over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Well i did it i worked out today, 1st time in like two weeks...woohoo...

    MOmma - thanks for asking about my girls :) THe little one is doing good she went back to the ENT last week and he said looked all clear. I think she can hear a little better cause when i am correcting on how she is saying stuff she is really trying to say what we tell her, before she would always says "h' instead of "S" sound, like hock for sock and such, so we got her saying sssss sounds but now she wants to put in on everyhthing hahah...still having trouble with the "c" and "K" sounds but she is getting there.

    The other one..it about the same...she has good days and bad, she is still going to the conselor every other week.....at this point unless she bombs she will be going to 2nd grade i want to think of some fun things where I can get her intertested in writing this summer, just not sure what yet.

    WTG on that 4 lbs...!!!!

    I have to admint I will not be loosing this weekend. I didn't even weigh in from last week, so it is to weeks ago i am like 3lbs ++ but that is like 6lbs down from monday so I will take it.

    All the talks of bday's, oh how i wish to be in the 20's again :smile:

    My birthday is next sunday and i will be the big 35...

    I am glad to hear about your girls. So good that they are doing well. We ALL have good days and bad days that only makes her human and 6(she is 6 right?)

    As for being in my 20's not so much I only had 2 kids then:laugh: I would just like to stay in my 30's a little longer. I want to see what I look like in my 30's thin.:laugh: I know that I looked pretty good in my teens and 20's. (my 16 yo is reading this and she says you looked pretty good in your teens and 20's? you looked amazing:love::love: :love: ) I don't have any wrinkles but it could be that fat is filling them in. Oh how I hope that is not the case. I hope I really don't have wrinkles.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, so sorry about work I know it will work out in the end. Good job on the exercise you are so awesome when it comes to working out!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sometimes unsolicited advice comes off as being a "know it all" . Just my opinion.

    Oh, I definitely agree. And I always feel I come across that way even though it's definitely not my intention.
    I obviously only know what I'm doing (haha, if that) and what has worked for me which is hardly "it all." :laugh:

    I get that people have to learn for themselves and feel their own way around, I just always want to try so much to save people from making the same mistakes I've made. I also *never* intend to be mean (unless someone has been especially rude to me) so if I personally ever come across that way, then I'm being misinterpreted. :smile: I just want to HELP where help is needed (I guess whether help is wanted or not). :laugh:

    Edit: dumb typos :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - I am going to be skinny in my 30's...or at least not fat!!!!! I wanted to be a lot skinnier by 35 but that is my own fault cause I have not been stricter on myself and letting myself fall off the wagon many times...but with that said., Last may (memorial day to be exact) i was at my highest of 318 lbs and today at 284.5, that is 33.5 lbs of me going on and off eating good /working out...if is still to it i know for my 36th birthday i will be smoking hot :)

    And yes, my daughter is 6....i know she will have good and bad, just hoping for more good than bad one day.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    littlespy, I understand what you are saying and I have never thought any of your advice has come across mean. I know that you are very eager and excited about getting healthy and you want others to experience that. I get it!!! :flowerforyou:

    lildeb, I know you can be thin in your 30's you still have 5 years to do it. I am so proud that you have come so far. Good Job!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Back from the Dr.!!! Pediatrician said my lil man sounds great and is well! Yay!! lets hope it stays that way!!!

    I did increase my protein today and I feel tonz better (thanks Mstahl- where are you by theway, no stalking today?) I have been on a huge pizza kick lately so Ive been eating that alot. I really need to stop, even though its 'healthier' than normal pizza its still no good! I just needed the reminder

    anywho- the BL list went up today for the gym. I am #5 in our club!!! I am super proud and it makes me want to work harder, so I hope this spin class kicks my butt tonight! I will admit that I am scared after all your well wishes, and saying Im brave for doing it:laugh:

    Tonight I am grilling a chicken breast outside with a side of corn and baked potato- I am soooo looking forward to it! yumyum

    momm- ur 16yr old sounds sweet

    lildeb- way to go with working out, one step at a time!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello girls!

    You all will be glad getting your weight down while you are young and your skin still has elasticity. Aging is not kind to your skin!!! I have been hungry soon after my meals today, it would be so easy to eat until I felt satisfied. Glad that everyday isn't hard like this. Do any of you ever crave salt? I want chex mix, or bread and butter pickles, and especially dill pickles taste so good to me. Sounds like a crazy pregnancy craving. lol

    It is unbelievable to me that a group of people (especially in the name a being christian?!?) could treat others so cruelly. I first heard of this group a few years back when a soldier who served in Iraq was being buried. Hope everyone has a great rest of your day.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    snowflakes I go back and forth. I crave sweet then back to salty. I just ate lunch and I still fell hungry. We can over come this I know we can. Pickles are low in calories. I know the sodium is up there. I do NOT worry too much about my sodium and maybe I should. I am not supposed to go too low, because I am on meds that actually remove sodium from my body and I am on a diuretic from the doctor for high blood pressure. :ohwell:

    Cris, so glad to hear about your son. What a relief that he is doing better. My 16 yo CAN be sweet, sometimes she is such a mouth though. Not too often. Nah, pretty much all the time.:laugh:

    I am a stalker today. I need to go find something to keep me busy. I am bored and that may be why I want to eat when I just got done with lunch. Okay, I think I will clean something. Would you believe my house is messy again. Spring break is still going on around here and I have 4 lazy kids messing it up. I think I will make them scrub their bathtub. :devil: It is good for their character to have chores:laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay, time to go home. The sun is shining and it's lovely.

    Hope you all have a great evening!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So here's my question...do these protesters think it is a crime to work hard to support your family? Perhaps that is why these people are out carrying signs instead of being at work.
    Thanks Hajohnson !!! I needed that laugh:laugh: because I seem to have been doing is cry.:sad: :sad: my heart:brokenheart: is just broken because some of the men that have passed my husband knew or my friends husband knew or they are still missing or unaccounted for.So very sad and depressing and then we have DUMB***** like these saying they deserved it.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am back to check in. I left for a minute to play the wii and get my mind off of food. I had fun. Beat my daughters record/ dashed it. Did a booty dance in her face. She said that wasn't right, I said I was just trying to get some exercise:tongue: She is not mad just determined to get back on there and kick my record to the dirt. She has to wait though she is grounded. I played for over and hour and I danced and had a great time:laugh:

    Calories: under not by much. I am not eating all of my exercise cals today!!
    Exercise: Yes; yoga,aerobics,wii!!!!
    Water: I have drank 80 ounces and plan on 16 more at dinner!!!

    Proud that I went and played the wii instead of eating right after I ate lunch.

    Also wanted to mention that I know that I do no fell like eating but feel like eating. I noticed I posted that earlier today.:laugh: :laugh: Cris I am like you I type so fast and sometimes do not catch my sp.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Momma, you are really rockin' it with that wii!!!
    awestfall - I am so relieved to hear of the safety of your friends and am praying for the missing. I am shocked that any human being would be so hateful as that group of protesters. I am going to pray for them, too, so that they may really find the true love of God.
    lildeb - I am proud of you for exercising!
    Spelling schmelling! No rules on here for that! LOL

    Ah, to be 25 again.....to be 35 again....to be 45 again....OK I am 46 but still! :laugh:

    Today I got a LOT of compliments at school about my weight loss. :blushing: I guess 65 pounds is the magic number for someone as big as me! Either that or they saw me walking the track outside their windows yesterday! :tongue:

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 96
    exercise: 40 mins bike + PT exercises (see 'proud')
    proud: I went to my first physical therapy session today. My ortho surgeon wants me to build up my bad right knee so that it is as strong as my left one. Well, I started doing the leg lifts he had me do, and he said, "What can you do to make this more challenging?" I was like, wtf? it IS challenging! LOL So I told him I didn't understand what he meant, and he replied, "You are doing these very well and it's obvious that your muscles are not in as bad of shape as we thought." O_K___P_E_O_P_L_E!!!!! Hooooooo haaaaaaaaaa yeah baby!!!!!!!!! I impressed a physical therapist!!!!!!!!! Awe yeah!!!!!!!! My muscles are getting there!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 4/8/10:
    calories- under by almost 200 9so much for eating more)
    water- yes
    sodium- around 1800-2000
    excercise- spin class! ouch my butt hurts my legs are jello
    proud- that I tried a spin class. It hurt so badly I have never sweat so much in my life!!

    ok gotta spend time with the hubby (to be)



    Happy Weigh in tomorrow, looks like I will be using the +=0 theory :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals...

    Check in first

    Cals on target
    water - very little
    exercise - 20 min on wii ea active
    Proud - We were going to go get something to eat after getting the girls and hubby was insisting on places that I know wasn't going to be good, Italian, mexican...I finally convineced him to go to chik fila, got me a grilled chicken sandwich and side salad..

    on to after diner :sad: :sad:

    We went to the school, they were doing a 1st grade music presentation, my daughter wanted to participate (even though she hates music class for some reason)...so we went. She was all excited, she came out there and did the 1st couple things good..then she was being horrible, when her group woul dhave to sit she way laying on the floor or making a horrible face, or would start hitting her self...then it was her group turn again and again horrible faces and just hitting her self...then it went to her just standing there. I was soo embarrased, she was the only one just standing there.

    we got home and was upset with her, and i am asking her why she hits herself...she breaks down in tears about how she hates herself and can't do anything...It just breaks my heart, i want her to be happy and to feel good about her self and just be a 6 yr old...of course this has brought me now to tears....why does parenting look so easy when you are not the one dealing with it...or maybe my children are just the ones that are not the norm
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Oh Lildeb, I am sorry. Parenting is difficult. We want the best for our children. You are taking her to counseling and trying to work with her. You are doing your best. Keep your chin up. You are def in my prayers. Good job on the choices you made for dinner.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Awestfall-I am really sorry your town has to deal with such ignorant and disrespectful "people" coming to your town after such a tragic event. Unfortunately there are losers like that everywhere...Not sure how many people in this thread are from Canada, But last year on this day a little girl named Tori Stafford was kidnapped one town over from me. Three months later they found her body in the woods. Her godmother and a friend had planted a memorial tree for her in my town and I found out that three weeks ago some cruel and heartless idiot decided that they'd vandalize the tree and steal the memorial stone in front of it. This was an event that shook us as a country, let alone as a community. We now watch our children so much closer than before and someone like that can just come along and inflict pain on that poor little girl's family without a second thought. It's saddening how little people can care sometimes. I hope they aren't allowed anywhere near any memorials or funerals your community will be holding. The families and friends of those who lost a loved one in that mining tragedy deserve to mourn and say goodbye in peace. Sorry that was longer than I expected it to be:embarassed:

    Cris-Great job getting to #5 on your BL list!! Thats some awesome encouragement to stay motivated :D

    Snowflakes-I give in every once in a while to a sweet and salty bar just for this reason:smile: no not the healthiest decision but I find it so worth it

    LilDebbie- Great job getting back on track with your exercising :D Sorry you had a rough night with your daughter. You want what's best for your kids, it's hard seeing them upset about anything.

    Checking in..

    Exercise- I..Uh..Cleaned my kitchen for 20mins lol..that was about the extent of it today. I tried to do some crunches, but anything that requires me laying on my back and sitting upwards [crunches, situps etc] does not work yet, apparently my joints are still loose from having my daughter and I can literally feel every bone in my spine from my tailbone up moving and shifting, really hurts! I'll just have to take it easy with that I guess :(
    Proud-After a long discussion with my fiance about what he thinks he needs to eat I finally got him to use portion controls tonight at dinner [He's like 5"11 and 145lbs...skinny and tall and is a farm manager who's constantly on the go burning calories...does he eat properly? No, fills up on pop and chocolate when he snacks and when he eats [usually only dinner] His plate is a mountain of meat and starch filled carbs...Tonight it was a bit of meat [your average 3oz] and the rest of the plate veggies :D I'm sure he hates me now LOL
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My weigh in for today...I'll get us started!

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Congrates Jess on your 4 pound weight loss...YOu go girl!!!

    Well TOM paid me a visit yesterday and i was in so much pain...the whole nine yards! I managed to stay within my calories, fat, and sodium and even though i wasn't myself i didn't eat anything that would harm my diet...

    Check in: 4/8/10
    calories: under..but not by much..only 100 calories
    exercise: walked the trails @ my local state park
    water: yup, about 10 cups

    Proud: even though i was in a depressing mood..with TOM being here i managed to stay on track...and followed my diet


    I was 212.6 last week and this week i am 209.6...10 more pounds and i will hit the 199 mark..can't wait!

    Good Luck girls!!

    EDIT: spelling error...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess........ -4=1.81%
    bluenote.... -3=.71%

    I lost three! Whew and yay! :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I will do my official weigh in next week...but I found out the damage of my getting off track for 3 months...I gained 7.5 pounds :noway: :sad: But, I am moving forward and will lose that weight in no time. Its game on now!