Women Fit For Forties



  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Momma2four, we're thinking about you! Coloradogirl, enjoy the campout!

    Diet45, it took me a while to figure out the in's and outs of the website, too - once it's configured, it's incredibly useful.

    Note: An hour of lawn mowing in a heat index of 101 is remarkably like a workout in a sauna - I drank a lot of water, and my husband brought me a flav-or-ice popsicle at one point. I felt awesome afterwards, not at all like I'd just done something stupid.

    The next 6 weeks are going to be lean, financially, for us; I've got a mandatory week long furlough to take next week (but I'm happy to have a job, period, so I'll take it and be happy about it!), and the paycheck that follows isn't going to be pretty. I'm thinking about tracking not only what I eat and calories, etc., but our family challenge for the next few weeks is to eat in as much as possible. I'm thinking about making a spreadsheet to track the money we've saved by not eating out, maybe using my status here to track it as well, since it's not necessarily something I want to track through Facebook.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning ladies, feeling a little lazy after not exercising yesturday but we all do deserve a day off. Anyhow, going to be busy today packing (we are going camping for a week starting Thurs. so the camper needs stocked for the summer (cloths, toys, food, entertainment.....should take a good 2 days--always wipe down everything first before stocking.....) so hopefully I will burn some extra calories doing that also.....anyway...better get busy.....check in a little later.....Have a GREAT day all!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well I have my mind-set back, finally! I slept pretty much all day yesterday & didn't do anything at all! :grumble:

    However the scale still likes me even with Aunt Flo here!

    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-09-10 234.4
    6-14-10 233.6

    This week I'm going to do that damn C25K day one again if it kills me! I will not let it beat me! :wink:

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning ladies. I was once again MIA over the weekend. We drove to the family farmhouse in Wisconsin that we hope to be buying soon. My very dear Aunt who lived there passed away last fall and this is the first time I have stayed there since then - I was surprised at how hard it hit me when we first walked into the house, but we had a nice time after that. I'm sure there will still be moments when it is hard to be there without my Aunt - but I am very glad that we decided to try to keep the house in the family. We own some riverfront property that we could never afford to build on, so we put that up for sale and we need that to sell to be able to purchase the farmhouse ... so I'm really praying that it sells soon! but it isn't good timing with the real estate market. Since my brothers and cousins who inherited with me want to keep it in the family too - they are all being very patient and understanding with waiting for our land to sell before we actually pay them. We just won't be able to afford (for very long) the property taxes and utilities on the farmhouse while still paying property taxes and a mortgage on the riverfront land.
    I did ok with food over the weekend, but not so hot with exercise.
    I am happy to have my most favorite snack available right now (and it's healthy!) .... raw peas! I bought $20 worth from the farmers market Saturday morning before we left town and I shelled peas during the ride and for a couple of hours Saturday night. My stomach isn't too happy with all the extra roughage! but they are soooo good. I would probably be skinny if I could have fresh raw peas year-round. Unfortunately in MN they are really only at the Farmer's markets for about a month ... then they start getting pretty dried out. I haven't found any in the stores that are comparable. I grow my own in very large pots in front of my house - but the rabbits even get up into the pots to eat them - so I usually don't end up with many.
    I brought about a cup of peas to munch on at work .... I wish I hadn't wolfed them all down this morning .... I want more now!
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    lstpaul - I'm dodging the pest bullet with my tomatoes by growing them in milk-jugs upside down and hanging from a birdfeeder hanger off the deck. You might be able to grow rabbit-proof peas that way, yourself. And there's really nothing like being able to put fresh lettuce, tomatoes and peppers on the table for my guys.

    One of the neat things I've discovered is about growing broccoli; the leaves taste like broccoli, too (duh), and if you shred the leaves just like you shred lettuce and spinach, it adds a very nice flavor to the entire salad.
  • lids0578
    lids0578 Posts: 12

    WATER 100 OZ
    NO POP
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I just don't understand why I can't get this!! I keep sabotaging MYSELF!! and that is just crazy.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself, we all have good and bad days....just try and start anew tomorrow......It is hard to be on game all the time......get a good nights rest and make a clean start in the morning!! You can do this, you are worth it!!!:wink::wink:
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just found this topic. I'm 40 years old and need to lose 100 pounds. Can you tell me about your group and what is involved? Thanks! Looking forward to getting fit! :flowerforyou:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself, we all have good and bad days....just try and start anew tomorrow......It is hard to be on game all the time......get a good nights rest and make a clean start in the morning!! You can do this, you are worth it!!!:wink::wink:

    Thank you for the support! :love: I'm trying to learn how to eat right and still enjoy what I'm eating. I just keep turning back to the quick and easy.:angry: Also, I need to learn not to eat just because it is there.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    It's a new week my beautiful friends! We will all do fabulous... I just know it. :flowerforyou:

    I bought these super yummy nom nom nom pita chips at Sam's... a gigantic bag. They are called Regenie's Multi-Grain Pita Chips. They are seriously the most wonderful things I have every tasted in my entire life. Anywho, a serving size is 7 chips. The problem is that many of them are broken & I'm pretty sure that I'm eating more than 7. So, I broke the cycle!!! I pulled out the baggies & portioned the rest of them out.
  • jmbarragan
    jmbarragan Posts: 21 Member
    Count me in. Day one for me on this website and my new healthy lifestyle. I want to embrace everyday as if it was my last!
    I could use all the help and motivation I can get.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Kelly - I am so glad you have your mind-set back! Just focus on today and moving forward - tomorrow is in the past! You are doing GREAT, by the way!
    lstpaul - raw peas? Hmm. Sounds good - never tried them!
    Welcome back, lids!
    Unicorn & Jody - welcome to our fabulous group! Tell us a little about yourself and post your weekly/monthly goals.
    selby - that is FANTASTIC that you portioned your yummy nom noms!!! Good for you! You are inspiring me to do the same - ugh, even though I do NOT want to (but I know I should! Drats! LOL)!!!
    Lisa - You CAN do this. If you think you've identified the problem (falling into the "quick & easy road"), then write out a plan on how you are going to make sure that road is NOT an option for you. Also write out what words you will tell yourself when you are faced with the quick and easy road - because we all know it is always there, waiting for us to take it! Practice saying the phrases over and over. Make sure they are positive affirmations - no negatives! You want this, Lisa - we all know you do. The world only spins forward - forget about the past and commit to today and tomorrow, sweetness! We are here for ya!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning to one and all.....just wanted to send a little note of encouragement before we all start our busy lives....that's just it, we are all busy and there will be times where we all fall off or not make such good choices....that is life....we are human and just have to remember to be a little forgiving to ourselves or we will mess up all our hard work, because we do great atleast 80% of the time...that is something to be proud of. It's hard when you are trying to eat and be healthy....it takes a lot of time, prep and energy.....so give yourselves a break once in a while....anyway, have a GREAT day ladies!!:happy:
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Checking in! It's a crazy day at work, and after work I'll be helping my husband with a photo shoot. Busy busy busy!

    Be good to yourselves, you can do it! Someone told me once that it's not whether you fall off the bus that counts, it's whether you climb back on.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hello ladies!
    I had a 'fall of the wagon' day yesterday. I did well all day until suppertime where I stuffed my face with chips and cheese while cooking for my son. That is the absolute worst time of day for me and the kitchen is the worst place for me to be. I ended up over my calorie goal by 600+ calories. Oh well, today is another day.
    I was good this morning and went to step class even though my shoulder/arm/back were all hurting. I finally went to the doc yesterday they did lots of tests - for lyme's disease (had a bug bite on my back with a circle around it - but no tick), thyroid tests, other blood tests for inflamation, and also an x-ray of my neck. We'll see what the results are - if nothing is found next is an MRI of my arm. The doc did prescribe a high dose ibuprofen that is helping and a muscle relaxer that I can only take at bedtime and haven't tried yet. Hopefully everything will heal soon because I haven't been exercising as much as I would like ... and am taking it a bit easy when I do exercise.
    I am still enjoying those raw peas ... I absolutely LOVE them! I'm not a fan of the shells - just the peas themselves.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    lstpaul - hope everything turns out ok with your results. Keep us posted!

    bluenote - thanks so much for being a great cheering section! :happy:

    Today was my early day off work & I had plans to get either a Jillian workout or C25K in, but I had a bunch of errands to run & grocery shopping too. I wore my HRM so got those calories logged in! I did get a walk in this morning, along with my bellydancing wake up this morning! I was feeling guilty, so I just turned on Fit TV & did a kickboxing workout. It was pretty good! I swear that channel is my new friend! :laugh:

    Tomorrow night is Zumba night! Can't wait for that!

    Hope to see some of you for Skinny Wednesday Challenge tomorrow! :bigsmile:

  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning ladies, heading off to work but wanted to check in real quick...hoping to get a great walk/run in today if work cooperates....Doing the Wed. challange and excited about it!!! Have a GREAT day!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi friends!

    Had a great road trip with DH. I was beat tired yesterday. The infection I had seems to be gone and I am feeling like it is easier to put on foot in front of the other. Whoow You gals are doing great. It is all about choices and nobody but you can make them. Eat healthier calories and move more. This is DOABLE! Having a bad meal does not ruin weeks of hard work. Just get back at it quick! Studies show that the more you post and are apart of suport group the higher your success rate is of losing and maintaining your weight. 40 is great, we just have to learn how to work with a slower metablolism. JOY! (Just a little sarcasm) lol

    Oh there is nothing like fresh peas out of the garden. I grew up with gresh peas and can't stand any that are cooked. I like pea pods in stir fry but when it comes to peas, this girl is spoiled with the best. mmm, mmm can't wait for ours to produce. Bluenote fresh peas are something you must try sometime.

    Have a good day.

    edit: can't overlook the fresh peas...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Oh there is nothing like fresh peas out of the garden. I grew up with fresh peas and can't stand any that are cooked. I like pea pods in stir fry but when it comes to peas, this girl is spoiled with the best. mmm, mmm can't wait for ours to produce. Bluenote fresh peas are something you must try sometime.
    yummmm, I've been eating about a cup of fresh raw peas a day ... I'm almost done with the $20 worth I bought last week so I need to make another trip to the farmer's market and spend another evening shelling peas and turning my fingers green. I have found that I really have to rinse and soak them to get any pesticides off or I end up with a headache - they are best from your own garden where you know if anything has been put on them.