Women Fit For Forties



  • Solandra
    Good afternoon, ladies - I'm sorry it's been so long, but I think I'm back on track. Are we still weighing in on Fridays?
  • moonunit7
    Hi Snowflakes. Are you really only eating 500 calories per day? I am wondering if that was supposed to be 1500? If you are only eating 500, how are you doing that?! What do you eat? This is my first day on MFP. Thanks!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Welcome moonunit7...this is an great group (I hope snowflakes is not eating only 500 calories....:noway:)

    welcome back Solandra

    Busy day ladies...not much time to talk....will have more time tomorrow....good evening everyone!!
  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey ladies! Can I join your group? I am 39, and want to hit my goal weight and run a marathon before I turn 40 next July. I started MFP with 55 lbs to lose to my goal weight.... I love your challenges, so I would love to join this group!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hey ladies! Can I join your group? I am 39, and want to hit my goal weight and run a marathon before I turn 40 next July. I started MFP with 55 lbs to lose to my goal weight.... I love your challenges, so I would love to join this group!!

    Yes you sure can! We don't actually have a set weigh in day....just weigh in whenever you choose to report in! :bigsmile:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, I hope everyone is having a great week. My week has been stressful the last few days. It all has to do with financial issues, so I just need to give that to God and accept the outcome (this is hard to do when you are a control freak like me). My little girl was in a bad mood this morning and my husband seemed to be losing patience with her, He takes her to school, so I'm hoping that was a good outcome. I think every teacher stopped me to tell me what inappropriate behavior my daughter had yesterday at school. I wanted to just shout out...Does anyone every have anything positive to say about her? I'm a teacher, so it is a very good lesson for me. Even if you have tough kids...you need to find something positive to say to them each and every day. My son hurt his knee in football practice yesterday. We iced it lots last night, but he is still limping around. I'm hoping he goes to the trainer today instead of practice.....that kids is a stubborn one though. I think he gets that from me.'

    I have my official weigh-in tomorrow. I was just hoping for a 2 lb loss and then 2 lbs next week. I'm not sure though. I really wanted to be under 170 before my 44th birthday...not sure that is going to happen. Oh well, I need to just be happy with my successes!!!

    Happy Thursday all, Shelley
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Shelley - sorry to hear about your day yesterday....hopefully it will all look up today for you! :flowerforyou:

    I'm excited its Thursday finally! I am headed out to see CJ for dinner tonight while he is on patrol. Haven't seen him since Sunday...maybe that is why I was in such a funk yesterday. Also I have to go out of town for my uncles funeral on Saturday - still debating if I will go tomorrow night & stay in a hotel or just drive up early Sat morning & then back afterwards. :ohwell:

    I have 2 days done of this weeks BMK challenge. I really really hate that plank, but it will NOT get me! :grumble: I've also been successful in the 5 fruits/veggies per day so far. :happy:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Shelley, sorry about your ruff day...teachers do have it ruff....its a hard job...but you do appreciate if SOMEONE has something nice to say....get positive when you are treated positive, right?? Hopefully tomorrow will be better...:flowerforyou:

    Kelly, have a GREAT dinner with CJ....no wonder you were in a funk --4 days without seeing him....sorry to hear about your uncle....

    Went to the farmers market....kinda sad that there is no large selection anymore now that fall is here..and I am not the biggest fan of apples and that is mostly what they had....but did get some strawberries and peaches....Good night all!!
  • birdie88
    I'll be 40 in a couple months and have sixty pounds to lose... Just joined today... how do I join your group?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    You're in! Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Tina - I just got home from CJ's - didn't end up meeting him for dinner because he had to go on a call. Plus I had to do some things over at my brother's house, so it actually ended up good. I had to paint my neice's toenails for her:laugh: , then CJ got off work & I went over to his place. I just got home, so sadly we only spent about 2 hours together. But it was worth it! :love: Its almost midnight, so I better get upstairs to bed! NIght all! :yawn:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies...have been busy carting my son around to all his activites (as sure I am a lot of us do now a days)...bowling league first, then football, and now he is at a birthday party... Beautiful fall weather here...I am hoping to get atleast a walk in later.....good day everyone!!!.............:flowerforyou:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    This morning's weigh in: 208.0 lbs

    Well the scale is not helping me too much lately, however I'm still happy with myself. I know I've lost several inches again. Actually I need to measure today. So I went to buy jeans yesterday at Old Navy, since I only have ONE pair that I found in a drawer that fit me. Anyway - last year I was wearing size 20 jeans. Yesterday I perfectly fit into a size 14! :bigsmile: So today I'm rocking the skinny jeans! Yay me! I started week 8 of C25K this morning - it was pretty cold out at 41 degrees, but it felt great! :bigsmile

    Saturday I did absolutely NO workout whatsoever! I went to my Uncle's funeral with all my family & ate whatever I wanted all day. Then when I finally got home I was so exhausted I just took a nap & then sat on the couch watching tv all night. Sunday I got up & let Jillian kick my butt, cleaned the house a bit & did laundry, then I went out on the boat with CJ for the rest of the day & evening! I got home about 9:30 last night & was SO COLD! :laugh: It was a beautiful day out on the river, it did get a bit cold when the sun went down!

    Here's to a great week everyone! :drinker:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well Kelly, seems like everyone else but you and I have died off....I was going to write yesturday but was hoping someone else would join us.....so I gues just you and I are fit!!!! Couldn't be here with a better gal though.....hope you are busy out with CJ tonight though....have you started packing for the cruise yet?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hey Tina - yep it is just you & me it looks like! Sorry I've been MIA! Its been such a hectic week! And no I'm not packed yet! :grumble: I've started getting some stuff organized and was planning on getting packed over the weekend, but CJ ended up coming over for a bit on Saturday between shifts & then yesterday I knew we were going to a movie & I was making him dinner, but he ended up coming just before noon & spending the entire day with me! :love:

    Normally Tuesdays I get off early, but I switched with a girl here at work for Friday since my plane leaves at 4....now I'm wishing I would have just taken that as a personal day so I could still have my Tuesday! THERE IS JUST NOT ENOUGH TIME IN THE WEEK! I have to go to the gym tonight for water aerobics & Wed night as well. Then tomorrow I'm not missing my Zumba class! I'm going to try to get packed as much as possible tonight. I have got to get packed. I'm gonna get packed. I gotta pack! :laugh:

    I have also got to get payroll done for my dad's business before I leave (my brother & all the fam are in Disney World this week so I have to do it by myself!) - so I'm going to have to go out there & do that on Wed or Thursday night I guess. Hopefully I can see CJ one last time as well. He is starting his new chief of police job tomorrow so I know its a busy week for him as well.

    I've got one more run to do to finish up week 8 of C25K. Hopefully I can get that done tonight after I get back from the gym. Then I would LOVE to get into week 9 & finish before I leave on Friday so I'm graduated! We'll see....What a week! :wink:

    I was up 2 lbs on Friday, but apparently I made good choices this weekend with absolutely NO WORKOUTS & am back down plus 2 ounces more. So I got to post a loss this morning! YAY! Still not quite to ONEderland like I wanted to be....sitting at 207.8 lbs right now. But hey - I wanted to be at 219 for my cruise originally so I've really blown that away! :bigsmile: Now hopefully I can stay under 208 while I'm on vacation! :laugh: My birthday is in a few weeks and it would be nice to hit ONEderland for that!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    :bigsmile: Leaving for vacation tomorrow!!! I'll miss you while I'm gone!!! :bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    You will be sorely missed...but I am sure you will have a FANTASTIC time and will look forward to hearing how things went when you get back...and want to see some pics too......BE GOOD while you're away!!...have a great time with your family..:flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    I gues since Kelly is gone, no one else is surviving here...man I miss Kelly, hope she is having a wonderful time though!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Aren't those plateau's annoying???
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I gues since Kelly is gone, no one else is surviving here...man I miss Kelly, hope she is having a wonderful time though!!

    LOL :laugh: Tina, Tina, Tina......I'm SO sorry that I left you! I'm now BAAAACK! :bigsmile:

    I'm trying to get back into normal life today. Its not working so well. I'm still on Island time! :laugh: I also still have my sealegs today. If anyone has been on a cruise you know what that is like I'm sure! I've got an extra 8 lbs to get rid of now that I'm back to civilization! I'm sure it is a lot of water weight from all that extra sodium in all that yummy cruise food! I have to work on shrinking my stomach back to normal again! :laugh:

    Tomorrow is my appt at the doctor. I hope he's happy with my progress! :smokin: