Women Fit For Forties

Momma2four Posts: 1,534
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
A few women started talking about getting a group together for women in their late 30's-40's. A group of women who needed to lose 50 pounds or more. There is a certain set of challenges we as women face once we hit this age group, but the added challenge of being 50 or more pounds over weight adds to this. Our hope is to come to a common place to support, encourage, and motivate our fellow woman to lose that weight. Have some fun on the way and do it with someone who can relate to what we are trying to do. If you are in this age group need to lose 50+ pounds or already have lost 50+ come share with us and lets move forward toward a life where we are "Women Fit For Forties"!!! I look forward to the journey.


  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm in!
  • Me too.......... :)
  • Beleau
    Beleau Posts: 143
    Count me in as well...
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Yay!!! Sounds great!!! Maybe everyone can tell a little about themselves so we can get to know each other.

    I am 39 will be 40 in Sept. I have 118 more pounds to lose, mother to 4! My children are 16,13,8 and 4. Oh and I am a SAHM!

    I also am hoping not to over eat while the hubby is home for a 3 day weekend.
  • I am 39 will be 40 - next month!! I have lost 20 already and have another 50 to go. Stepmom to 2 boys - 20 and 17. I work in customer service for a pharmaceutical company, will be losing my job the end of this month. Yikes!! Married for 8+ years. I live in Iowa.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Well... I am obviously from Colorado. I am also 39 will be 40 in August. I started this journey last October and have lost 47lbs with another 73lbs to go. I am a small business owner (own and operate my own day spa), a wife of a very loving husband (I feel so lucky) and have 4 children total. My daughter is 14, my son is 17, my step daughter is 17 and my step son is 22 and married to a wonderful young lady. I started this journey after seeing picture of myself in a family reunion book with a pink tank top on. Quite frankly I looked like a big strawberry and had not clue I had gotten so huge even though at my highest weight I was 300lbs.

    I am looking forward to making new friends, getting to know some of you better and continuing this journey together!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi friends!

    I began this lifestyle change in Sept. 28, 2009. My husband and I had just returned from a trip to Arches National Park where we hiked Delicate Arch and I had a real wake up call as to how overweight and out of shape I was. The hike was so much harder than it should of been. I had to stop regulary and rest. I was looking into WW online when I can across this site and it was FREE. Nothing is FREE...There is always a catch, I was very sceptical, but thought heck I will try it out for a few days keeping track of calories. And as you see I am still here. I stared at 225 pounds. I turned 45 this year and would like to get to a healthy weight by this fall and then maintain it for the next 45 years!!! In all I hope to lose 70 pounds.

    Each day I focus on:
    1. drinking plenty of water
    2. moving more
    3. eating healthy calories
    4. staying under 500 calories everyday while losing and logging everything I eat

    I tried to do this on my own over a month ago and I found the scales didn't move down. I have to be accountable every day. I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am really excited about getting this going. I have been trying to lose weight for over a year and somewhere a long this journey I have kinda lost my way. Someone on another forum I am a part of used the term "the shiny has gone" that really struck me. That is a good way of describing it.
    Getting together with women my age who can relate to this type of weight loss journey has renewed some of my shiny. I am really excited and I hope you all will be willing to share your thoughts, ideas, recipes, and your goals. I may not be around too much this weekend I tend to fall off a bit on the weekends because Husband and children are all home and it is a bit harder to get on. But I will try to check in at least once a day. I am also planning to set a goal for myself next week and I thought I would share it.

    My goal for June 7-13, Drink at least 80 ounces of water everyday, stay within my calories, walk at least 5 days 45mins, and do some toning workouts 3x. I will let you all know how I did on that next week. Please share some goals you would like to get accomplished next week as well.
  • lids0578
    lids0578 Posts: 12
    Im 47 and have been overweight for several years. I hope to drink 100 oz of water daily, go to the gym 4 times this week and stay with in my calories, i have been a member for over a year and have lost 25 lbs but i keep hitting the wall. thanks for starting the group

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lids0578, tell us about yourself! I see you started just this last month.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Goals for the coming week
    1. Drink a min of 100oz of H2o each day
    2. Finish C25k week 6 (on elliptical)
    3. Exercise at least 5 days
    4. Don't go over on my calories

    (these are pretty much my normal goals I try to hold myself accountable for each week)
  • Hi ladies! Thanks for inviting me to join. I am a happily married 38 yr old. I will be 39 in November. I am a sahm to an 11 yr old son, and 2 daughters ages 2 and 3. Yes, we are nuts!

    I need to lose over 100 lbs. I have been up and down, but lately it seems to be up, up, up. I had 2 of my kids late in life and I am literally killing myself everytime I stuff my mouth with junk and I am not teaching my children healthy eating habits. We have been doing much better lately so that is good. We have pretty much eliminated most processed foods.

    I am drinking 100 oz of water a day. As for as exercise, I intend to start the Couch to 5k this week and do it on MWF and I will do the 30 day shred on TTh. I am going to do a lower carb diet, but not as strict as atkins.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you.

  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in too!

    I'm 44, and have always been 'chubby', 'heavy set' or just plain 'fat'. I've lost weight with diet pills - NutriSystem - WW - each time ending up gaining what I lost and then some. I'm at my highest weight ever - well, take that back, I WAS at my highest ever, til I joined MFP just over 2 weeks ago. :happy: I went from my late teens to my late 30's dating/married to my HS sweetheart. Divorced, then spent the last 5 years in a very unhealthy relationship. I spent so much time making them happy, I ignored my obvious problem. But no more - I can't make others happy when I'm miserable inside. I'm ready to be more active - I'm ready to be selfish - and I'm ready to be healthy!!

    I know that it's going to be harder this time than ever before - but I'm getting stubborn as I age, and I won't give up this time!!

    My goals are to drink a gallon of water per day / exercise at least 20 minutes every day / cook healthy meals / be happy!!

    Let's get started!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    So nice to meet everyone. Thanks for sharing your goals!!! I love that. This way we feel more accountable to ourselves because we told everyone we were going to do it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Hi... Ella here. I turned 40 last October & always told myself I would get back in shape & eat healthy when I was 40. I was thin until my 30's... then I just kept gaining. I have about 60 lbs to lose.

    I'm married to a wonderful man... Chris... he's chutch5 on here. We've been together for 12 years. He is very supportive & tells me every day how much he loves me & how gorgeous I am. Chris has about 20 lbs to lose & really just needs to tone up. No children... hate children. :smile: Not really. I'm just selfish & spoiled and motherhood is not for me (or us). We are big animal lovers and have 3 mini dachshunds & 2 cats. We live in sunny Tampa Bay, FL. I'm in finance & my hubby is a high school teacher.

    Our goal is to be healthy & live a long life together. Everything aesthetic is just icing on the cake.
  • donsch
    donsch Posts: 40
    I am in!
    I started MFP in Feb but started my new lifestyle in Jan of 09. I am 5' 1' (almost) and I was 194. I was horrified at the idea of that
    decided to make a change. I have lost 40 pounds so far but I have at least another 20-30 to go. I am not sure where I really am headed down to-at least 130- today I weighed in at 152.
    I have been swimming every day inthe back yard pool. That is such a good exercise!
    My weekly goal for next week--
    Drink 10 glasses of water each day.
    Exercise each day=treadmill, swimming, or walking with my neighbor==extra movement in one form or another!!
    Next goal--do C25k training and get past the first week routine!! I am ot a runner but I think I really want to do this in the fall.
    I think we can do this--I know we can!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi everyone! So glad for the invite! My name is Nancy and I am a professional musician and music teacher. I am 46 (soon to be 47) and have been overweight for most of my adult life. I've tried every diet known to fatkind. On some I lost a lot of weight - only to gain it back and then a whole bunch more. I was a bean pole for most of my childhood, until puberty hit. I started gaining little by little from about age 13 until 20, and then I started my ill-fated starvation diet, which spun out of control and landed me in a Bulimic-Anorexic Self-Help Unit. My mother died the following year - I gained immediately after that and have been gaining and losing and re-gaining ever since. I think I was thin (this round from WW) from about the age of 22 to 27, that's it, during which time I taught aerobics and modeled. I remember thinking I was huge at a size 8. Oy. Once an eating disorder, always an eating disorder - it never goes away - just goes into remission.

    I joined MFP a year ago May, but I never used it until October 2010. I had hit my highest weight of 485 pounds and was just diagnosed with diabetes. I knew that the proverbial shoe had finally dropped. I came on here, found a few threads that were super supportive, and forced myself to eat right and exercise, and stay away from obsessing over the scale (the scale takes me down a dark and twisted pathway - remember, remission!). I have lost 81 pounds since October THE RIGHT WAY for the first time in my life, and every day I live is a blessing and a reminder that I can do this with God's help.

    My goals for June are:
    1.) enjoy my vacation from teaching!
    2.) eat clean and learn more healthy cooking tips
    3.) exercise 6 out of 7 days a week for at least 40 mins/day
    4.) drink at least 90 oz. of water a day (kind of afraid to drink more - had a friend who got water toxemia from drinking too much per day and she barely survived)
    5.) be thankful for how far I've come every single day!

    I am thrilled to get to know you all and look forward to our chats! Momma - any posting of weight losses weekly, or things such as this?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hello all! I am single, never married with no kids. I stumbled upon this website last month & became an instant MFP addict! I was at my highest weight about 3 years ago, somewhere in the 280s & decided enough is enough. I have no reason to being this fat since all I have to do is take care of myself! After my dad found out 5 years ago that he was diabetic & started controlling it by his diet and lost all his weight, that really hit me. I never thought I would be the biggest member of my family, but there I was!

    I have always eaten somewhat healthy, but then I decided to really start watching it. My doctor has told me that he knows I eat healthy, otherwise my lab tests would show it...and he gave me every test known to man because he was trying to figure out why I was so heavy. Well I figured that out on my own as well....I needed to get moving! So I started losing slowly over the past 3 years by water aerobics, and getting a treadmill. The water aerobics class I've still been doing (however not in June/July) and I love that. The treadmill, not so much. So in April I made a promise to myself & told my doctor as well, that I wanted to lose 30 pounds by October, as I am going on another cruise with my family & several friends.

    After my first week on MFP in mid-May I stumbled upon a blog that a woman had posted & she had lost like 170 pounds. She made the decision to not be fat in her 40s about a year and a half before her 40th bday. She did it! So that was my inspiration...I was like "hey....I'll be 40 in 17 months. I can do that too! So when I started my lifestyle change in late April I was at 249 lbs. I need to be under 160 to be in the high normal range for my height of 5'7". I'm currently at 239, & I'm shooting for 159 by 10/21/2011 - 90 lbs total! That averages out to 5 lbs a month. That is totally do-able! However, I'm trying to shoot for a bit more these first few months, since its the easiest time to lose, (we all know this).

    I printed out a blank calendar that I have logged my exercises/activities that I want to do for the whole month. I'm going to stick to it as much as possible! I take Zumba once a week, and I'm going to start C25K next week, & I also have Jillian's 30 day Shred & a few other Biggest Loser DVD's. I also take walks on my breaks at work & jump on my treadmill when watching tv. Since its summer I do a lot of gardening/yardwork as well. So I have a busy summer of activities planned for myself! Oh and my pool too! :happy:

    I look forward to encouraging & challenging everyone to meet their goals! Here's to Fat-Free Forties! :drinker: Kelly
  • Good morning ladies!! I just wanted to tell everyone to have a great weekend and don't fall of the wagon, just b/c the weekend is here. I have a tough weekend. My nephew's birthday party today, a family reunion tomorrow, and company staying with us. Moderation is the key!! So far, so good.

    Kelly---I wanted to let you know that I am also starting the Couch to 5K and 30 day shred next week. I am going to do the C25k on MWF and 30 day Shred on TTH.

  • divachris2
    divachris2 Posts: 14 Member
    YAY!People in my age group!My name is Chris and I am 42.I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago (right after my 40th birthday) and switched my addiction to food! I gained 42lbs and started wearing sweat pants because I could no longer fit into my jeans! I am a mom of 4 and I just was letting myself go, I started making excuses like I am older now so my metabolism was slow and I must be going through premenopause.Finally I went to see a doctor and found out it was all crap that I was telling myself and I was being lazy!Sure it is harder to lose the weight than when I was in my 20's but it can be done! I lost 15lbs before I found this websight and have lost 9 more.I set a higher goal for myself (the weight I was before I had my last 2 kids)and I refuse to give up!I go on this sight everyday even if I am having a bad day.It is so nice to meet people in the same situation.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
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