Women Fit For Forties



  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Happy HUMP Day!! :laugh: I hope everyone is having a good week so far. I've been good so far this week... although I am drinking an iced coffee right now from DD. I have a serious iced coffee weakness... which you can see if you look at my food diary - heh.

    I did my 5th day of Shred! Wooweee... I have some sore muscles! I still can't really do the jumping jacks too well... but I do most everything else. The workout today was a lot "easier". The first few days I thought to myself that there was NO WAY that I was going to be able to move on to phase 2 after 10 workouts... but now, I think I can!

    How are the challenges going for everyone? I'm still keeping up. Tonight is my off, but here are my results from yesterday:

    200 Sit-up Challenge - 93
    200 Squat Challenge - 102
    100 Push-up Challenge - 47
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    selbyhutch, great going....and if it's iced coffee you crave.....drink it....and besides I think I saw in your diary its only 120 cal., that isn't bad...

    anyhow, did ok on the Wed. challange except for the no snacking after supper....like I said before, we eat early 430 pm and now I need something to eat...and besides I feel going from now til 7am tomorrow when I get up and eat is too long for my body and metabolism to go without eating something....so sorry failed on that area...

    ...but drank 11 8oz. glasses of water and did the track and swimming today...so it wasn't a total bust..:happy:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning ladies, hope all are well rested after our Wed. challange....headed to the lake this morning so I will be out til this evening....so I will check back then....Have a FANTASTIC day everyone!!
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Checking in, been thinking about you guys!

    Work has been difficult, so I've not had as much water as I should on any given day this week past Sunday. Work has been long (some days 6 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), so my energy for exercise has been shot, too. I have a dry itchy awful fungal infection on the back of my neck, and while I have the meds for it, I'm not in a position to cut out sugars completely for a few days (helps it work) until tomorrow.

    Excuses, excuses, excuses, I know. I'll be back on track soon enough!

    Maite Zaitut!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hello...just checking in! Skinny Wednesday Challenge yesterday about wore me out! My Zumba class was awesome...my instructor changed it up a bit so I was exhausted afterwards. I came home & basically just hung out. I did however walk over to chat with my neighbor for a bit. I got a great compliment from her. She said "I just wish you could see you the way I see you, because you look phenomenal!" :bigsmile: She said I look completely different than I did 2 months ago. Wow that really made my night! :bigsmile:

    I'm starting the Bix @ 6 training runs tonight to prepare for the Bix 7 Race again on July 24th. I used to do the Bix every year, but haven't done it since 2004. I miss doing it as its a lot of fun running with 15-20,000 people! My 13 year old neice said she just might do it with me. If not, my 66 year old friend that has done it with me in the past said she will do it! Its a seven mile, very hilly race! Check it out www.bix7.com.

  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi girls,

    Wow a bit quite around here. Glad to see the few of you today, you always make smile.

    timbotina: The lake?!? I'm in... Sounds like a great way to spend the day with the kids. The lake we have access to is frigid cold into August, but it doesn't stop us.

    Solndra: Goodness that is long hours at work. I am afraid that I would burn out really fast. I totally relate to being tired after a day like that. Remember doing little things like take a walk for 10 mins. is wonderful and if you can do that 3 time in a work day you will be just fine. Hang tuff. Hope that meds work quick for you.

    kintegra: Way to bring it strong day after day. I have been such a slug you inspire me to want to move more. What a compliment from your friend!!! Keep up the good work.

    I found killer deal on strawberries today, so plan on making freezer jam tonight. mmm-mmm

    Take Care:)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK, somehow I missed the whole "Wednesday Challenge" thingie. Is that something our group is doing? Fill me in, if you don't mind! I love a challenge.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK, somehow I missed the whole "Wednesday Challenge" thingie. Is that something our group is doing? Fill me in, if you don't mind! I love a challenge.


    This was yesterdays thread. Fabulousfifty posts it every Wednesday & Saturday. Its a fun challenge to just double up your H20, & your workouts for the day. Its very challenging & motivating to see how much you can do! :happy: Hope to see you there!

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member

    kintegra: Way to bring it strong day after day. I have been such a slug you inspire me to want to move more. What a compliment from your friend!!! Keep up the good work.

    I found killer deal on strawberries today, so plan on making freezer jam tonight. mmm-mmm

    Take Care:)

    I didn't even get half the 7 miles in tonight. I had to go get some new running shoes, apparently after 25 years my feet grew! The past few weeks my toes had been going numb in my tennis shoes, so I had my feet remeasured & sure enough, I went up a whole size! :noway: REALLY???:noway:

    By the time I got done buying my new shoes, it was starting to get dark. So I only did 2 miles, but I did C25K while doing it! I'm really shocked I can finally say that I've finished day 1 of C25K after trying it off & on for about 3 weeks! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies, off to work for me...so I will check in real quick when I get home and then its off to the lake for 7 days....and no internet service....so I won't be checking in until THURS. next week...but I will be doing SAT/WED challanges and getting in a lot ot exercise (we do a lot of walking, swimming and bike riding--I even pull my daughter in a little trailer behing me on my bike ) so I should get some good workouts in....and no scale either so I better see a good # when I get back....oh, and I packed lots of healthy foods......anyhow, talk to you all later!:smile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Have a great week Timbotina! Sounds like you have a good plan while you are away! :drinker: H2O cheers to you!

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hey gals.. I am heading up to the mountains right now. Won't have internet service :). So, I will see you all next week!

    My goal this weekend is to enjoy but not over indulge and at least maintain where I am right now until next Friday. Looks like I will be doing a little more hiking. It is 2.2 miles around the lake but at an altitude of 8176 I suspect I will be working harder to breathe. :). I lost 4.5 lbs this past week and now TOM has decided he should visit today so, I am bloated! Oh yay.. (sarcasm)

    see ya all next week!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sounds like a fun trip hiking around the mountains! Wish I were there too! Have a great time away! :smile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Colorado girl, have a fun and safe trip ...rest of ladies keep up the good work and I will talk to you all next Thurs. when I return from the lake.....hope to have a great time, and have the scales show that also!!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Weigh-in today - lost 1 lb!! I don't record ounces... I give my weight at least the ounces to fluctuate. If I were counting them... I would be down nearly 2 lbs. Maybe since I'm close, I'll have a 2 lbs weight loss next Friday.

    Jillian's 30 Day Shred is kicking my butt. My body felt really tired this morning doing it... so I'm going to skip Shred tomorrow. I'll still do Wii EA Sports Challenge because that's easy enough... plus I'll finish it this weekend - yay! I'll start the 45 day challenge after that (this was the 30 day). Hubby is doing P90X & the Ab Ripper X is only 15 minutes long... so I think I will give that a try tomorrow. I watched him do it today & it looks crazy intense. I'll let you know - lol!

    Back to the Wii... does anyone else use this to work out? I totally LOVE it!! It's so fun & I never get bored... it's like playing a video game while you are working out. I had the Wii Fit & used it a lot & then I got the EA Sports and fell in love. I also have Jillian's Fitness Ultimatum 2010 & I don't like it at all... it was a big disappointment. Anyway... let me know, I would love to do a challenge with someone else.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Everyone going out of town, have a wonderful, safe time!
    Selby - I have Wii at my rec center, but the kids that are there for summer camp are always playing on it! I'd love to try it some time.

    Happy to report I lost almost all of the weight gain from last week. One more pound to go!

    Have a great weekend everyone. Don't forgive to give the fathers in your life a big hug!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi Girls! This thread has been pretty quiet the last few days! Hopefully everyone is too busy getting fit & enjoying the outdoors! This afternoon I decided to get my old rollerblades out after 6 or 7 years & go for a "roll". However since my feet grew & I had to get new tennis shoes this week, apparently I will need some new blades as well! I did cram my feet in & go for about a mile & a half, till my feet could no longer stand it. Poor little piggies were squished! :laugh:

    It was fun while it lasted and I enjoyed it, so I guess I'll have to start looking for a new pair. I'll give my old ones to my neice. She'll be excited.

    This morning I did some Pilates that were on Fit TV. That was a good workout. I also did a little cleaning, but there wasn't much to do. I'm hoping it is a nice day again tomorrow so I can get my lawn done & some gardening that I need to do.

    Tomorrow evening my dad wants to go out for pizza for Father's Day, so I have to plan for that ahead of time.

    I hope you all are having a great weekend & enjoy tomorrow with your Father's. :flowerforyou:

  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I finished EA Sports 30 Day Challenge today!! Yay /happy dance. I loved it. Tomorrow I'm going to start the 45 day challenge... on hard too! Eeeek!! Other than that, I finished my 2nd week of the challenges. Anyone else still doing them? Come on girls!

    200 Sit-up Challenge - 121
    200 Squat Challenge - 109
    100 Push-up Challenge - 60

    I'm going to try to be extra good this week w/ my eating... and uhhh iced coffee. When I have them, I'm going to have sugar free. Plus I'm going to try to cut down on sugar... even natural sugar. I'm pushing for my 2 lb loss on Friday.

    Oh yeah... and I DVR'd Bollywood Dance Workout from FitTV. I did it last night & it was a lot of fun. They have commercials though!! It was the warm-up - commercial - workout - commercial - cool down. In 22 minutes I burned 105 calories. It was just fun to shake it and work some other muscles. There is also another one called Shimmy that I'm recording.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I finished EA Sports 30 Day Challenge today!! Yay /happy dance. I loved it. Tomorrow I'm going to start the 45 day challenge... on hard too! Eeeek!! Other than that, I finished my 2nd week of the challenges. Anyone else still doing them? Come on girls!

    200 Sit-up Challenge - 121
    200 Squat Challenge - 109
    100 Push-up Challenge - 60

    I'm going to try to be extra good this week w/ my eating... and uhhh iced coffee. When I have them, I'm going to have sugar free. Plus I'm going to try to cut down on sugar... even natural sugar. I'm pushing for my 2 lb loss on Friday.

    Oh yeah... and I DVR'd Bollywood Dance Workout from FitTV. I did it last night & it was a lot of fun. They have commercials though!! It was the warm-up - commercial - workout - commercial - cool down. In 22 minutes I burned 105 calories. It was just fun to shake it and work some other muscles. There is also another one called Shimmy that I'm recording.

    Glad you found the Bollywood Workout! Yeah I fast forward thru the commercials...thats when I take a quick water break! :drinker: I tried the Shimmy a few different times, but didn't like it as much. There are several different Bollywood ones and I've found a few that are really good! They are a nice wake up before my work day starts, so I like them a lot.

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I finished EA Sports 30 Day Challenge today!! Yay /happy dance. I loved it. Tomorrow I'm going to start the 45 day challenge... on hard too! Eeeek!! Other than that, I finished my 2nd week of the challenges. Anyone else still doing them? Come on girls!

    200 Sit-up Challenge - 121
    200 Squat Challenge - 109
    100 Push-up Challenge - 60

    I'm going to try to be extra good this week w/ my eating... and uhhh iced coffee. When I have them, I'm going to have sugar free. Plus I'm going to try to cut down on sugar... even natural sugar. I'm pushing for my 2 lb loss on Friday.

    Oh yeah... and I DVR'd Bollywood Dance Workout from FitTV. I did it last night & it was a lot of fun. They have commercials though!! It was the warm-up - commercial - workout - commercial - cool down. In 22 minutes I burned 105 calories. It was just fun to shake it and work some other muscles. There is also another one called Shimmy that I'm recording.
    Great job, girl! Sadly, I forgot to do the challenge. I know, I am pathetic. Can I start now?
    Oh, and I love the Shimmy workout! Let me know how you like it!