Women Fit For Forties



  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    The library is a good idea. I always owe them fines....I don't know why I can't ever get them back on time.

    Hope every is having a great weekend. I'm getting my daughter's picture taken in the morning by my friend, then football in the afternoon. Praying my boys don't get hurt!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies.....starting off to be a COLD weekend......busy today with all my son's activiites so not sure I will get in any "REAL" exercise but that's ok......need a rest day....enjoy the weekend ladies!!!:flowerforyou:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    The library is a good idea. I always owe them fines....I don't know why I can't ever get them back on time.

    Hope every is having a great weekend. I'm getting my daughter's picture taken in the morning by my friend, then football in the afternoon. Praying my boys don't get hurt!!!

    Ok a smashed thumb, it looks horrible and seems to be painful.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hey girls.. it has been a while since I checked in here! Thank you for all the support and checking on me!

    Life has been absolutely crazy! From moving a business to my home, new b cards, updating listings, mailers, etc to a death in the family, school starting, end of the summer activities, turning 40, wedding anniversary, to legal issues with the old landlord, I have been BUSY!

    Miraculously I have still manged to loose some weight! I guess I have managed to change some bad habits into good habits!

    In the midst of moving my business to my home we ended up moving 5 different rooms in the house! 1 of them being the workout room! I have yet to use it and really need to get downstairs and get my rear in gear!

    My new goal is to loose 25 lbs by the 1st of the year! I think I can accomplish this with some hard work and perseverance.

    Well, I need to get going for the day and MGD (make good decisions)
  • karmadoo
    karmadoo Posts: 13 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I turned 40 in June and just joined this site two days ago. It's great! I was thrilled to come across this group...My goal: to lose 52 pounds in 52 weeks (or less :smile: ) I look foward to "meeting" you all.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I turned 40 in June and just joined this site two days ago. It's great! I was thrilled to come across this group...My goal: to lose 52 pounds in 52 weeks (or less :smile: ) I look foward to "meeting" you all.

    Welcome to the group...hope you find lots of motivation and encouragement here....let me know if there is any way I can help....nice goal of 52# in 52 weeks....seems very dooable...GOOD LUCK

    Morning one and all (Colorado girl, sorry about your loss, sounds like you have been very HECTIC lately...good job still loosing....LOVE hearing from you....your new profile pic is VERY cute!!!) heading off to work...talk to you all later......:flowerforyou:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    How is everyone doing this week? I stepped on the scale this morning and was up 1 lb and have to weigh tomorrow for the Thanksgiving Challenge. I'm not sure I'm going to like weighing twice a week. I might not weigh tomorrow and just add my weight in on Friday (my normal weigh date). I don't want to get obsessed with the scale.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Turned 40 today...feeling great and ready to celbrate...talk to you all tomorrow!!.....:drinker:
  • I am reading about the Couch to 5K and 30 day shred. Can someone tell me what each of those are? I noted some people are doing one MWF and the other T/Th. Please help me learn what those are. I can assume on the couch to 5K but not so sure on the 30 day shred?
    Please advise.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I am reading about the Couch to 5K and 30 day shred. Can someone tell me what each of those are? I noted some people are doing one MWF and the other T/Th. Please help me learn what those are. I can assume on the couch to 5K but not so sure on the 30 day shred?
    Please advise.

    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a great workout DVD - I believe its $9 at Walmart.

    C25K is the couch to 5K running program found here: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I hit 40 lbs lost this morning! Yippee yahoo! So doing the happy dance over here! :bigsmile:
    8.5 lbs to go to hit One-derland! AND I leave in 21 days for my cruise! New man, new bod, & great outlook on life! OH HAPPY DAY! :bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Keylly, way to go....you should be soooo proud you have put in a lot of hard work!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Keylly, way to go....you should be soooo proud you have put in a lot of hard work!!

    YES I am, Tina! However I really felt like I've been slacking the past few weeks since I've been making time for CJ.... :love:

    However, he is working all weekend, so its all about ME now! He did just tell me a few mins ago on the phone that he's going to try to get the next few weekends off before I leave for my cruise... :bigsmile: So I gotta get my butt moving all week long! :laugh:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Turned 40 today...feeling great and ready to celbrate...talk to you all tomorrow!!.....:drinker:
    Hope you had a Happy Birthday!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies, the birthday cake is finally gone...so back to my more healthy eating (my downfall is our bakery Downtown Bakery has the most AMAZING cakes)...so back to my normal eating....have been a little hungry because the cake has taken up a lot of my calories....so bring on the fruits and veggies...heading to the farmers market today to load up again on good, healthy food!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!

    And Kelly you are doing great,,,you have alread made your goal for your cruise so pat yourself on the back....and you must make time for CJ....you deserve that in your life and you are still making time to work out....so be proud of yourself!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Morning ladies, the birthday cake is finally gone...so back to my more healthy eating (my downfall is our bakery Downtown Bakery has the most AMAZING cakes)...so back to my normal eating....have been a little hungry because the cake has taken up a lot of my calories....so bring on the fruits and veggies...heading to the farmers market today to load up again on good, healthy food!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!

    And Kelly you are doing great,,,you have alread made your goal for your cruise so pat yourself on the back....and you must make time for CJ....you deserve that in your life and you are still making time to work out....so be proud of yourself!!

    Well he did surprise me & show up here to take me to lunch today! :bigsmile: So I guess it wasn't all about me today:blushing: And yes I did exceed at my cruise goal, but I have reset it so I'd like to hit ONEderland whiche means a bit over 8 lbs to go! :wink:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Kelly, no doubt in my mind you will be in onederland for your cruise...I have faith in you!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Kelly, no doubt in my mind you will be in onederland for your cruise...I have faith in you!!

    I hope so, Tina! I've been working on C25K - I started week 7 today - running 25 min straight each time now! :bigsmile: I am also trying to get back into letting Jillian kick my *kitten*! I just got done doing the shred - however the bulldog is here & every time I had to get down on the floor for abs or push ups he thought it was play time and was either walking under me or crawling over my face! LOL:laugh: He kept bringing me his ball too! Apparently it was play time for bully, not workout time for Kelly! :laugh:

    Anyway - I'm trying to do some extra today because CJ is off patrol at 6pm so I'm headed to his place with pizza! And I'm going to have more than just a few pieces! :tongue: Should be a nice relaxing night for him since he's been on duty since 6pm last night. Poor guy! :ohwell:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK - here's this weeks BMK challenge for those of you that want to participate: We're going back to some from before, but increasing them a bit! 50 jumping jacks per day for 5 days - 250 total for the week. 20 pushups per day for 5 days - 100 total for the week. 1 minute plank per day for 5 days! I have no clue what to do for food this week....so I'm just gonna say anything goes! Pick your own food challenge for the week - it can be a new one, or anything we've done before! Remember - these are just to give you an extra push for the week, so have fun!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    LOVE this weeks challange...finished my quota for today (and even added some squats and calve lifts) and plan on doing them all 7 days.....hope all you women out there are hanging in there...miss hearing from everyone:ohwell: Kel, glad you are still hanging around...(I know I can always count on you).:flowerforyou:
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