over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    For those who are wondering. I started c25k week 5 this morning. After the way week 4 ended and kicked my butt on Wednesday I decided to slow it down today. I was running at a 4.8 on Wednesday and I thought I was going to die. So I ran or I guess "jogged" at a 4.6 through all the runs today and owned it!! I'm already getting nervous about day 3!!! My friend finished day 3 today and he owned it. 20 minute jog=pure craziness! Who's with me!?

    Happy Weigh in everybody!! Looks like so far so good!! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I will do my official weigh in next week...but I found out the damage of my getting off track for 3 months...I gained 7.5 pounds :noway: :sad: But, I am moving forward and will lose that weight in no time. Its game on now!

    Hang in there girl. You will get back to where you were. I had the SAME problem. I got off track in October!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    OMG, I knew IT gave me 2 monitors at work a few months ago for a reason! Now I can read your posts on one and comment on them on the other so I don't have to rely on my pitiful memory. :laugh:

    Momma - you are kicking butt & taking names on that wii! Exercise is so much fun when it's.. well, fun! :laugh:
    Cris - so glad your son is well!! I'm jealous of your spin class! I'm too cheap (poor) to join any of the gyms around here, though (I can't find one that costs less than $35/month!)
    Snowflakes - I used to have a huge sweet tooth but since changing things up & joining MFP, I rarely really crave anything. And if I do, it's salty. This TOM for me has been nuts. I think I've been over 2000mg of sodium every day this week which certainly hasn't helped the bloating problem. :tongue:
    Bluenote - It's is so *awesome* that you impressed your physical therapist! "More challenging" -- haha! I just realized last night when I finished w1d1 of gateway to 8k that now, if I can actually do something on the first try I always consider it "easy" if I can't do it first try, it's a challenge. Before, if I couldn't do something on the first try it didnt mean it was "challenging," it just meant there wasn't going to be a 2nd try. :tongue:
    LilDebbie - You're doing a great job parenting! I recall being more than a little troubling for my mom and I was the *good* one of us. :laugh:
    Jesyka - congrats on getting hubby to eat better! My bf at so much better for several months & lost 20 pounds (he had about 40 to lose) but now I have to fight him to put something green on his plate again & he's gained a couple pounds back. :laugh: Boys.
    Posme - TOM did a number on me this week. It was so much worse than usual! Like it was a special springtime TOM or something. :laugh: Lasted for 7 days and I think I went over 2000mg of sodium all 7 days because I was having some crazy salty cravings. BAH!
    Jenn - you know that 7.5 pounds is going to melt off like butter! And really, that's not so bad for being off track for 3 whole months. It could've been a lot worse! :smile:
    Jess - Yeah, you may end up having to slow down even more for the 20 minute run. But you know what? Slowing down is WAY BETTER than quitting. :wink: I think when I did the 20 minute run, I started at 4.5 and ended up at 3.6. :laugh: But, the important thing to me was that I finished it! Everything I read tells me endurance/stamina first and the speed will come later. I've already gotten faster & I haven't even been working on it very much. :smile:

    Calories: 1702
    Exercise: 30 minutes bike; week 1 day 1 of gateway to 8k + 5 extra minutes of running (33 minutes running, 13 minutes walking). I'm so excited to be running again. I had been nursing my right quad for 2 weeks (I hurt it slightly playing tennis) and couldn't run but last night it felt good so I think I can get back on track. yay!
    Water: Well over 100oz
    Proud: I completed w1d1 of g28k! I honestly didn't think I was going to make it because I had been unable to run for so long but I made it. I was going to try working on my speed first & then do gateway to 8k but instead I think I'm going to try working on my speed simultaneously. I'm averaging faster than I was doing the last few weeks of c25k so I think I'm naturally getting there. It's a shame I have such short legs. :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    And I'm happy to report I'm back to last Friday's weight! 206.0 WHEW! :laugh: TOM is still lingering & I ate Subway for lunch AND Chick-fil-a at 9pm last night (sodium fest 2010) so I have high hopes that I'll show a loss in the next few days after all that flushes out. :smile:

    Jess........ -4=1.81%
    bluenote.... -3=.71%
    Littlespy....... -0 = 0%

    Edit: And Jess, it looks like you DID catch the bug!! :wink: Awesome!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    WTG on you guys shedding those pounds..

    As for me i am still ++ 3 up....contemplating if i should move my ticker back up...if it is all water weight and I don't want it to be like a huge loss next week...uggg..maybe i will just wait 1 more week to move it back down.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls, wow busy already. It is only 7 a.m. here and I just got up. Well I got up about 30 minutes ago. I am kinda annoyed with the hubby who forgot to put our garbage cans out on the curb before the garbage man came through. Thursday nights Ronald Thursday nights. That is all I could think. I guess if that is his biggest blunder I am a pretty lucky girl. I still love him.

    Jessyka, how sad about that little girl!! People can be so evil.

    Good job to my weight loss buddies you all are an inspiration to me. I am excited because I have lost 5.3 pounds this week!!!

    Jess.................. -4=1.81%
    bluenote.... ........-3=.71%
    Littlespy....... ......-0 = 0%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma!! You are amazing you cleaning house machine you!! :drinker: :bigsmile: Way to go!!

    LilDebbie-Keep at it. You will lose those 3 pounds soon. Keep working hard.

    LilSpy-Yeah seems to be the bug is being passd around our discussion board! I like it!! I'm switching to working out at night next week so we will see how that goes. Hopefully well!! I definitely plan on slowing down next week for the 20 minute run. I usually take it easy the first day and try to slowly increase it on day 2. If I'm not struggling I don't think I'm pleased with my self. I sound like a freak!:laugh: BTW I'm jealous of the 2 monitors. I used to have that and now I miss it!!

    Cris-So proud that you made it through the spin class!! I bet that felt amazing! You have more guts then me. I hope to sometime soon be brave enough to adventure into one. My friends have been bugging me to go but they go on a regular basis. Indimating!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning Friends! (ha, my friend says that and its annoying, thought I d try it out...its still annoying)

    Lildeb- I am sorry about your daughter. You are doing the best you can with the counsleing and showing interest, hopefully she will grow out of this phase. As for the ticker, I moved mine back. I dont think what I 'gained' is water, I assume its muscles as I have been trying to flush it out all week and it hasnt budged. So yup, moved my ticker back to what I am at now.

    Jess- You are making me so proud with your c25k run! 4.6?! Really?! I jog at 4.3 lol now I feel dumb :blushing: :embarassed: But you are impressing me to no end and I am so happy for you!

    Pos_me- I see a 199 in your future, I am so glad its going your way!

    JLB- Spin class kicked my *kitten*...literally. I am honestly thinking about buying a cushion for my chair right now. Why are the damn bike seats so little and narrow? My butt hurts more than my legs. I did think of you during spin class though because they do these 'mock' climbs up hill and it made me think of you going up the drive way last week :laugh:

    Momma- Holy! 5lbs!!! YOU ROCK!!!! SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU! CONGRATS!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    So turns out that the weight gain is def a gain- not water. Whether its muscle or fat I dont know but its there. So I changed my ticker to reflect my current weight 213.2 which is UP 1.4 from last Friday. HOWEVER- I did lose 1/2 inch from my arm and 1.5 inches from my thighs!!! So I'll take it!!!

    Congrats to all our losers!!

    Jess.................. -4=1.81%
    bluenote.... ........-3=.71%
    Littlespy....... ......-0 = 0%
    Cris20056..........+1.4= 0%

    Be back to stalk later :tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    and may I just add that 213 was EXACTLY where I plateaud last time! I will not quit this time, please remind me to keep going! This is when I tend to quit!! :frown: :sad:

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Jess..................... -4.0 = 1.81%
    bluenote.... ..........-3.0 = 0.71%
    Pos_me...............-3.0 = 1.41%
    Littlespy....... ........-0.0 = 0%
    momma...............-5.3 = 1.99%
    Cris20056...........+1.4 = 0%
    Mari ......................-1.2 = 0.51%

    Wow, Jess and Momma! You go girls! Whatever you're doing its working! Blue note and Positively, you guys too, amazing! I'm sure everyone did their best too, I know I did..I'm slowly getting back on track. but we're all awesome for trying to make this happen.

    Checking in for yesterday

    calories: Right on
    Water: over =3
    Exercise: a little more activity than usual.
    Proud: I RESISTED A CUPCAKE. Its so hard for me, they're my weakness. I actualy had to imagine myself battling a giant cupcake to get over the urge to eat one. I had to use so many arguements against myself...like, its not like cupcakes will just vanish from the earth and the memory of humans forever if I dont eat that one cupcake. There will be many more cupcakes later for me when I'm at my goal and am able to indulge a little more.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    and may I just add that 213 was EXACTLY where I plateaud last time! I will not quit this time, please remind me to keep going! This is when I tend to quit!! :frown: :sad:


    You know you're not going to quit. Because if you even so much as try, I'm telling you you're going to have to change your email address or delete your MFP because I'm going to post on your profile like a madwoman & MFP is going to ping you with an email every time I do it. I will annoy the crap out of you.
    Fair warning. :tongue:
    You are going to keep going whether it's by blowing past me or crawling right along with me all the way down to 160. WE are going to do this. And WE are going to do this together. SERIOUSLY. :happy:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    and may I just add that 213 was EXACTLY where I plateaud last time! I will not quit this time, please remind me to keep going! This is when I tend to quit!! :frown: :sad:


    You know you're not going to quit. Because if you even so much as try, I'm telling you you're going to have to change your email address or delete your MFP because I'm going to post on your profile like a madwoman & MFP is going to ping you with an email every time I do it. I will annoy the crap out of you.
    Fair warning. :tongue:
    You are going to keep going whether it's by blowing past me or crawling right along with me all the way down to 160. WE are going to do this. And WE are going to do this together. SERIOUSLY. :happy:

    Couldn't have said it better myself! I will be right along with her bugging the crap out of you! Whatever we gotta do to keep you going!! :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    and may I just add that 213 was EXACTLY where I plateaud last time! I will not quit this time, please remind me to keep going! This is when I tend to quit!! :frown: :sad:


    You know you're not going to quit. Because if you even so much as try, I'm telling you you're going to have to change your email address or delete your MFP because I'm going to post on your profile like a madwoman & MFP is going to ping you with an email every time I do it. I will annoy the crap out of you.
    Fair warning. :tongue:
    You are going to keep going whether it's by blowing past me or crawling right along with me all the way down to 160. WE are going to do this. And WE are going to do this together. SERIOUSLY. :happy:

    Couldn't have said it better myself! I will be right along with her bugging the crap out of you! Whatever we gotta do to keep you going!! :smile:

    LOL, yeah, you know when you didn't post for a couple of days when your son was in the hospital, Jess & I were both hot on your tail posting "Where are you?" on your profile. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I love you girls! Seriously I do!:flowerforyou: :love:

    If I am missing for more than just a weekend, please send out a search party!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    and may I just add that 213 was EXACTLY where I plateaud last time! I will not quit this time, please remind me to keep going! This is when I tend to quit!! :frown: :sad:


    I know you won't quit. You have worked too hard and come to far. No turning back. You are one of the people on this site that keeps me motivated. You are determined and hard working. You make me want to get up everyday and try this one more time. Think of yourself and your own health. Think about Bobby and your wedding day. Think about the lil man and how much energy he requires from you. You are amazing and I know you will keep inspiring us by your success!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Is it okay if I complain for a second? I HATE some of these weight loss adds. You see a girl who is obviously pregnant and then they show her later flat bellied and pretty thin saying she lost this much weight. Yeah, I guess so 8 pounds baby, 3 pounds placenta and blood, 1-2 pounds water, plus she worked out and lost the 15 she gained while preg. but instead they add up all the weight including the baby and call it a weight loss, she lost 27 pounds. I guess so. I went to the hospital to have my second daughter and went home nearly 15 pounds lighter. Yeah, my baby weighed 9.4 pounds and then all the other junk that drops out. :noway: I saw an add on the side that looked like the woman was preg and then her after pic. There is a difference in a fat belly and a pregger one. It reminded me of a reporter that is in Southern CA that we would see every year when we went to Disneyland. She went on some weight loss plan like nutri system or jenny craig. I was so mad because they showed her before pic as her self 9 months preggers than her "after" photo. I remember the dress because I saw her wearing it while she was preg and thought it was awful. Never could forget it. Just irritates me. Do not try to fool me into using your plan show me a chick that was actually fat, not a pregnant one that wants back into her size 4 because she was unhappy at a size 8 while she was preg. :explode: Sorry for the rant just annoyed.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Holy MOLY.. You guys are busy again today. I wish I had more time to comment on everyone but, I am off and running.

    Checkin yesterday
    calories good
    water.. a little under (I need to get back to drinking all of my water!)
    Exercise.. yes
    Proud.. I am back doing what I need to FINALLY!!!

    Ate some homemade greek yogurt for breakfast with some blueberries! 2nd batch was perfect. I put some in a fruit salad for dessert last night and the family gobbled it up!

    Last night was a long night. My husband got knocked out yesterday and got a concussion while welding underneath a trailer. So, I had to keep an eye on him all night and am a little tired this morning. Despite being tired, I did get my workout in!

    You ladies have inspired me to try the c25k. I have successfully completed week one although, I am tweaking it to "Wogging" instead of running since I only have 1 lung that works completely. Although, I am sore and tired.. I am thrilled you guys inspired me to at least try! I look forward to continue to get stronger and faster.

    Jess..................... -4.0 = 1.81%
    bluenote.... ..........-3.0 = 0.71%
    Pos_me...............-3.0 = 1.41%
    Littlespy....... ........-0.0 = 0%
    momma...............-5.3 = 1.99%
    Cris20056...........+1.4 = 0%
    Mari ......................-1.2 = 0.51%
    cogirl ................... -3.0 = 1.13%
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Jess..................... -4.0 = 1.81%
    bluenote.... ..........-3.0 = 0.71%
    Pos_me...............-3.0 = 1.41%
    Littlespy....... ........-0.0 = 0%
    momma...............-5.3 = 1.99%
    Cris20056...........+1.4 = 0%
    Mari ......................-1.2 = 0.51%
    cogirl ................... -3.0 = 1.13%

    I wasn't surprised to see a gain this morning with the bad eating I've been doing the last couple of weeks, I'm dissappointed in myself though for letting my frustrations at work effect my eating this way ... I know better. I do a good job with exercising, but when it comes to food I really struggle. I am GOING to make a meal plan for next week and stick to it! I'm not changing my ticker yet ... will weight again tomorrow morning and hope some of the gain from last week and this week may disappear overnight.
    Great job to those of you that had such a good week! WOWZA momma on -5.3!!!!!!!!
    Have a great day all .... I'm planning to do this week's challenge this afternoon and take my kids to the zoo to do lots of walking outside.

    edited to add cogirl's weigh-in to my post since we must have posted at the same time ....
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    coloradogirl: I hope your husband is doing better today ... head injuries can be scary (and painful)

    lildebbie: I'm so sorry about your trouble with your daughter, it must be frustrating not knowing how to help her - poor little sweety. Hopefully the therapist sessions will help, and kids just sometimes grow out of things like this too. Hang in there!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess..................... -4.0 = 1.81%
    bluenote.... ..........-3.0 = 0.71%
    Pos_me...............-3.0 = 1.41%
    Littlespy....... ........-0.0 = 0%
    momma...............-5.3 = 1.99%
    Cris20056...........+1.4 = 0%
    Mari ......................-1.2 = 0.51%
    cogirl ................... -3.0 = 1.13%
    hajohnson24.....0 = 0%