over 200 club New year New me Part 13

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
TOM is coming for me soon because I am up 4 pounds and I also ate Easter Dinner (lots of sodium I am sure) but I didn't overeat and I am proud that I didn't.I am going to try to log this week even though its my girls spring break from school and I will be spending most of the day with them so I will try to log early.I am not worried about my weight being up because i know its water and it will go back down.Anyways i hope everyone had a blessed Easter.


  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good for you Ann. I too am in a sodium enduced weight gain. But the 6 pounds from 2 weeks ago is still hanging on so I am considering that an actual weigh gain. My ticker is a lying ticker but not for long.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lol, well you all know that misery loves company, so Im kind of glad I am not the only one that over ate yesterday! Mine was semi-planned but not the the extent that I took it...regardless I am happy that everyone admitted to their shameful :laugh: eating and are ready to get back on track!!!

    JLB- I am also really confused with my scale this weekend. I was under calories both Friday and Saturday and inspite of that I showed at 6lb gain. Even my sodium wasnt too horribly high (until yesterday). I weigh myself everyday, a couple times a day, and I pretty much know what foods have what effects on me so I am completly at a loss as to the 6lbs gain (yes I know its water). I did feel bloated and was slightly constipated (sorry tmi:blushing: ) so thats the only explanation I could think of for the gain. I have never had a gain that big before either....still baffaled as to what cause it...hmmm

    Ok so the scale was at 213.5 or something like that this morning which is a welcomed change from the 216 I saw all weekend. Hopefully by Friday I will at least be back to 211!!! I want to be at 20?? sooooon!

    I got lots of comments on my weight loss from Bobbys side of the family and it was nice..I even wore a nicer outfit to show off my loss instead of my usual sweatshirt and jeans to hide the bulk... :smile:

    on a side note- 213 is where I had my plataeu the last time I tried to lose the weight so I am slightly scared that is what is happening now. I am going to give it a week or two and see what kind of numbers I lose/gain and then take it from there in regards to a game plan to get over this hump!! I really hope its not a plateau...Im not ready for it yet :grumble: :noway:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Tagging for later so I don't end up talking to myself on the old thread. :laugh:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Wow.. what a a week. As you know we lost 1 of our min pins last Tues March 30th to natural causes. Yesterday (Easter) we were forced to put down one of his buddies a second min pin. Apparently he had some heart trouble and in a matter of a few hours Gizmo was in critical condition with the prognoses was not good. I have never had to make such a hard decision and in front of the kids (Gizmo was Ryan's dog) I am trying to look at it positively that both Little Bear and Gizmo are now in doggy heaven eating treats and playing. I am a bit overwhelmed this morning and am forging forward. We still have two dogs our last min pin Leroy and a puggle, Willy.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    COgirl: I am so, so sorry for your loss of Gizmo. Maybe he had a broken heart from missing Little Bear. They're now playing happily together in puppy heaven. Hang in there; we're here for you!

    Cris: Please don't stress about 213. The more you worry about it and think it's going to be a plateau, the more likely it is to be one. Relax and keep doing what's been working and you'll be fine!

    Awestfall: Thanks for the new thread. I like the new pic!

    Jess: You look beautiful in your dress! I'm not good at being a girl, either, but I'm looking forward to wearing a dress for my birthday. I should try it on tonight...

    Today I have a meeting after work, so I've already planned out what I'm going to have for Subway for dinner and I've planned my jCaribou Coffee treat for the meeting. As long as I stick to my eating plan for the day, I'll have a nice little calorie deficit even without exercising which is good because my legs are a bit sore from the stair climbing on Saturday and running yesterday.
  • Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    I'm new to the site (joined yesterday) and was browsing around last night and stumbled onto your group.
    Would you all have room for one more person?

    I started my weight loss journey to "onederland" on January 25th.
    I was at my highest weight ever (283lbs) :sad: and was feeling soooo unmotivated and very depressed about my weight and I was also in a lot of pain. My joints just were sooo sore each day, my elbows, knees, legs and lower back in particular.

    I went on vacation to see my dad (hadn't seen in 5 years) at the beginning of January 2010, and he and my stepmom surprised me with a mini 3 day cruise to the Bahama's while I was there. Although I enjoyed myself, I really felt bad, especially when we were all required to walk up the 4 decks of stairs to do the lifeboat training before we left the port. I couldn't breath, my bones hurt with every step and i just wanted to cry. I had my picture taken with my dad and I looked soo old in the picture...I'm only 38 years old, but I looked like I was in my 50's. Having to take the cruise ship elevator simply because I didn't have the stamina to take the stairs made me feel awful and seeing other people my age being able to participate in the fun water activities while I sat at the bar made me even more depressed.

    It was a hard dose of reality for me...but thanks to my stepmom, she gave me the encourangement I needed to try to lose weight again. After many years of trying some stupid diets, I went back to the basics.

    Portion control, regular low fat diet and lots of "Wii" exercise...and not only is it working, but i'm having sooo much fun with my new lifestyle.
    I haven't had to pop motrim or extra strength tylenol in over two months...I was popping them like candy before because of being in so much pain. My joint pain doesn't exist no more. I can get out of bed these days with no stiffness and I can move around my house again without having to sit down every few minutes to relieve the pain in my back.

    My goal is to some day get to "onederland"...along with mini goals between now and then. I'm not in no hurry to get there. I want to do this right, slowly but surely, and I don't never want to see 283lbs ever again.

    I've lost 27lbs so far. I feel great. I'm having fun and I am on week 10 of my journey.

    If it's ok, Would you mind if I joined your group?

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Onderland! Welcome!!! Congrats on your achievements so far, not having to take pain medication is great!

    Heather- you are right, I will chill:wink: ps- sent you a friend request on FB :flowerforyou:

    CoGirl- you poor girl! You just cant seem to get a break lately! Im sorry for your loss.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Onederland: Welcome to this wonderful and highly active group. You'll notice if you read the posts that we typically check in with our calories, sodium, water intake, exercise and one thing we're proud of each day. We also chit chat quite a bit in between and I can't even start to tell you how awesome and supportive everyone here is. I hope you'll enjoy the group as much as I do. You'll also find that a few of us tend to stalk the site and will post even more frequently than others! Oh, and congrats on your progress so far!

    Cris: I haven't had a chance to go on Facebook yet to accept your request since I have to be sneaky about FB when at work. I typically wait until other are at lunch...naughty me!

    Jess: I wish you lived in Minnesota so you could go hiking with me! We'd have so much fun working out together!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    ColoradoGirl: I'm sorry that you lost another dog, and so soon ... and having to make that decision is really tough. We have gone through it with several pets in the past and I think that makes it even harder. But you know they are better off, we just miss them.
    Cris20056: You are on a roll and there is no way you will get stuck this time!
    Welcome Onederland!

    I'm still working on getting back on track after my stressful week last week, this week should be better - but still some of the same stresses going on. We decided to put our RV up for sale to help with potentially buying my Aunt's property, and we got an offer last night - it was a bit low so we said no ... but he is going back to look at it tonight so hopefully he will make us another offer. Unfortunately we will probably have to put the money towards buying my husband a new car, and paying our taxes... and then I will be back to square one on figuring out how to buy my Aunt's property. Oh well, I know that it will all work out the way it is supposed to in the end - it always does.

    I'm not going to check in for yesterday ... suffice it to say it wasn't a good day. I was at my in-laws and I always tend to eat too much there since I'm a little bit of an 'outsider' - at least that is my excuse. I WILL get back to tracking my calories regularly this week and hopefully it will help with the scale by Friday.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Welcome Onderland! I know what you mean about your joints feeling so much better. I'm only 25 and when my knees and ankles started hurting on a daily basis, that's when my weight really hit me. I've been overweight my entire life, but never to the point I was having health problems before. It was alarming to say the least, but I haven't had any joint pain at all for months now. Well, except for when I overtrain which is a completely different thing altogether. Because if someone asks me why I'm gimping around now, I can say "I ran 18 miles this week & my knees need a break" whereas before the answer was, "Um... because I'm fat." :laugh: Yeah, big difference. :smile:

    Cris: Yeah, chill. Because you know what? You could stand still for 2 freaking months and still have an awesome average loss per month. Of course I don't want that to happen to you or anything! I'm just making a (very valid!) point. :wink: I had an awesome month in January right before I started struggling. You know what I've been through over the last 2 months yet, when I stop and look at the big picture, I realize I've only been at this for less than 7 months. I'm still averaging nearly 10 pounds a month. That's freaking awesome! :smile: And You have averaged, what, 14 pounds a month? Yeah, that's amazing. :smile:

    Cogirl - :cry: I can hardly bare the thought of losing 2 of my furries in the same week. That seems to happen so often it scares me especially since several of mine are near the same age. You're in my thoughts.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Onederland, Congrats on your progress. We would love to have you here. You sound like our kinda Gal!!!! I think you are off to a great start. Glad you are here and I look forward to getting to know you.:flowerforyou:

    Cogirl, so sorry to hear you've lost another dog in a week. :cry: :flowerforyou:

    Cris, this time is different. You hit a plateau and you will keep going until it passes. I know you will. You are on fire right now!!:glasses:

    lstpaul, I am proud of you!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: You have had some stress recently yet you are still here!!! You keep it up and you keep that great attitude. Things will work out:flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    And You have averaged, what, 14 pounds a month? Yeah, that's amazing. :smile:

    :laugh: :laugh: I WISH! I've been losing on average 10lbs per month. I thought that once I got to 200lbs I'd only hope for 5lbs a month...putting me at 170 by the end of the year.

    Ok, Ok Im gonna chill!!! Gonna keep doing what Im doing and maybe start eating more if need be :grumble:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm averaging 6 lbs. per month which doesn't seem like much sometimes, but it really is great! So, don't fret because you know what to do and we're here to talk through it with you even if you do hit a slight (and very short-term) plateau. We've all been there and most of us will be there again.

    Onederland: I took a look at your blog (saw the link in your signature) and I think it's a great way to track what you've been doing in order to see the progress. Great job! I've been meaning to get a blog going for my State Park adventures, but am never quite sure where to start!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I decided to make my profile pic one of myself from years ago, it was the heaviest I had ever been(at that time) and I hated taking pictures because I thought I was fat. :noway: I was thinking I would like to be that "FAT" again!!!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, I forgot to share this -

    Yesterday my mom just kept going on and on about how I've lost "a whole person." I kept saying "Mom, people weigh more than 64 pounds! I haven't lost a whole person yet... Maybe a whole 8 year old."

    Then she came out with, "I weighed 94 pounds when I graduated high school." :noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh:

    I knew my mom was a skinny little thing back in the day (with HUGE boobs and blonde hair -- yeah, there's pretty much no way I'm her biological child :laugh:), but HOLY CRAP! All I could think about then was the fact that I weighed 94 pounds in like 4th grade. :ohwell:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    All I could think about then was the fact that I weighed 94 pounds in like 4th grade. :ohwell:

    Yea. my fiance weighed 94lbs his Freshman year of HS too.....I think I weighed the same in either 3rd of 4th grade :sad:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I decided to make my profile pic one of myself from years ago, it was the heaviest I had ever been(at that time) and I hated taking pictures because I thought I was fat. :noway: I was thinking I would like to be that "FAT" again!!!!!!

    Momma- I completely agree! I have pictures from when I was around 180-190 and I HATED being photogrphed because I was SOOOO fat....wouldnt I love to be that weight again now....
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I graduated from high school weighing 110, I got chicken pox right before graduation and lost 5 pounds. My graduation dress was too big:laugh: Now when I lose 5 pounds my clothes have no idea!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- awww you look like a itty bitty teenager in that picture!! 110...dont even remember when I ever weighed that much
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    And I thought I was thin when I graduated high school...yikes!

    I know some of you may have seen my status post this weekend, but I'm going to say it again:

    My friend gave me some pictures she's had on her camera for a while that she finally got around to printing out. One in particular really put everything in perspective for me. It was from when we went horseback riding on Labor Day 2008. I was huge, probably weighing about 225 (my heaviest ever). The jeans and top that I thought looked so good on me actually made me look like a sausage forced into its casing. Did I really make my poor, overweight horse carry me around? All I could think is how absolutely different I look and how much progress I've made. The picture truly disgusts me, but I will be putting it in a visible spot in my bedroom to remind myself of how much I've changed because I wanted it and worked for it. I can tell you right now that I will never let myself get to that point again. I looked so unhealthy. One first glance at the picture, I wanted to cry but when I really thought about it, I realized I should be celebrating that I don't look like that anymore. Photos sure tell the harsh truth, don't they?
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