things and say 'I do that' , 'I can relate to that', pretty funny. Got my bike tuned up and hit the road! I took a short…
  • Jess..................... -4.0 = 1.81% bluenote.... ..........-3.0 = 0.71% Pos_me...............-3.0 = 1.41% Littlespy....... ........-0.0 = 0% momma...............-5.3 = 1.99% Cris20056...........+1.4 = 0% Mari ......................-1.2 = 0.51% cogirl ................... -3.0 = 1.13% lstpaul..................+1.5 = 0%…
  • Hello girls! You all will be glad getting your weight down while you are young and your skin still has elasticity. Aging is not kind to your skin!!! I have been hungry soon after my meals today, it would be so easy to eat until I felt satisfied. Glad that everyday isn't hard like this. Do any of you ever crave salt? I want…