over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    holy postarama... was busy yesterday and this board went nuts. Had a busy day at work yesterday and then picked up Gizmo's ashes for my son. He is having such a hard time. Does anyone have any ideas how to comfort a 14 and 17 year old when they loose their pet? I am going to have some pictures printed for the kids and they are going to make scrap books. In addition my daughter wants to get one of those homemade stepping stone kits and make a marker for Little Bear so, I will be heading to town later today.

    Yesterday I kicked up the resistance on the elliptical (just by 1) and HOLY CRAP I am soooo feeling it this morning. I think I will just have to do some yoga today and try and stretch out those muscles a little more.

    Last night we grilled some chicken breasts and then make a foil packet and filled it with all kinds of fresh veggies, a little olive oil and some onion/garlic seasoning from Ms Dash. IT was AWESOME.

    check in for yesterday
    calories... good
    water.. a little short
    exercise.. probably over did it
    Proud.. I stuck to my guns. My husband tried to interrupt my 30 min of working out both Monday and then again Tues. (he does this regularly) Unfortunately , I probably snapped at him as I was frustrated. But, I think I finally got through to him that I HAVE to work out and asking for me to stop just as I get my heart rate up to tie his shoe or look something up on the computer will not be happening. He will have to wait until I am done, or ask before I get started.

    I am glad everyone is doing so well. It is so sad about the miners though.
    Glad the new dog is going well for you lildebbie
    Good luck with the whole job situation
    I know I am forgetting many of you, but my mind is out of it this morning and I should get myself ready for work as I have a client coming in less than a hour.

    check back in later..
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good morning gals!

    Happy to report that the winter blizzard passed in the night. No new snow this morning in the Intermountain West, the sun is shining and the five day forecasts looks like we are going to have a few days of spring. 60-70 degrees. Looking forward to getting back out and downhill skiing this week. I thought that I might be done for the season, but I can't resist. Just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a fabulous day. Love the challenge this week!

    Cris could you tell your dad that those dates for dog sitting don't work for you? It their house close enough the dog can stay at home? Doesn't sound like you dad respects you as an adult with your own life. Maybe you are still daddy's girl and it doesn't matter who you bring home to marry, they would never be good enough in you dads estimation. Good luck.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    snowflake- my dad is a very difficult man to get along with. He is a businessman and leads his personal life as if he were doing business, its very frustrating for his family. I am the closest to him because I work for him and have followed his footsteps, and I am in line to take over his business. He is def over protective of me and I think the only person who would be 'good enough' for me would be someone that could support me financially up to his expectations. My fiance is an electrician making decent money but by no means is it a lot. My dad hates the fact that he does not have a college education and that he is in a lower class than "us". I dont really see people by financial status and it annoys me to no end that he treats Bobby (fiance) so poorly. Bobby has worked hard for everything he has, he owned his own home at 22 has a steady job, did attend a 4 year college for electrician apprenticeship, and provides for his family just fine. It makes me sad that he will never get the respect he deserves from my dad. As for the dog, I said Id keep her...we'll see how it goes!

    checking in for yesterday 4/6/10:
    calories- under I think
    water- yes
    sodium- prob around 1800-2000
    excercise- none (was supposed to do situps ooops)
    proud- not really

    My mom made a lamb rack for easter and brought it over for us to eat for dinner. I tried to log the calories the best way I knew how. I looked up several differnt sources and estimated the calories in the actual meat, but there was a lot of seasoning and stuff on it (garlic, etc) and I have no idea how much sodium was in it...but this morning the scale said 212.2 then it kept jumping all over the place. The highest was 214.? so at least I know Im out of the 215s for good! Oh and the BL weigh in at the gym said I lost 2.4lbs since last Tuesday, which I dont think is accurate but Ill take it, heeh!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Onederland: Thanks for the link regarding the Mojave National Preserve. I'll take a look at your article later!

    Jesyka: Good job on getting out on those trails with your family! Isn't it just so great to be active outside? I love it.

    Littlespy: Way to go on not eating the ice cream you bought. I probably would have sat down with a container and not stopped for air. Yes, I'm that addicted to ice cream.

    Yesterday when I got home from work, I decided I was going to take the dog for a jog, since the rain was holding off. My sister was sitting in the living room painting her nails. Once I had my workout gear on, she announces that she wants to come with, so I waited (no so patiently) while she took off her nail polish (so she didn't mess it up putting her rollerblades on), change clothes and have her pre-workout smoke. I mean, really, why can't people just get going?? She drives me nuts.

    Anyway, the dog and I jogged while she rollerbladed. I only jogged for 13 minutes, then walked, then did some sprinting intervals. I burned over 300 calories in 32 minutes. I knew I was having pizza for dinner and I needed all the help I could get!

    After watching Biggest Loser, my sister hit the treadmill while I did 30 minutes of my kickboxing video to burn another 360 calories. Yippee! Even with pizza, buffalo wings and a Weight Watchers ice cream dessert, I still had a calorie deficit. I'm excited about that!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 200
    Sodium: over by 2385
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: Walked the dog and kickboxing DVD
    Proud: That I planned my food for the day and worked out twice.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas how to comfort a 14 and 17 year old when they loose their pet? I am going to have some pictures printed for the kids and they are going to make scrap books. In addition my daughter wants to get one of those homemade stepping stone kits and make a marker for Little Bear so, I will be heading to town later today.

    Well, I'm not so old & I've always had a really hard time grieving over the loss of a pet. When I had to put down the cat I'd had since I was 10 1.5 years ago, I actually had to call out of work the next day. I spent the day finding all of the pictures I had of him & painting a huge stone to mark his grave. I also made a little beaded string with one bead for every year of his life & attached his ID tag to the end of it. I just needed to have something beautiful to have around to remind me of him. Anyway, that helped me. That and simply allowing myself to grieve no matter how silly I felt. It seems silly, but it took me a long time to work through it -- months. To give you an idea -- more than once, I had to pull over to the side of the road while driving I would be crying so hard. I know some people have a hard time understanding grieving that much and for so long over a cat, but I needed it and I did it without letting myself feel stupid for it. I love my pets like family, and I have been fortunate enough not to have to deal with the death of someone I deeply loved, other than pets. Eli took the longest to get over, but I even grieved for a long time after losing each of my ferrets over the last few years.

    So, I think allow them to do something they want to do to remember them -- the stone is a great idea, the pictures are a great idea. Maybe make a scrapbook full of pictures & collars & whatever else? Just something you can look back on later to remember them and smile about. :smile: Doing stuff like that is what I have to do to work through it. And, most importantly, let them take as long as they need to work through it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Littlespy: Like you, I grieve long and hard for pets. When I was in high school, I was out of school two days when I had to put my horse down and even slept with his halter. For years, I wouldn't use the halter because it was Jack's. He passed in 1998 and it was 2008 before I used it on another horse (the horse I have now). I've lost a horse, four dogs and a cat over the years and I still get teary eyed (right now) when I think about how much I miss them. The two cats and the horse that I have now are more like children to me than any of the previous pets were so when they go, I'll probably miss work for a week or two!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I agree! Letting them make something to remember them by is a great idea. I wouldn't rush them through the grief process. It just takes time!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning girls!

    What an active thread...I did read all the posts but it is too much for me to post...I am so busy this week with my children being home (for most of the week) and my MIL is leaving this weekend so shopping during the day and walking teh state park's trail in the evening...

    Hopefully everything ( or somewhat everything) will be back to normal.
    It is really hot here as well...I live just outside of Philadelphia, PA...and temps are in the 90s( this is july weather) this week but we are expecting rain Tomorrow which is suppose to lower the temps down a bit...( or back to the norms for April)..

    Have a great day girls...and cris..love the challenge :)

    Check in 4/6/10
    calories: under
    water: yup..about 8 cups
    exercise: yup, took a trail that had hills..and walked on rocks and sand/dirt..burnt 489 calories..and walked 1 hour

    proud: that i accomplished the trail..even though my husbands wanted to go back ( he became tired 1/4 of the way) and i made him finish..so i didn't listen and go back...which would have been me a couple months ago...I love this new energy i have..

    I will try to check back later...love and miss you all :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oh, I have to tell you guys this because I seriously considered getting up in the middle of the night to log on and write this.

    So, my friend texts me the other day to ask if my boyfriend and I want to play paintball with them sometime next month. I was going to text back "NO" until this light bulb popped on over my head and I thought to myself, "I can outrun them...and I'm a better shot." I then texted back, "When and how much will it cost?"

    How bad is that?? Sure, it's an experience I can say I've done, but the only reason I said yes was because I know I'm in better shape than the others who would be going. They want to play three hours of paintball and I highly doubt any of them would have the stamina to last and hour if there was any running involved at all. I'm only going to agree if my boyfriend is on my team because we'd totally kick butt!

    Yep, I'm that competitive sometimes.

    Okay, I should be done with my postings for at least fifteen minutes now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather that sounds like so much fun! Don't feel bad I'm competative too! I will purposely not play games with people I know are going to own me. I get angry. This coming from a girl who has a kid use to get mad at Monopoly and just throw the board so we never really had a winner. :laugh: you think I had anger issues? HAHA!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- :laugh: :laugh: I am super competitive too, I totally relate

    Jess- that ticker looks mighty good on your girl, congrats!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I am on stalking mode again today, but in a much better mood :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather- :laugh: :laugh: I am super competitive too, I totally relate

    Jess- that ticker looks mighty good on your girl, congrats!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I am on stalking mode again today, but in a much better mood :tongue:

    Me too! I haven't been able to stalk all week!! I even told my manager I missed my stalking of the website!

    Thanks it's just moving right along. I've lost 3.4 since last Friday already. I hope this doesn't mean I'm going to plateau soon! I wanna be as close to under 200 as I can by my cousins wedding reception!

    On an exciting note for me. My bank has these company shirts we have to wear everyday. I refuse to pay for my own because they are crazy expensive so I have been wearing the big ugly baggy ones and they finally gave us money to buy new ones. They came while I was in training and I just got mine and tried them on and they fit sooo much better!! So excited it made my day! :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I was gone 15 minutes, right?

    Onederland: I just read your Beanery article and loved it! The pictures are great. I love the history of it all, which is part of why my boyfriend and I have become obsessed with the state parks. Someday, when we have more money to travel, we'd like to get to the national parks. For now, we'll do what we can, though!

    Okay, I'm really going to get some work done now. I have meetings most of the afternoon, so I"ll try to check back later if I can.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    How bad is that?? Sure, it's an experience I can say I've done, but the only reason I said yes was because I know I'm in better shape than the others who would be going. They want to play three hours of paintball and I highly doubt any of them would have the stamina to last and hour if there was any running involved at all. I'm only going to agree if my boyfriend is on my team because we'd totally kick butt!

    That's funny Heather! I have the same situation now (being in better shape than my friends) but it seriously bums me out! Like, when we go play tennis with our friends, they're toast after like 45 minutes. Then they leave me and I'm still bouncing around with a ton of energy. The my bf peters out on me like 30 minutes after that. WTF?! :laugh: And there I'm left standing, all ready to go & no one to play with. :frown: Last week after my bf gave up, I ran laps around the tennis courts to expel the rest of my energy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It's like I get all fired up about playing & then, BAM, it's over before it ever really even started. :tongue:

    Same with my family this weekend. My stepdad had gotten a new bike & they kept talking about how it was nearly impossible to make it to the top of their driveway without stopping (they have a really long pretty steep driveway. I mean, it's really long). My stepdad (ex army guy who's in pretty good shape, except for his slight beer gut) said he made it to the top but he thought he was going to have a heart attack after he got there. My mom said she could only make it halfway before she had to get off the bike & walk the rest of it. So yeah, I think "yeah right, it can't be that hard" and of course at this point I have to attempt it myself. So, I just start pedaling & my stepdad says "Oh, you'll never make it, you have to build up speed to make it." I just kept pedaling & changing into higher gears & about halfway up I thought "Wow this is easy!" And then, it very quickly got not easy. :laugh: But I just kept pushing as hard as I could & I so totally made it. And then I did it again just a few minutes later. :laugh: So, now, not only am I in the best shape out of all of my friends, but I'm in the best shape out of everyone in my family, too. At 5'4", 206 (ahem.. 208 this morning. I've gotten rid of 2 of the 4 pounds I gained between Sunday & Monday so far) pounds, I'm the fittest person I know (well, in my close social network, at least). Isn't that sad?

    I would totally kick butt in some paintball! :laugh: I'd be all over it if someone invited me.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG you guys can you imagine if we did a MFP over 200 club paintball group and we totally kicked everyone else's butt, that sounds sooo fun! I might look into paintball now hehe
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey littlespy, have you ever tried wall ball? not sure if that's what it's called a tennis ball and a tennis racket and you smack the ball againts the wall..it is so much fun too play with other people and it's also fun to play alone..

    my family tried to play paintball last summer when we were in WV on vacation but it was too expencive...like 75 dollars per person plus 100 for every can of paint...who knows maybe this year
  • Onederland
    Morning everyone :flowerforyou:

    Holy smokes, ya' all chatting up a storm this morning, lol
    I had to jot down notes, rofl.

    Littlespy...I gotta ask (keep in mind I live in the boonies and don't get out much)...what is Chocolate Greek Yogurt? It sounds soooo yummmmy. Sluuuurrrp. :tongue:

    Coloradogirl & Mstahl.....I am soo jealous of both of you and your eliptical training. You are both kicking BUTT. The last time I tried one of those fangdangled contraptions my arms would not cooperate with my legs, rofl and after like the first 2 minutes I was like "Alrighty...that was good for today"....LMAO. This was some years back, but I'm still not sure I could do it. You guys are AWESOME! :bigsmile:

    Cris...your making me drool talking about you mum's lamb. I haven't had lamb in some 20 odd years. I was born and raised in Scotland (still got the accent, lol)...and we used to have lamb every Sunday for dinner. Mmmmm...

    hajohnson, WTG on your jogging. I have tried jogging around my livingroom to my Walk It Out game, but even then I still require duct tape for the ol' twins, lol. Interval training is a great workout with a walk/jog/sprint technique. your doing great!

    I had to LOL @ the whole competitiveness thing..I too have a little competitivenessy (not sure if thats a word) streak in me especially when it comes to DishTV game...me and my hubby play the monopoly on their and ya know...I just cannot allow him to build them hotels before me. NOPE, it ain't gonna happen....:laugh: :tongue: ....
    Oh yeah which reminds me... he still owes me like $200 and a back rub from our last game. Thinkin I'm gonna have to take him to collections.

    I'm sore this morning from planting potatoes yesterday...rofl. My sides and mid drift are aching. Gonna play my Walk It Out game today and see if I can't stretch my muscles a little.

    Going grocery shopping this weekend. Highlight of my day is driving to the Super Walmart some 90 miles away, haha.
    I really need to get out more.

    Well, I better get my butt in gear. I think one more cup of 'mojo' should do the trick hehe.
    you all have a great day....will check in this evening.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    hey everyone. Today is quieter and I've decided to just work on my art at work instead of continuing to worry about the internet being gone. its already mostly blocked so I guess I'll just move on. In other news, its registration time and exam time soon and I'm overly stressed..but I still managed to get to 234.8, what a beautiful number. And I'm going to the gym today after a two week break so hopefully that will give my metabolism a nice shock and get some of these pounds off. THe last time I remember being anywhere near this weigth was when I was just starting college. I remeber seeing 225 on the scale and thinking it was alright. i remember seeing 235 on the scale and thinking Oh its just ten pounds. I remember seeing 245 on the scale and telling myself "I wont go over 250." evenutaly I ended up at almost 280. Its a slippery slope but remembeirng the way I acted then vs. how I act now concerning food and exercise, i have alot of confidence that this will be my last try. I'm doing it this time, no more excuses. I know what I want and who I am now and its time to take care of number one. Yes, life is hard...yes I feel like giving up alot but I know that I wont. and I cant. This is my life and I want it to be the best it can be for me and my family and friends, and the only way to do that is to take care of number one first. And I know all of you feel the same way already or are on your way to making this amazing discovery. I'm happy to be here even if I can't consistantly post or update my diary, I know I'm trying, and I know turning around will not happen this time. It will not happen ever again. Thankyou all for the help again, I love you ladies. Having you guys for a support group has been part of the reason I've gotten to this point. :flowerforyou:

    Anyway besides that, I didnt really log my food yesterday but I'm assuming I didnt overeat that badly. I'm going to start being a nazi about logging now, and going to the gym today will be good. Yayyyy. I hope this day goes by very fast....

    And awestfal, I'm so glad one of your friends is safe, I'll keep praying for everyone else.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Onederland - Chocolate greek yogurt is something I discovered a couple weeks ago. It's made by Stoneyfield (under the name Oikos) and it's AWESOME. Well, to me it is, anyway. But you could also make your own version out of strained yogurt (so it's thick like greek yogurt) and cocoa & sugar, I'm sure.

    PosMe- I have played wall ball by myself. One of the parks near our house actually has a wall with a line drawn on it at the height of a regulation tennis net so that you can practice by yourself. The problem is they put that wall right on one of the courts so if that court is occupied, you can't use it. And the thing with those courts is that they're always occupied because they're free lighted courts in a city park. :laugh: I don't have a good wall to play against at home. :frown: Maybe I should build one. :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    littlespy: the reason why i mentioned it was because we ( the family) play it downstairs in our basement..and now since the only cool place in our house is the Basement...Maybe you should build a wall..lol:laugh: with all that energy maybe you shold build a whole room...I wish i had that much energy... I am much more energized now than i was a couple months ago...more energy than my whole family...including my children...14, 13, and 4 years old...they keep telling me what did you eat today..and think you should stay away from the coffee..and i grin and say it not the coffee it how i feel about myself and i am accomplishing my 2 pound weighloss goal and that's what give me this energetic high...lol

    let me go, my son (4 y/o) wants to play wii sports resort...check back later..